Some stars that we can see at night have already died and are black holes, we simply cannot see it yet?

Some stars that we can see at night have already died and are black holes, we simply cannot see it yet?

Do we know whether our own sun is still alive?
Maybe its already a black hole and we simply don't know it yet since it looks still normal!

Sun hasn't had enough time to go through its life cycle. If the sun died, a supernova would overwhelm us and we'd all burn to a crisp.

You retard I'll show you a black hole

The sun will collapse in billions of years. It first has to reach its red giant phase.

That's actually not true
if the sun would go supernove it would toss us out of orbit and earth would become a rogue planet or at least be shifted to an orbit further away so earth won't be "swallowed" by the sun

our sun doesnt have enough mass to will become a red giant and consume the earth in about 5billion years......if anyone is still about to see it

maybe it has already reached its giant red phase and we cannot see it yet since the light of the red giant phase has not reached us yet

The sun was alive and well 8 minutes ago, and everything we know about it shows it is still quite healthy.
So while anything can happen, it's not likely at all.

its pretty unlikely that the sun has just turned into a black hole, given the light takes 8 minutes.

>The sun will collapse in billions of years.

yes, but only into a white dwarf. It does not have sufficient mass to collapse into a black hole. (for a normal BH, it would need to be at least 3 times as massive as the sun to collapse into itself.)

do you know how light years work? we would see if the sun was a black hole

It takes 8 minutes to reach us. That's nothing to be completely paranoid about. Just go out and check every now and then if you feel like it

are you... ?
A. retarded
B. baiting
C. the black science guy
D. just a huge faggot

why is this funny to me?

Well it's possible we are in a black hole and the sun is just a ghost imprint in the universe but that's just a theory....a untestable quantum mechanics theory.

I like that you're asking questions user, but I'm sad that your public education has failed you.

How fucking high are you?

Stop being a fucking idiot

We can send shit to the Sun right now and take pictures of it

The su will never be a black hole


Yeha but maybe it already is. WHne I used to fly i used to have to use a cmopass

Dude really?! The sun is only 9.9million miles away from us, that's why it only takes about 8 minutes for us to get light. The closest star is about 4.5 light years away from us, so it takes about 4 years for the light (image) to reach us. If a star is 70 light years away it takes about 70 years for its light (image) to reach us. So yes, some distant stars could already have become black holes and we wouldn't know about it for the time it takes its image to reach us here on earth. If the sun had become a black hole, like other user said it would have engulfed us and already burned us to a crisp, but beyond that, it it defied all laws of physics, and just straight up imploded into a black hold bypassing the super nova stage, we would know almost immediately. Because it's image takes only 8 minutes to reach us, also we would be in range for it to start pulling us in...Nigger.

Light only takes 8 minutes to travel from our sun to earth

Wow Sup Forums. Took the bait.