Are aliens real?

Are aliens real?
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Yes and they're going back.

This guy gets it

The things in your photo, or the ones described by inbred redneck hillbillies aren't real, but there has got to be intelligent life somewhere, it's too vast for there not to be

Ayyy lmao

With the gargantuan amount of galaxies, solar systems and possibly even multiverses, its almost absurd to deny the existence of alien life.


You could even take it from a religious angle. Why would god stop at making one race? Or better yet, how many did he make before he got to us? How many did he fuck up before he succeeded with us? How many angry castoffs are jealous and are coming for us, right now.

If there weren't the universe would be a huge waste of space.

I agree. I honestly think science is a religion in itself. Every scientific discovery we make only leads to 10 new questions, and when you take into consideration how small we are compared to the entire universe its rather saddening.

What are you doing user

Undoubtedly, there is life elsewhere in the universe. Is it complex and conscious? Probably some of it.

Would it look like a human with a big head and no/little nose? Nope.

"Grey Aliens" are just dolphins from the future. They've evolved, taken over where we left off/went extinct, and they use advanced time-travel to do research on their own past, which we are a part of.

I think out of all the theories out there, i buy into the simulation theory more than any other. In which we are just living in some quantum computer program and everything we see isnt "real." HOWEVER this then brings into question "Well how did the universe that the quantum computer exists in come to be?" So it would end up in an infinite amount of simulations. Or maybe there are actually answers to everything in that universe... we'll have to wait and see...

LEL Saying we are a success.

It's just us user. Only a sliver of material elements made during the big bang survived and the earth got lucky getting the selection of elements it did.

We are lightning in a bottle. So honestly it's probably just us.

yea fuccin hot ones imo

okay so i'll bite.
if you believe that the universe is truly infinite then there is a 100% chance for anything allowed within the laws of our universe to happen. this means that there is life somewhere out there it may be millions of light years away and it may not even be civilized but rest assured it is there.

You would be a fool to not believe that other life forms don't exist. Think about how many species we have on our planet. We've barely even have an understanding of how vast space truly is.

The human mind is something that we think is marvelous to behold, yet we still don't fully understand its funtionality. How do we know that there aren't entities that can perceive reality far beyond our comprehension? If we can exist, so can these beings.

One evening, when I was a young man, I spent one Summer's night fishing with my Brother and Father. I've always been hyper vigilant, my gaze steadfast and true. On this very night, my understanding of the universe was shattered in mere seconds.

The night sky was as clear as the Jamacan shores, filled with stars that covered the darkness like a blanket. The glow from the city lights polluting the airways. As we all sat quietly, fishing lines deep under the lakes surface, I spotted something above the treeline.
It was a silver craft, shaped like an oval, emitting a soft blue light from the rear. It hovered in the sky, not moving, no sound to be heard. It vanished in an instant, faster than anything I've ever witnessed. My father and brother both spoke up, confirming what we had just witnessed. Too this day, beyond a shadow of a doubt, i firmly believe that aliens exist.

your dumb the earth is flat so no "Planets" like ours exist idiot

theres aliens. I am "schizophrenic" I telepathically recieve communications from them all the time.

does this count?

The vast majority of the visible universe is made out of carbon, hydrogen nitrogen, oxygen, and silicon, and they also happen to be the components of life. The universe is so large and enough time has past that planets elsewhere have formed. We've literally found over 200 just like earth, and there are billions in the sky