I want to kill myself...

I want to kill myself, how do I silently break into a metal safe with an electronic 0-9 pad lock in order to reach the guns inside and kill myself.

Probably has key for backup. Learn to pick locks.

Just use a helium exit bag or jump from a high height. There isn't any easy way to break into a safe.

It is in a cabinet which is locked with a key. I can pick that. The safe inside has no key backup. Just a 0-9 pad and a swivel to open.

I want to die tonight. I don't have a helium bag or high height to jump from.

pics? There are ways, but depends on model.

Can't parents are downstairs, but are light sleepers. I want to be semi confident I can at least try to get it open before I open the cabinet

You can wait, faggot. Blasting your brains open in the middle of the night - waking your parents to come see you brains on the walls is a dick move.

Plan it out more, fuckhead.

2 5 8 4 6

>take safe if you can
>get super glue/ strong industrial adhesive
>buy a rope that is longer than you are tall so distance from safe is safe
>take electronic safe to a height greater than 3 stories as altitude affects what you need to do next
>at least over 100m going up - strong wind needed
>tie the rope to the safe and your neck
>use super glue to glue ur anus shut
>jump off roof
>you hang yourself without shitting yourself
>neck snaps then safe follows you over the edge
>falls from a great height and breaks open, hopefully on you already dead
>breaks open
>gives free guns to onlookers who don't have to deal with your poop or poopy guns

Do you even have a good reason for wanting to die or is it something stupid like a girl breaking up with you?

At least have enough respect to not steal someone else's tools for the job. If you plan on dying then surely you could blow your savings on a gun or something.

I don't care about my parents or my family. I don't care what they find or how it scars them as long as I'm dead. All I want is to die.

Find a pic online of the same safe. Never heard of one without some sort of mechanical backup for an electronic keypad.

I don't have good reason, I make good grades, have a few friends. That being said I think that as cliche as it is, life sucking is enough of a reason to kill myself.

Well then fuck you. I would give you advice on how to suicide, but you don't deserve it.

Enjoy your suffering and inability to die, faggot.

go listen to Linkin Park and cry yourself to sleep.


Parents anniversary

shut the fuck up


Get garroting wire
Go to tall building
Tie garroting wire to something sturdy
Put around neck
Glue hands to head

I want to die because i want to die, life sucks. It's as simple as that. im not some romantic needing some special reason do die. I just want to. Also, I don't care about my parents because why should any of us care? I feel no obligation to them just because they raised me. Whatever happen after I die isn't my problem.

shut up vince

No high building
No wire

okay man, i was just asking. good luck dying.

Any advice, preferable something I could do tonight?

you win one internet

what particular aspects of life suck so much to you?

To tell you the truth, nothing. Of course I have stress and such but nothing is really all that bad. I just want to die, no poumposs cause or emo hate attached. Please just kill me I want to die.

Guys, this asshole is not event trying to kill himself, he just wants to know how to open his parents' safe and rob them blind.
He knew you would help him out if you believed he'd kill hemself.

You just don't kill yourself, because science

Why would I want to rob my parents if I could just end my suffering and have no need for money?

What science?


There's clearly more going on here. Think about something specific that brings on these suicidal feelings and come back to me with it. I'm sure there's a lot of them, just pick one out even if it's not the biggest reason.

Nobody's gonna help him get into the safe. At best he'll get a mix of alternative suicide advice, trolling, and people trying to talk him out of it. You're thinking way too deep into this.

killing yourself is so fucking stupid i cant even..

i know you wont believe me when I say this OP, but, if you kill yourself you have to start back from square one and do all of this over again, potentially with further penalties. each time your quantum self fragments a little bit more, you lose a bit of cohesion, and you will either end up going in circles trying to reform or you will shatter into nothing, empty black. This is not what you want, your self deserves to escape this hell-hole, we all do as representative functions of the very prison that contains us.. I hope you come to your senses OP.

That being said, the only real way is to try combos 1-9999, hopefully by the time you reach it you realize how fucking stupid and selfish of an idea this is

So basically Red vs. Blue when Church was stuck inside the Epsilon memory unit?

Well a majority of the time suicide leas to death.

Now recent polls suggest that death is bad so logically suicide is bad. therefore you should not do this.
Also you'll be contributing to unnecessary gun deaths and i really don't think you should give the left that much more power.

This concept of a quantum self intreagues me, care to explain?

I too would like an explanation.

Here is a reason life. All of our lives are basically the same. If I continue to live I will: go to college, start a career, marry someone, maybe have kids, get old, die. First this sounds like the most boring thing in the world.
Second, if I can imagine my whole life happening right now why should I live it.
Third, I dont want to live some boring sheepish life in a world that doesn't care and that I don't care about.

idk about what that guy said but there's also a theory in quantum mechanics where you never observe your death from your own perspective. i.e. if you try to kill yourself, then from the perspective of everyone else you'll succeed and be dead, but from your own perspective you always end up in one of the infinite parallel universes where you survived. same applies to everyone you know who has died, from your perspective they are dead but there's a separate timeline where they survived that they are currently seeing in their perspective.

Why silent, you'll be dead later anyways

ask your dad for the combination loser

So we are all immortal? I could see this happening with something like preventable accident, but what about old age. A person can't just keep getting older and older.

Silent so that they don't stop me before I pull the trigger

yeah life is generally pretty boring, but if you can muster up the motivation then nothing's really stopping you from doing something to make it exciting. consider picking up a dangerous hobby or career that could potentially kill you, then at least if it doesn't end up exciting you you'll still probably die like you wanted.

motivation is tough though, i haven't really figured that part out myself. i can't even find the motivation for suicide, there's plenty of days where I want to die and this house has guns that aren't locked up, but getting to them would require a ladder or something and i don't even want to get out of bed in the mornings, let alone drag a ladder upstairs or stack a bunch of shit or just generally bother putting any effort into anything.

hey, here's a thought: join the military or police. those dopes will straight up hand you a gun and once they've done that they can't really stop you from turning it on yourself. shit, it could even just be a private security firm or something, that might be even easier.

>Second, if I can imagine my whole life happening right now why should I live it.

do you think imagination and thoughts have as much reality as physical reality? Just because I'm fucking a pussy in my mind doesn't mean I don't have a hand on my cock too.

it depends on the padlock but ive done it b4 by taking the arm part of the padlock pulling on it and rotating the last wheel until it clicks then the second to last and so on