Actual atheist here. ask me anything

actual atheist here. ask me anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is it true that jesus was a pedo?

> invisible flying jew can see what u do
> magic ovens that can incinerate jews in 15 seconds
> iran launches nukes that say death to Israel in Hebrew

Jews are a truly magical people


Why you not agnostic?

Are you a nigger faggot

to be agnostic to one god means you have to be agnostic to anything that "can't be disproven"

you can't disprove that there are invisible giant teapots orbiting the sun to me.
you cant disprove that there is always an invisible unicorn following me.
but you wouldn't go around claiming to be agnostic about those things do you? because they're ridiculous. Same thing with religion.

Oh i get it. becuase you said "nigger" and "faggot"
don't cut yourself on that edge

Atheist and Agnostic are not mutually exclusive because a/theism addresses belief while a/gnostic addresses knowledge. They are different axes.

This makes four possibilities: A gnostic theist (one who believes in god/s and claims to know it for certainty), an agnostic theist (one who believes in god/s but doesn't claim that it's possible to know for certain), a gnostic atheist (one who doesn't believe in god/s and claims to know they don't exist), or an agnostic atheist (one who lacks belief in a god and doesn't claim it's possible to ever know for certain).

Most atheists fall into the latter category, and most self-identified "Agnostics" are atheists without realizing it, because the sole criteria for atheism is "lacking the belief in a god or gods." If you don't actively believe, you're an atheist.

*Tips fedora*

actual good points, user.

are you sure you replied to the wrong person?

Hahaha, holy fuck, yeah. Wrong person. Still worth it.

I am also an atheist, respect to OP

thats the cool thing can CHOOSE not to belive in anything or anyone and its ok because its your desicion,,so therefore those that do choose to belive is their choice too ..soooo its simple you little moron..and try to grasp it,,,you belive what you want and they bbelive what they you get it???? i doubt it

What the fuck are you trying to say?

Its true that you can believe what you want, but that does not make it true.

yes, thats what athiests tell religion fags

OP have you read the god delusion? Dawkins also uses the teapot example.

why are you such an edgy faggot

I haven't but i really want to. I go to a christian college and I don't want to ruin my reputation by someone finding that book.

why are you such an easily manipulated idiot?

that im high as fuk.and everyone has a right to belive whatever the fuk they want ..and said rights should be respected by all parties..

How's freshman year going?

pretty good if he already knows God isn't real. Most people go their entire life without figuring that out

The correct answer is that agnosticism and atheism aren't mutually exclusive. You are an agnostic atheist, stop making us look dumb by conflating knkwledge and belief. Epistemology 101 pls.



how many feet do you have

that was a shitty year

>christian college
Enjoy everyone in the professional world thinking less of your degree.

how's using a dead meme going?

Do you actually eat babies?


its only for my bachelors, im getting the fuck out for grad school

this is a common misconception, we only eat babies on special occasions like christmas or our birthdays.
babies are expensive.

Your rights to your beliefs should be respected, but no one has to respect your beliefs.

Nuf said

Christian colleges - the only places where you have to get the answers wrong on the science test to pass the class.

well, i certainly dont respect christianity

Why do you think we give a shit?
Edgelord faggot

The science teacher is actually pretty chill and he attempted to teach us evolution one class.
but the students just didnt have it and at one point were yelling at him that he was an idiot.

Not true.

i dont think you know what "ask me anything" means


you poor or something? i eat babies every weekend.


made a whole post about how little he cares.

You are really bad at trolling.

college tuition, man. had to cut down on babies.

Will you apologize to your parents as soon as you grow up?


You know of other places?


Georgia public schools


do you believe in god?


that's fucking depressing


Beliving in a god or gods are for poeple afrade of the dark, and simple minded idiots who can't think for them selfs, they follow the maases blindly and blame there shit on a fairy in the dark!

that meme is going to rise from the grave in 3 days

My stomach hurts
