Why are people mean when it comes to online gaming Sup Forums...

Why are people mean when it comes to online gaming Sup Forums ? Just played a game and I tried to do like you told me to just ignore and put away my anger issues but now I just feel sad.

Read a book. Clean up your room/apartment/house. drink some water. go for a walk.

idk it helps me but I don't play that much

also git gud

You guys are my books I just read you. I don't read the most intelligent things sometimes here but you guys always make my day.

They're mean because there is no responsibility for the things you say and no possible repercussions for being a cunt.

What's your problem and what advice were you given?

I have anger issues when I get angry I just lose control of myself and I don't wanna get into details but I just go mad. People told me to just go with it you can't change people and they are bound to say retarded things and be mean some guy talked about fatalism which is kinda sad but at the same time being this sad keeps me calm.

The people you're playing with are 12 years old on average. If you actually have anger management problems seek professional help

You sound like you probably have a pretty significant mental issue but it is possible to try to normalize your behavior. It'll just take a long time to do. Are you saying if you try to control your anger you just end up sad? And that people being cunts online can cause an episode of intense anger?

I know but still the fact that I can't punch those fags pisses me off and I thought about seeking professional help but the only thing they're going to do is give me pills.

Honestly man sounds like you're a whiny little bitch. Does that piss you off? You can't do anything about it just move on

Yes I know it sounds dumb but recently those episodes of intense anger got more and more frequent and violent to the point that I hurt myself and before I tried to control it while being normal but I just had those moments when for a sec in the middle of calming myself I just lose it and start going mad and so far sadness is the best way that I found to stay calm.

Yes it does a tiny bit but it ain't that much so I don't really mind you saying that.

Try sucking a black cock while playing. It will feel good and possibly replace the video games altogether

Nah I'm racist I can't sorry.

You fucking pussy. I just called you a whiny bitch and you can't do shit about it.
Maybe ill fuck your sister too

Move on to where? Where is this location? I need a map

She's already gone black. You can't possibly ruin her any more. Have fun

hell yeah i'll hold her down while he plows her in the stinkhole. then we'll call gram gram into the room and have some real fun

The thing is that you're making me laugh at this point I don't get angry over basic insults that much .

You shouldn't be laughing. That makes you a bitchmade nigga

Interesting. I'm not saying it's dumb or anything, I'm mostly just curious about it and if I can offer any advice. Are you saying you're intentionally making yourself sad? Instead of getting angry? Are you on any medications?


Err.....how old are you, OP. Lol!
The best way to play online is with your friends, don't expect much politeness from random stranger around the globe who are mostly a bunch of minor faggots who will keep threatening to hack you every fucking minute.

It's like there's a cave and many people can't understand it since there's probably another problem. I just take ibuprofen

>meanwhile atop s
What does this mean?

I'm not on medication that's what I'm trying to avoid and yes and no, thinking about the fact that I can't do shit and people are bound to be retarded makes me sad but because this sadness holds my anger, the anger that I hold and can't express becomes sadness and I end up very sad.

Nice bathroom you got there pal.

Why are people 'honest on the internet' ?

cause they can be.

Just move on to something nicer. like put on some music for a bit :-)

I used to have anger issues too OP.
What I did was just to actively keep it in mind whenever something would happen and decide whether anger was an appropriate reaction or not.
You don't have to become a saint, just an average person who has their few peeves like anyone else.

Having you been taking your dubs and trips lately? It's not safe to go off dubs or trips without the guidance of a physician.

Minecraft is best

I'll try but sometimes it's just so sudden I don't even have the time to think but I guess with time i'll manage.

I'm too edgy for that.

A friend of mine also used to have severe anger issues - he's overcome them for the most part, though I've never pressed him on how. For the most part when he gets upset he just retreats and listens to music now, instead of losing control. Ironically, it's metal, which I'd think would make the problem worse, but I guess it helps him channel it.
As for the sadness thing, apathy does take the bite out of feeling angry, but that's pretty sure-fire going to cause depression if it's your primary coping mechanism.
Last off, people are dicks in games because people are always dicks, and that's one of the few anonymous outlets for it. I've found FPS and moba games are the most caustic, and MMO communities are typically the most chill.

Had the same problem and it took me a while too.

>things i say to myself multiple times a day

Try and listen to music while you're playing. More specifically, upbeat and happy music. That's what I do if I start getting pissed off at video games and it works quite sufficiently for me. Personally I use the music from the routes and doing certain actions like riding a bike from the Pokemon games. Most of that stuff is light and sounds really good, plus for me it reminds me of my childhood when things were simple and such. Best of luck, mate,

I've always been some kind of depressed individual even at a young age and I learned to deal with it it's nothing too bad this is just now a part of my personality.