Austrians and Dutch reject their right-wing populists

>Austrians and Dutch reject their right-wing populists
>France will elect Macron
>the US will remain the only civilized nation to have embarrassed itself with actually giving power to these cretins
Americans WILL defend this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Most young Americans despise Drumpf. It was the baby boomers that elected him.



Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Germany isn't even civilized anymore. You're letting the refugees and refugee cocksuckers run your country and soon enough you'll be the Islamic State of Germanistan.

Refugee crisis is islamization is overhyped by the media. I read it in the guardian.

He's packing more than just nuclear codes

>inb4 250 replies

This is going to be a quality thread

>German flag
>Doesn't use Photoshop poo version of this picture


>implying the thread will not just be people shitting on each others cultures and history

Are you new?

>The hat coming of

>Austrians and Dutch reject their right-wing populists

they've never been that high, actually, same for France

He farted so hard that guys hat almost blew off.

Britain started it with brexit. Anglo pride world wide

>Germans unironically would have voted for a candidate who
>1. was under investigation for breaking multiple laws in using a private email server and deleting records from those servers which were relevant to a federal investigation into her actions
>2. was endorsed by the CIA
>3. used underhanded strategies in both of her presidential campaigns
>4. was trying to goad the US into military conflict with Russia even before becoming president
>5. is LITERALLY a reptilian skinwalker

I'll take the fat orange buffoon, thanks.

She would never have even got to candidacy in any civilised country. American politics is a joke from the moment they start campaigning to when they leave office.

>France will elect Macron
Was making me cry part of your plan ? ;_;


Brexit is not going to change shit, socially-speaking

Most Americans view him as an embarrassment, but apparently the cartoon villain of Trump was better than the actual villain of Hillary.

Which one?

I could have replied to nearly half the posts in this thread, but I decided to reply to yours. Not because there was anything special about it but because you so simply said what all the Trump supporters believe.

Let me now explain why it will now happen.

Those of us who are #NeverTrump know in our heart that Trump is the end of our country. It is that simple.

His winning redefines conservatism as nationalistic, authoritarian, populism that seeks to solve problems the same way the world tried in the 1930s with catistrophic results.

We are students of history, we consider, think and discuss ideas. For a 100 reasons we cannot ... no WILL NOT vote for Trump.
In the years to come, the questions will come up, where were you? Did no one see it coming? Now you know... yes we did.

don't forget britain, they fucked themselves with brexit and now they're stuck with us lel

inb4 that one canadian. You know the one.

You're just doubling down on what you've wasted years trying to bank on.

Daily reminder the British youth is cucked af.

A dark, dark future, in Britain, Europe and in the world, fucking everywhere.

trumps campaign is over now

I remember when Bush was in power and everyone called Americans stupid for electing him. Oh sweet summer childs, we were so naive back then lmao Trump jesus christ whats wrong with americans.

Was Obama really that much better than bush tho

Not gonna lie, former Hillary voter here. This is hilarious watching Hillary crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this woman get the nuclear codes.

This has been one of 3 elections I've been aware of growing up and by far the most terrifying. I found myself turning into a ball of anxiety as the results got closer and closer to Trump winning, so I went to bed in hopes that I'd wake up to something happier.

But I didn't. Instead, I woke up with Donald Trump winning the election. A racist, ableist, homophobic, sexist, islamophobic man with no prior political experience. His Vice President is perhaps even scarier. A man that wants to repeal Roe v Wade, supports conversion therapy, and wants to repeal same sex marriage. So yes, I'm upset. I'm angry.

But mostly? I'm terrified. I'm terrified because I'm 16 and queer and a POC and all the amazing things that I've seen happen for the last 8 years of my life might be undone. I'm terrified because with a republican president and a majority in congress, I might not be able to marry. But haha, yeah, those silly liberals always crying when they don't get their way, right? So go ahead, write me off as a dumb kid that doesn't know what I'm talking about, but I'm absolutely terrified of the embarrassing decisions America made last night.

Okay almost last post for this election bs. But... if you voted for trump, you obviously have some sort of hate towards the LGBTQ+ community. This community is an enormous part of our country. And for you to not support that is very sad.

Trump has said that he will try to make gay marriage illegal once again. He has said he is for those terrorizing machines that try to shock kids out of wanting to be trans, out of wanting to be the dream gender they have always wanted to be but couldn't be before.

This saddens me that people are against their own family, friends, etc... I am completely disappointed in anyone that is on my friends list on here that discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community. I'm sorry but fuck you. (PS wow one bad word I don't need to hear anything about it, thanks)

10/10 reddit copypasta

Second place is first loser, my friend.

>millenials are smarter and more progressive than their parents

Wow, this is good news Pierre, thanks for sharing

>A dark, dark future, in Britain, Europe and in the world, fucking everywhere.

