Bet you can't answer this

Bet you can't answer this

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bcuz we wuz kangs n shiet

It's not fire, it's plasma


Take that Christians

Because the sun is the original fire and when we create fire we're merely summoning some of its energy, but the ritual requires oxygen to use, has nothing to do with fire, just the intonement of the spell

also solar power is draining the sun of its energy and causing the earths core to cool

believe it or not, that was once a legitimate question for humanity.

and of course, we now know better.




Because the -1000C' ice-sun has been dislocated from it and equilibrium demands balance.



>Bet you can't answer this
bet I can


Im trying to diet so badly to get from 189lbs to 150- 140 and now you lay this shit on me?


There is oxygen is space it's just much more spread out then in earth's atmosphere

how tall are you? 189 pounds sounds ok to me

I do hope you're trollin'.jpg

a diet of the body must also include a diet of the mind.

once you learn how to diet with the mind, dieting is easy as fuck.

Flat Earther?

I say we got a flat earther.




I'm 5"10 but got a lovehandles and thunder thighs.I'm trying like snack foods is easy to say no to but cheeseburgers and other food like that is rather tempting.

it's not plasma, it's liquid crystal

So what did the NASA-Jews tell you?

if that doesn't come with souce, it looks pretty healty and tasty

I can't believe it's not butter

it's not liquid crystal, it's liquid semen

it's fat as fuck

HEY! can we get back on subject!? we were discussing food

not sure if bait, but i'll answer anyway. The sun is a star made of hydrogen.


did you know that EVERYTHING you see around you was basically produced in a dying star? even yourself

it's not liquid semen, it's liquid benis

that e=mc2. and then they tested it, even though they didnt know if it was going to be true.

It's not on fire, it's an ongoing nuclear fusion reaction.



Jizz -_-

The north and the south pole emit magnetic beams which make the sun keep spinning. The sun has started spinning in about 10.000bc and the rotation movement made it go hotter and hotter until it was so hot it went automatically on fire. I just had this in space class, this is common knowledge

So the oxygen is inside the Sun...hmmmm...I didn't realize the Japs were defeated with good old oxygen, cool user, thanks........How many suns are there btw? Just 2?

Silly OP. Fire doesn't use oxygen to burn. It comes from the elemental plane of fire.



Aristotle actually said there were four elements, Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. Fire is a separate element and doesn't need oxygen (air) and Aristotle is never, ever wrong so it's actually a common misconception that fire requires air.



Two suns? Are you this retarded? That you refer to stars as suns? Has anyone in this thread graduated fifth grade? Holy shit.


that looks like an hard attack


nah it is really soft



Look, I know these are some high flying concepts for you, but listen, not everyone can get this stuff first time around. Read what I wrote more slowly.

Welcome to Sup Forums, fellow retard!

>Because the sun is the original fire and when we create fire we're merely summoning some of its energy, but the ritual requires oxygen to use, has nothing to do with fire, just the intonement of the spell
Youve been playing too many videogames son


Because God wills it so

That's a tall fucking burger

Are you fucking kidding me? Type in star and oxygen in Google you fucking muppet.

If you don't believe what's in this thread you are automatically smarter than these fucksticks.

i'm running out of food

The Sun isn't "made of fire". It's made mostly of hydrogen and helium. Its heat and light come from nuclear fusion, a very different process that doesn't require oxygen. Ordinary fire is a chemical reaction; fusion merges hydrogen nuclei into helium, and produces much more energy









> I see what you did there

Space is a very poor void, but the elements are not contained very well. It spreads so much that its virtually non existent. Gravitational force of sun keeps hydrogen and other matterial in the area.

The Sun doesn't need oxygen to burn. It is solar powered. DUH!

OK answer this one faggots
>when the first time device was invented how did they know what time it was????
Ooohh my brains crippled

Jesus fuck!

Because the sun is made of lava.

Someone gave birth to satan's spawn

It's not fire, and the heat is caused by fusion, not combustion.

it's nuclear fusion, not combustion.