Get over it already. It's sad at this point

Get over it already. It's sad at this point.

Pretty sure the whole idea behind the United States is that I don't have to bow down to whatever shithead is in power, no matter at what level. If you prefer autocracy so you don't have to think and make decisions for yourself, that's your choice.

It's not about the election stupid. It's about the next 4 years. Whether he's your guy or not, everyone should be holding anyone in office accountable.

Who let you out of your echochamber?

Get over the fact that we don't like the president. It's sad at this point.

Everyone I disagree with is a nazi. Must be comforting.

Like maybe these shitheads.

The left is in a death rattle.

Why are you even posting this off topic shit in the first place?

I, for one, welcome our new Russian overlords.

So is the constant gloating that your guy won. Just because your side sat around and just bitched about Obama, but didn't do anything. Then you shouldn't complain that our side are able to mobilize and protest.

Random, off topic

The new Red scare



Yes it is off topic you newfag
Random dosent mean you can post whatever you want, Sup Forums is for posting content that dosent belong on any other board , OP's post belongs on Sup Forums since he's trying to start a political conversaion.


b-but random is for "muh traps" and "muh gets"

This coming from the side which claims ostensibly to be on the side of fact-based reasoning yet denounce any who disagree with them as a cuck or an SJW, nor realising that there are many people who are against SJW's who still think Trump is a malignant ass tumour and want to have an unbiased conversation about it without you screeching autistically about making America great again (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean) and "FREEDUHM".

And when one of you is actually pulled up on the blatant hypocrisy you go
"kek I was just meming to trigger you libcuck".

You're an embarrassment.

Anyway, I'm not American so I'm not overly concerned about your politics personally. I just think your bullshit is worth calling out.


>gets mad because someone calls them cuck or SJW

>proceeds to call people racists, bigots, haters and retards.

Not as much as Republican supporter are after 8 years of sitting on their hands while Obama was in office

>doesn't know what a death rattle is

I think you mean death spiral. And you're correct





These thread are getting kinda stale.

Nicely said user


no shit sherlock