I'm living off the tears of alt-right who see the world like you do. The future is for us degenerates who mine the endless saltmine of Sup Forums.

but the salt mine is people crying about trump

Meh, I have enough distance to Trump to enjoy the feeling of superiority against dumb americans while stupid things he does doesn't affect me one iota. Win win situation with side dish of salt.

>according to the same polls that said hillary would win by double digit percentages

But he's not doing anything stupid

>germans are this angry that Trump wouldn't shake their whores hand

Get over it kiddos


this holy fuck. what a nation of passive aggressive fags

>Obama wiretapping claims
>""""Alternative facts"""""
>nothing stupid

Just following his twitter is enough stupidity to last me a life time of arrogance against alt-right

>anime poster

>>Obama wiretapping claims

>Russian hacking claims

>falling for twitter bait
meanwhile trump is doing and all you fags can talk about is muh twitter

mmmm alt-right salt, give me more

The alt-right has elected the most powerful man on the planet

They have nothing to be salty about, go write a news article about how Trump tapes his tie down.

>It was the baby boomers that elected him.

All of my boomer relatives were rooting for Rubio or the Zodiak Killer.


Why do these threads not get deleted when I get banned for talking about international relations and told to go to Sup Forums?

Because this is the shittiest board on Sup Forums and there is never any discussion here.

Like I said anything Trump does doesn't affect me one iota. Doesn't matter what he does if I get that sweet feeling of superiority. The "most powerful man on the planet" gets into twitter fight with Terminator lmao you can't make this shit up.

That's because you're a NEET

>it's a the country with merkel is shit talking other leaders episode
This board has mods?

Until he pulls out of NATO and Russia starts pushing west

mmmh even alt-right warrior like you understand that Trumps twitter wars are indefensible so you resort to adhoms. So much salt

I guess it was funny as a meme and everything. But now it's clear that he not only doesn't know how to govern a country, but that he is the biggest loser in the scene right now.
>Can't even control my president
>Every state leader thinks of him and his presence as an embarrasment
>He honestly thinks it's respect
>Delusional budget plans
>Can't even ban mudslimes
>Could have taken an Obama approach to immigration, but didn't.
The right is not inherently bad, but dumb people is.

His presidency is a joke to everyone that isn't a blind idiot, it's the equivalent of doing something embarrassingly stupid like putting diesel in your petrol car and playing it off saying "haha mistakes happen" which is the most American shit to say to begin with.

It doesn't matter if you don't think it's not embarrassing, the rest of the world and a good portion of our own country is actually humored by how stupid he is. American hegemony is over and it's because of him.

its photoshopped retard

What about it is embarassing? Give me 5 solid reasons, otherwise youre just a dumb bitchboy.

Because the media told me it was embarassing

Hopefully the Dems can put forth a candidate that's worth a shit, instead of behaving like a socially autistic, emotionless robot.

They're going to double down on SJW and PC culture and we're going to have another 4 years of Trump

Mattis can temporarily block him if he did anything rash like order a nuclear strike, by refusing his order, and it would look awful to fire that guy, so I'm not worried.

she was so terrible. what kind of politician runs a campaign about how they 'deserve' to be president lol

if this does happen it will be a sad sight to watch Europe burn in an odd firestorm of PC culture and Islamism
>you cant prove me wrong


Trump isn't really right-wing, though. He's more of a progressive compared to the majority of Republican politicians.

But most of the people in his cabinet are indeed right-wing cretins.

>1. was under investigation for breaking multiple laws
that was literally dead until trump brought it up over and over again
>2. was endorsed by the CIA
she was familiar with politics what did you expect
>3. used underhanded strategies in both of her presidential campaigns
welcome to big boy world
>4. was trying to goad the US into military conflict with Russia even before becoming president
she was married to Bill Clinton again what did you expect

>the alt-bertan strikes again

Kill yourself, you pathetic NEET.

>"justifying" one of the most corrupt politicians when you know for certain that she is a worthless bitch
Cant get any more cuckold than this...

should've elected bernie


>germans will elect a left wing populist who sucks even more refugee and islamic dick

Can't wait for more truckings

Bernie would have saved America but they had to force hillary

>old gun grabbing leftist sjw kike who wants to make us into the next sweden


Post this

>that was literally dead until the FBI* brought it up over and over again

>she was familiar with politics what did you expect
Some form of dissasication witn an agency that has overthrown democratically elected governments and killed thousands of people in the name of imperialism

>welcome to big boy world
"Since my wife has already fucked 20 niggers what does 1 more matter?"

>she was married to Bill Clinton again what did you expect
For the president not to start WW3

I'd rather an idiot than a warmongering evil bitch.


>le epic troll