Why don't they make bulletproof vests out of diamond if it is the hardest metal?

Why don't they make bulletproof vests out of diamond if it is the hardest metal?

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It's too heavy. 1 gram of diamond weighs something like 15 grams.

Because they are so expensive, they are not widely used, but the top special forces snipers used diamond bullets.

this is old. Try again later.

diamonds arent expensive. Just the jewelry quality ones.

that makes zero sense

Maybe for you, newfriend

So you mean cubic zarconium or whatever?


Even the jewellery ones aren't expensive at source, the whole thing was an advertising scam in the very beginning.


Gay Theory

Underrated post

Whats heavier a kilogram of cotton or a kilogram of steel ?...their the exact same

Steel because it's steel are you a dumb?


Your stupid mate, its obvious steel is heavyer


They are the same because niggers steel cotton

>calls somebody new
back to school with you

Why don't you drop both from a tower and sea witch hits the ground first

Diamonds are the hardest substance but very brittle. This means they're very hard to scratch but will break if you take a hammer to them. You're thinking of depleted uranium, which wouldn't even sent from sledge hammer hits.

Fuckin got me

1 gram of diamond metal weighs 15 gram of diamond cubic zarconia. Also, gasoline is now plastic and OP is a fucking idiot. Go back to school ya illiterate fuck.

Check em

sea witches are mermaids how the fuck do we drop them from a tower also a normal witch would fly away are you dumb?

Go back to school.

So many trips. Someone got sex.

you guys make me chuckle. I'm having a good morning.

diamonds are not metal op, sheesh go to school,

Then how is car bone fibre idiot.


Awesome point!

just stop justifying your position, you're just making yourself even more dumber to the public, like I'm so sad for your parents right now..

another stupid one..

the both of ya are killing me with this ignorance, you fucking twats.

>All the triggered newfag in this thread.

Today OP was not a faggot.

if you people wants to troll or be stupid in public, if you're gonna do it, DO IT HARDER, this thread is fucking lame.... the only reason I replied, is to get you educated, like wtf diamond are metal? what's next? corn is a plastic? sheesh

why does it repel to a magnet then??? You just copied that pic from wikipeda to look cleaver

it's from quora,

oh and "clever" not cleaver

how can i prove to you that your position is dumb if i don't have any another one telling how dumb you really are, like ur gonna believe someone if there is only 1 telling you how dumb you are, idiot


like i care...


look at you runing out of brainy words cos you lost, try again kiddo your oviously not as smart and copy things to act

I'm not even a kid..

You're a liberal, huh?

Why don't they make bullets out of diamond

>I'm not even a kid..
Your just a little mistake

Because diamonds are too flammable to stop firearms.

well u shuold know better than im done taking to someone with a brain of a kid
Because the gun isent strong enough to fire them and a dimond gun would be too heavy

is that it? that's the best u got, kek mate

>Because the gun isent strong enough to fire them and a dimond gun would be too heavy
wut about a golden gun?

They already have Teflar bullets which is non stick like the inside of a frying pan


Then you wouldnt need diamond bullets cos 1 shot kills anyway

Make an original thread faggot

Sounds like they'd just slip right through your body without doing much damage. Slippery bullets sound pretty dumb, what moron came up with that one

>hardest metal

jet fuel can melt diamond beams

If you pack cotton to the size of a pebble, then this is simple to prove

you post this thread 20x a day
fuck off

fucken newfag. do the world a favor and give a bj to a .357 magnum

Carbon is not a metal, and thus no product of carbon is metal either.

wtf you talkin about m8, diamonds are forever

carbon steel


but a headdhot would cause enough bleeding anyway. So they use it whenever somebody uses hostages as meat shields - they shot through the shield, the shield lives, and the kidnapper gets a headshot. Still dies in half an hour or so

>1 gram of diamonds is 15 grams

What the heck are you smoking user

check and mate

What he meant was 24 karat pure diamonds would weigh about 15 carats, because 1 carat = 1 gram


If they wanted less lethal bullets, they should just make them less weight, like maybe using bullets that are hollow on the inside instead of solid

its molecudes are denser so the same sizes are 15 times more weight so a gram of diamonds is 15 times heavier and weighs 15 grams. hope this helps. You should check out a guy called Ryan Cox, hes got a tv show and super good at explaining this kinda thing. Its really intresting

Jesus christ this whole thread doesnt know shit about weight and bullet functionality

It's not enough to stop the bullet from penetrating, you must also dissipate the force over a large area.

(I know it's bait, but at least it was fun bait.)

They do not use diamond bullets, they wouldn't mushroom on impact

Holy shit the amount of New in this thread, that diamond post from a few years back had me in tears and still gets me chuckling to this day

thats actually a really good , would save on materiel cost too

that's a good point. But then again maybe they don't want cheaper bullets, because they would earn less money? Better don't say aloud that you know this one simple trick to make it cheaper

Dude, I call total bs on that video. Nice troll though.
My dad is a firefighter, so I know what I'm talking about.

so the simplest thing to do is go learn about the physical properties of diamonds.
it will take you 5 minutes to learn why the hardest gem in the world is useless for practically anything other than jewelry and abrasives/cutting.

While diamond IS strong as hell. If you were to make a suit out of it, it would break in one punch. Diamond has certain weak points in it that will split in half.

That's also why the military makes radioactive bullets out of uranium

OK I'm stupid, let me rephrase my previous statement.

No product solely out of carbon and other non metals can become a metal

a diamond suit is ridiculous how would you move youre elbows

Lol ikr

tfw its saurday

Every heard of chain mail? Obviously you'd make diamond mail.

Dude, do you even moh hardness scale?

Not seeing the inception of trolls in this thread.


We need hammers and cars made of diemonds too

it sounds good in theory but if you made links and exposed the inner diamond it would rust to quick and would lose its flexibility

OP is a Master-Baiter

If diamonds are so hard, we should make diamonds from them hurrrrrr

>diamond hammer
lol do you realize how big the sparks would be when hitting a normal nail? youd need diamond nails too and that would be waaay to expensive.

hardness =/= durability

To all those armchair engineers saying that diamond is too brittle/etc., keep in mind that rifle-resistant plate armor is made from mud (same compounds, same basic crystal structure).

little to no vitrification though, vastly different crystalline structure

Your future fiance is gonna be one sad bitch when you whip out a mud engagement ring m8