Give me some deep shit

Give me some deep shit

Shit that won't let me sleep

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The world is run by a child-sacrificing, Satanic cult.

Communism can work


It is very possible that your life, if better managed, could have mattered.


>shit that won't let you you sleep


>your serious regrets
if you have any


Jews did 9/11

YES! Well, I like to think so...

you wanna start something

I'm a fan of real Communism. Believe me, just believe me, it works.

>oh hey a thread that isn't porn

>real communism
always one last execution away from utopia

The key to happiness isn't a search for meaning. It's keeping yourself busy with unimportant nonsense because eventually you'll be dead

its a 4 step process
first mixed economy
then socialism
the communism
then anarchism

levels are supposed to be divided into soviets
are the people just groups of them

yeah im pretty sure anons sarcastic

The process of thinking about what would make you happy and how to achieve it is the exact process responsible for making you unhappy.

no matter how hard you try, you'll probably become irrelevant in +10 years after death, and in +50 years after death people will hardly know you even existed in the first place

The good guys lost WWII but won vietnam

if we have eyes for sight, ears for hearing, nose for smelling, etc. what if we are missing another usefull bodypart to feel another natural phenomenon like magnetism

>People still think the US lost Vietnam

Do you have any idea how many gooks we killed?

you are dead and this is hell

We are in an enclosed flat simulation of reality that is corrupted, society is all a lie to make you conform to the corruption.
The real you is a quantum field of consciousness called a soul.
Everyones life comes down to a choice, choose to follow the Creator or the your desires for the fool's gold of the simulation.
This simple choice determine your eternal life in the real analog reality.

He still watches you.

This is as useful as a schizophrenic's unintelligible babble. Let me guess, you go to raves?

girls have the ginatingle

After you die, it will feel just like it did before you were born.

That's teleology and not how evolution works


in short, what user was trying to say is life boils down to one choice, to be a good person, or to be a corrupt person and seek out fame and fortune and comfort with no regard for morality. Life is a game, and those who were good will be rewarded once the game is over.

We have iron deposits in our noses, that's why we have a "sense of direction"

You are a psychological masochist who enjoys all of your pain and struggle.You want to be kept up at night because part of you would love to feel disturbed.

>The person you could have become

That's so vague as to be meaningless

Ted Bundy could have become a deadbeat father of four or the CEO of a company

Which potential do we meet?

You think Hitler lost ww2

>Do you have any idea how many jews he pwned?

Reality is just your brain's interpretation of its surroundings.

You're a living, breathing contradiction. You're living and dying at the same time.

Wow, haven't heard that one before!

Every insignificant moment that passes is just another contribution to the mountain located on the planet of information that you do not know.

The largest demographic of survivors of getting lost in the wilderness is toddlers aged 6-11. Why?


Heat death is inevitable, but we can prolong the life of the universe by conserving as much energy as possible.


they are here, but they are not like what they are depicted as

Dubs or more

Nothing is born,
all things are created.
The world is your enemy,
and defeating an adversary requires deceiving them.


The human brain named itself.


Except for things that are actually born, like mammals, reptiles, crustaceans, birds, reptiles, fish, cartilaginous fish and so on...
If the world is your enemy and you defeat them by deceiving them, how do you deceive a planet?
This isn't deep it's stupid.

The screwworm epidemic is coming.

colors can't be confirmed as the same through another person's eyes.

there is no logical argument against veganism
and due to the backfire effect, a lot of vegan activists work hard for almost no change

there will be a point at which we reach critical mass of resources and pollution due to animal agriculture because of the billions of animals and their feed that reside on hundreds of thousands of acres of land

veganism is going to either be forced upon us or we will change before that happens

Another know it all philosopher who is probably around 20 years old but has the mental age of a 10 year old.

How does storing energy prevent the sun from exploding?

Yep. That's why you never sleep. Bush did 9/11.
Why would you want to know everything anyway?

>animals and humans are created through sex
>the world meaning people
>Think before you post.


You know what, I don't know.
Live in bliss and let me know how that works out for you.

Okay edge lord.

>there is no logical arguement against veganism
>god is real
check mate athiests

Life is the way to death.

Behold: dubs

why does she put on make up


Explain to me why you would want to know everything. You said it, you want it to be edgy. Explain it.

killing time?

>Not knowing the difference between having sex and giving birth.
Think before you post.


t. naive 18 year old

better start with this reactionary

mirrors aren't real and neither are our eyes

Your mother should have swallowed.

The concept of a finite universe and infinity in all directions

I came.

no they wont

the line between love and hate is like a mirror, abundance of love turns into abundance of hate once he/she leaves you. its stupid but true

I saw.

i lol'd

I threw up in my mouth a little.

So things are born? Because you just said 'Nothing is born' then went on to be a retard and say 'in order for them to be born.
Think before you post.

All vision is a mental interpretation of light hitting your eyes

someone must have loved me a hole lot.

Whoa calm down Jayden Smith.

Dubs or die old man. No, I mean you.

> All vision is a mental interpretation of light hitting your eyes UPSIDE DOWN
fixed that for ya

Birth, also known as parturition, is the act or process of bearing or bringing forth offspring.[1] In mammals, the process is initiated by hormones which cause the muscular walls of the uterus to contract, expelling the fetus at a developmental stage when it is ready to feed and breathe. In some species the offspring is precocial and can move around almost immediately after birth but in others it is altricial and completely dependent on parenting. In marsupials, the fetus is born at a very immature stage after a short gestational period and develops further in its mother's pouch.

It is not only mammals that give birth. Some reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates carry their developing young inside them. Some of these are ovoviviparous, with the eggs being hatched inside the mother's body, and others are viviparous, with the embryo developing inside her body, as in mammals.

Just ah, so you know what it is.

what came first, the chicken or the egg?
While you figure that out, I'm gonna go get some sleep, I'm tired and your deliberate nitpicking is irritating me worse than a hemorrhoid

Death is just the absence of all senses and consciousness


everything in existence is unnecessary including existence itself.

In space ... no one can hear you cum.

it's possible that all matter in the universe exists in an unstable state, and at any moment it could collapse to a more stable state destroying the entire universe in a blink of an eye.

dude like we are like
all one and like
that means we are like all the same dude dude

kek came to that conclusion b4 j s was a wet dream in a black mans pants

How is it nit picking?
And the chicken came first, in evolutionary standards the mutation come before it can produce off spring, so the original life form would of given birth to a mutation that then went on to produce others. It really isn't a hard question you ignorant fuck.
But that aside, that isn't what were talking about. We're talking about the difference between reproduction and birthing, something you seem to not know anything about but like to make edge lord statements on.

According to whom?

Suck on my trips

In your lifetime, you have prolly drunk water that was once piss.