About to watch this. What am I in for?

About to watch this. What am I in for?


swine intercourse

absolute PT "Cruiser" Anderson nonsense

A lifetime of being stalked by Scientologists with cameras.

Pig Fuck

A cult leader tries to help an alcoholic pervert, but the alcoholic pervert is too stupid to be helped. That's pretty much it.

Great acting and some pretty shots. Good music too.

Some inane scenes here and there.

Freddie drives away on the motorcycle in the desert

The recipe to the greatest drink known to alcoholism.

The best leading perfomance of the 21s century.

roger ebert please go

stupid scene


Great acting, but an overall mediocre/passable film.

if you like joaquin phoenix acting, just watch it

This. Seriously one of Hoffman's most memorable.

Also, ignore a lot of pleb opinion in this thread. The main theme of the movie which lends itself to the title is a very powerful and important one.

kinda this tho
(like a person would actually get Sup Forums's opinion before seeing a movie.)

sheer patriciandom

I'd like to sex Amy Adams
7/10 film

One of PTA's more interesting movies.

It looks great and the two leads have some great scenes, and the subject matter's interesting. It's thematically a bit simple and "one note," but overall much more interesting and well-done than many other of PTA's flicks.


I enjoyed it. Any other films like this? Already saw everything done by PTA.


You mean bullshit artist finds one man who can almost see through him, and falls in love with him as the man finally realizes he's full of shit.

The scene where he says the most human action is laughter. Watch it again.

Also the wife was running the cult. Pay attention.

a great first half, a scattered and unfocused 2nd half.

It's visually impressive, but psychologically cold, and like most of PTA's work, the overall story-line is fragile and feels like he improvised it.

We're following Phoenix. The plot is as consistent as his understanding of what is happening. When he's certain, the plot is focused. When he isn't the plot is unfocused.

Freddie beds the fat chick without acting like a complete freak so he definitely grew. And he pities Hoffman's character at the end.

Watch it just for the processing scene, acting at its best

Also who else wanted a sip of that paint thinner drink lol

So unreliable narrator?

>We're following Phoenix.
not all of the time. it focuses on Joaquin but the film is mostly about the cult.

it's interesting when they're playing off each other, and we get to see the interchanging point of view from one another, but the relationship becomes tedious in the latter half and ultimately unsatisfactory. it comes off muddled and confused, no matter how re-conciliatory Joaquin becomes through whatever redemption he gets.

at least PTA managed to end a film memorably (yet offbeat) in TWBB.

>Also who else wanted a sip of that paint thinner drink lol
I did, thought it would taste like hard liquor with a fruity flavor for some reason.

It's my favorite PTA film; Phoenix gives quite possibly his best performance here. The relationship between him and Hoffman's character is a sad, yet compelling one. It's beautifully shot. I am a little biased, having grown up in a religious cult, and even as an adult, I often have an inner struggle between how I was raised and how I live my life now. I identified strongly with both of the main characters. I watched the movie three times in one month, and liked it more each time. The last scene between the two main characters, where Hoffman is singing and Phoenix starts crying...well, it makes me tear up every time. It's a powerful scene.


But in the second half, he also has a clearer idea of who the Master really is, he is just less certain about it than his earlier clouded image. If you get what I mean.

Look, one of the first things he tells Phoenix is that laughter is an animal sound, that he should be embarrassed at doing it. Then about 2/3 way through the film, he stands in front of an audience and says laughter is the most human act. The camera looks right at Phoenix's face in that sequence, and he realizes that the Master is full of shit. He just doesn't give a shit any more.

One of the worst films I have ever watched

your in for two of the finest male acting performances of our modern era

>tfw when you realize PSH is dead, and the film is only 4 years old

still feels odd that he's gone.

I couldn't get past the first 10 minutes of Phoenix fucking the sand chick.

Is it really worth a watch?

Why over exaggerate?
I understand you may thought it was boring and slow, but the worst?

Then you have the most exquisite taste in movies and watch only the finest of masterpieces, 1 movie per year right

Fucking the sand chick is actually, honestly, genuinely relevant to the plot and themes of the film.

A great movie.

youre in for some feels

I liked it and think it's worth a watch.

I spent a year in jail; man it's boring as fuck.

Lost like 40 pounds though so I guess that was cool.

what the fuck
what did you do?

You know the term 'Jailbait'?

Yeah that's a real thing.

I was 20 and she was 16.

>youre in for some feels

The part when he tells Dodd that he left some girl who he loved got to me.
And the another part, that I vaguely remember where he and Dodd's son in law are going through a processing session, and he says something along the lines of "I fought in the war. What did you do?" and shortly afterward his smug face slowly fades when he realizes what he said.

lol. sorry for laughing, but Sup Forums just got real. it's more than just a meme.

>having grown up in a religious cult

Which cult was it, if you don't mind me asking? Is it anything like the film?

Oh no, you have to be able to make fun of yourself and joke around.

You see a lot of guys give up on life because they can't handle what they did; most of the time it's the worst shit you can imagine.

What is the theme. Enlighten me.

This movie was literally designed to To pretentious PTA fans, it's a boring, mindless, pretty thing wrapped up in close ups of scrunched over acting.

>The main theme of the movie which lends itself to the title

Explain? Do the masturbation scenes have anything to do with it? A friend of mine thought it was a double entendre, but I seriously doubt it.




Tell us about the cult, user.

well, it's not like you went into a daycare and diddled some kids. 20-16 between a male and female isn't horrible. there are far worse things in the world.

this man is a boring sad man.

It was like the film, in the sense that they have their own language and it's a fairly secretive, closed society, where being friends with people outside of the social/religious group is shunned.

It's one of the main American based cults, founded during the late 1800s.

>It's one of the main American based cults, founded during the late 1800s.

I didn't know the Jehovah's Witnesses were that bad.

the best part is joaquin fapping on the beach a couple mins in. if you like watching obnoxious retarded faggots masturbate, keep watching

probably the greatest musical score since LotR

Who pressed charges?

Well, they're not "that bad". I don't want speak ill of them. They're some of the kindest, most sincere people you'll ever meet. And, they've gotten way more laid back in recent years. It's just a closed society, which makes it really hard to make friends and be a normal member of society, once you leave the organization.

what did he mean by the scene where everyone was nude
it was strange desu