Where do you rank the US among white countries?

Where do you rank the US among white countries?


US isn't a white country.


WE don't treat people like individuals here. We treat them as groups


>new mexico


Wasnt USA like 70% white? In the americas you'd be 3rd, above Argentina and Uruguay (the las white bastion in this brown world).
I couldn't say about Europe, all this rapefugee crisis makes such comparision impossible.

At the 56

i want everyone here to think what the world would look like if each cunt was like the US. every cunt as productive and dominant as the US. i'm waiting...

new mexico is a very small state, it represents less than 1% of the american population.

#1 baybeee


ITS 62 ITS 62 ITS 62!!!!!

shit, it's worst than I thought

US was once 90% white (Prior to 1960's) and the remaining 10% were blacks that were all concentrated in a small area in the south. Since then we've been flooded with chicanos and blacks have bred like rabbits. You can thank leftists for this.

pic related

But that doesn't include Asians who are culturally white

>talking about Whitehood

You speak a non-white language. What do you know?

Enough to realize that you are going to end up as a mexican colony my ""white""" amigerino.

1. You speak a non-white language too, mind that you can find various pure-black/full-black countries that speak english, and looking at the percentages USA is another non-white country who (despites not having an officiaal language) speaks english.

2. If you take every spanish speakers as mexicans because you just can't processate large amounts of information, I doesn't show that we are all amerindians,it only shows that you are an irremediable stupid.
Actually, at this point would be more accurate to represent you as a mexican, since you are getting racially and culturally closer since years.

Mexico is a european colony, friendo. Mexicans are mostly Euro-indo rape babies.

>2. If you take every spanish speakers as mexicans because you just can't processate large amounts of information, I doesn't show that we are all amerindians,it only shows that you are an irremediable stupid.

was that supposed to be English? Fucking Spic.

Most people associate the Spanish language with non-whites, and the English language with Whites

People like this are considered white in this country, so while it may say 60% on census, it's more like 30% is actually white.

I've got bad news for you, buddy.

>People like this are considered white in this country

No they aren't

>Most people associate the Spanish language with non-whites, and the English language with Whites

That's a meme you implemented due the cultural infuence that mexicans have over you.
I watch american tv shows since I'm a kid, and all of them have at least a black and a mestizo, no one would see JewSA as a white nation.
The only white regin in this earth is europe, but that will change if they don't do anything with their inmigration issues.

PS: the captcha is giving me the reason.