How do I break up with my gf? I lost my virginity to her 2 years ago.(23 now)

How do I break up with my gf? I lost my virginity to her 2 years ago.(23 now)

I still deeply love her but for my own good I can't stay with her. Her negativity is rubbing on me in a bad way. She treats me like shit and is a complete narcissist.

How do I break up and never go back to her again?

Do you live together?

Show her this thread

Nop. She has her own place.

You have to text them, say you're coming over, then say basically what you said here (focus on the fact she treats you bad - no one will admit they're a narcissist) and walk out and get a beer.

It's going to suck, but if you're sure it's what you want just lay it out straight. If you guys really aren't doing well she might see it coming.

But first, make sure you have somewhere to store your car, change any locks, and make sure she doesn't have access to your social media or anything else important.

Then sit her down and give her the talk. Preferably not somewhere public as it will let her make a scene. If you think she might get violent and wreck stuff, do it at her place, and be prepared to vamos and not look back.

Don't answer your calls, delete her from social media for the time being.


"I fucked your brother, because he's tighter than you."

queue end of relationship

Tell her you're gay. Apologize for having her as your beard. Fuck a guy in the ass if she doesn't buy it.

She's my first gf. I cheated on her 1 time but really regreted it and kept it a secret for 1 year. I caught her flirting on a dating app with a fake account and revealed her the truth.

We have broken up like 3 times but always go back together lol. She's extremely hot and I get to sex her every single time so it's hella addicting.

Never had sex with any girl before her and she had sex with 10+ guys.

Then you can't poop on her in her sleep

That's the thing, you're both pretty much using each other as a matter of convenience. The only way you'll break up proper is if you divorce her out of your life for a good while. If you still hang out, talk, or fuck you won't be able to separate from each other.

Went through the same thing, broke up with my ex after four years but didn't cut it off for another year. For that year we were in this weird limbo where neither of us would go our separate ways. It took me literally breaking contact for her to give us space. She moved away a few months later.

It will suck, you'll probably be sad in the short term, but if your relationship was not working out hopefully it will be better in the long run.

If what you say is true about her being a real narcissist then convince her that breaking up with you will benefit her in some way. Maybe try to squeeze in how much attention she will get from friends trying to console her when she is "sad about the break up"

I'm not using her tbh, I truly love her lol.
I don't feel like she really loves me tho.

I didn't really mean using her, the person. More just using the situation.

It's comfortable being in a relationship, and easy to fall back into your comfort space if the opportunity arises. So long as you're both available, and in contact, you're both liable to fall back to old habits.

I definitely empathize with you, and your situation. I still love my ex, but I made the move to split up properly after trying to "stay friends" for a year. It might be possible for some people, but for us we just ended up back in the same place with the same arguments.

If you feel you cant do it face to face, just text, who the fuck cares after all

Same here mate, I want to break up with my gf a time now, but i dont know how. She lost her viginity to my 3yrs from now and her still very deep in love with me. Don't get me wrong I still love her, but not in the same way that I did yrs a go, I love her more like a sister thant a lover, you know....

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Why do you people put emphasis on the fact you lost of your virginity to them? It legit makes no difference.

You forgot to add
>pic unrelated

I'm not trying to offend you, but here we go. I really doubt that you aren't a virgin. For a specially a girl, lost a virginity is a big thing. You, belive it or not, creat a bond with the person. She will remeber me for the rest of her life mate.

Been in the same boat my nig. Leave. Ain't no sense in stressing yourself trying to change a chick like that. They are too selfish.

Also don't lock yourself into a relationship with a girl just cause you were each others' first. She aint having your kid. You are not trapped yet. Leave while you can.

Not offended by what you think, not a virgin, just losing it years and years ago - it really didn't matter and wasn't that big of a deal.

If you can't get over the person you lost your virginity to, then you are holding onto things of the past. It can be as special as you like, but trust me when you grow up a bit, you'll forget about it.

I agree with this guy. The bond you create doesnt last long if the person you are with is shitty. It's hard at first but you have to get over that and leave because if you dont you will regret wasting time trying to fix something that keeps breaking