The sun is green

The sun is green
we've been lied to the whole time
it is green (see pic)
try to prove me wrong (pro tip: you have no chance)

The color depends on the spectrum filter you are seeing it through. In visible wavelength color the sun is white in space. It has a yellow tint on earth due to our atmosphere filtering out colors.


Go back to school op

if i look at you through a faggot filter i dont see a difference
wrong answer

Lord English is here


The Hulk's dick is also green and I don't see you faggot causing such a fuss about it

That can't be the sun, you took this picture at night, look at the darkness around it.

its green

yeah mildly cyan/green but actually overwhelmingly white

It's yellow due the angle the sunlight travels through the atmosphere, it's white when it's directly above

Spoiler alert; white light is made up of all colors of light. White light has green light in it. Something is green only if all the red light is absent, leaving only the yellow and blue light.

The sky is blue because blue light is refracted in the atmosphere. That leaves yellow and red light from sunlight. This is responsible for change in sun color at sunsets, because the sunlight goes through more atmosphere to reach your eyes at that angle, than if the sun was directly overhead.

Its actually not a color at all seeing as nothing is inharently any color. All colors come from the brain when it interprets certain wavelengths of light. If we had different eyes and brains the sun and all things would appear to have different colors.

Isn't that what i said? You just have more detail

Our sun is mostly hydrogen, and hydrogen when exposed to a flame is orange.

Ergo it is not green.

Topkek, although you should have used bec noir or a first guardian

planck law says its green
the surface temperature is 5778K
this temperature equals green color

Wow I hate the sun now

This thread is actually pretty accurate for both arguments, I'm high af and this amazed me

guess i silenced all of the faggots that believe the sun isnt green
topkeks i win

Dis nigga got the smarts

so, you're saying that guy is 100% straight, manly, and all-round decent, because a "faggot filter" would filter out and remove all traces of faggotry.
and therefore, if they remain exactly as he was, then the entire appearance was 0% faggot.

Scientific illiteracy: that point where you accidentally compliment someone instead of insulting them, because you dont know how a filter works.

thank goodness someone around here has a clue about physics.


through a red filter you see red
ergo get rekt fkn piece of shit
you yourself dont have a clue about physics