What movies are this fun but stupid overall?

What movies are this fun but stupid overall?

Has a bit more of an over the top and "jokey" feel, but I love it for the same reason I love John Wick.

downloading the yify rip. hopefully it's as fun/.

Hope you enjoy it, user.

thanks m80m8

John Wick is really special, the action was really well done. I'm glad to see Keanu in a good film with world building, as I'm a big fan of some of his movies. I have liked him since Devil's Advocate came out.

This movie is much more farce then John Wick was, but still fantastic with 3 amazing actors (Owen, Bellucci, and Giamotti). If u watch Shoot Em Up just remember Clive Owen is like literally playing a Bugs Bunny character (carrot eating and all quite literally).

John Wick was action-kino. You could try The Raid if you haven't seen it


I really liked Crank, two was pretty okay too. They're on my list of terrible movies that I like for ineffable reasons.

not really action but


This movie is a trip. Giamatti is great in this. Not to mention the lactating hooker

this isn't even fun.


This movie is pretty cool. Part period piece, part horror, part martial arts/fantasy. Some cheesy parts, but not like they smell bad or take over the movie's style, really well shot for the most part. A bit of dated cgi.

Also, it might just be due to similar visuals and backdrop but I feel a bit of this was another influence towards Bloodborne.

It's fun.

I remember it for the most retarded plottwist I have ever seen in a movie.
>character has no hand for most of the movie
>big reveal time comes up

Dark Souls 3 Abyss Watchers :^)


That fight scene in the beginning where the indian guy takes out all those bandits in the rain is so cool.

I was surprised by this movie. I thought it was really well put together dumb fun. I enjoyed it a lot while also recognizing that it was silly.

It's not a movie, but the Scream TV series is also well put together dumb fun.



but then i do have a hardon for both sean young and attack helicopters.

Watched it last night again and the first a couple nights before that. I'd have to say the same for both desu. The first is better overall though.