I just finished watching stranger things and it was alright but my question is why did this kid have to be black...

I just finished watching stranger things and it was alright but my question is why did this kid have to be black? There was no reason he couldn't have been white. It kinda took me out of it because every scene with him in it just reminded me they had some sort of an agenda

>There was no reason he couldn't have been white

Also no reason he couldn't be black either. He obviously must have auditioned better than other people and the casting director chose him based on acting

Always need a token black kid in the group

Probably not for some reason every show tries to have a multicultural group for some reason. I guarantee they hired him because he was black. There were probably 100s of capable white actors but the creators saw the black kid and were like "perfect we needed one" shit sad that some kid got screwed out of a role for being white

Why should this kid have to be white?

Because it would've made more sense also he didn't have to be black nothing about his charecters had to be black

Maybe he was a better actor than the other kids, or maybe because black people do exist.

i think you're thinking to hard. and why should whites be the default?

The show has one black kid. They could have easily chosen to cast a bunch more PoC roles but didn't. Multiculturalism wasn't at the top of these peoples minds. His audition obviously stood out. If that then his intelligence probably did too. He's a very smart kid

this is a weak trolling attempt

token black friends are part of the eighties

He wasn't that good hus acting was definitely the weakest in the group thats why its easy to see they cast him for one reason

He was the only normal kid in the group, fuckin who would trust a bald mute and let them stay in their basement?

Oh hi there outdated trope, it's been a while


the whole show was about outdated tropes, that was the premise.

You know, sometimes people are just black.

there was nothing forced or pandering for an agenda at all. You're literally an idiot. It's not like everything else thats being done in movies, this was done in the same way Winston from Ghostbusters was done.

"Oh look at me i have one claim with no evidence so I obviously know the ins and outs of how a show gets made"

I get that but it didn't make sense for the show when the character could have easily been white

Actual autistic person over here watch out guys

You're both right. He's an intelligent kid that can clearly act better than a lot of other kids, but if the show is too white then it's going to catch some flak for that because normies are retarded about that shit. The kid with the missing front teeth looks non-white to me, so to avoid having the token non-white character they need another one to make it less obvious that they're just including them for satisfactory racial representation. The kid didn't need to be black, but he sure as hell wasn't going to be white.

because the Goonies are better. YOU GOOINIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because it's the US and statistically that's going to be the case, especially in the early '80s (duh).

No reason he shouldn't have been black, though. I guess there were some black kids playing D&D back then (though I didn't see any where I lived).

You are literary what makes us anti sjw look bad.

The kid doesn't talk like a nigger in the show, he seemed pretty white-washed. D&D wouldn't be out of the question for him.


Why's it fucking matter? He wasn't a bad actor and him being black/his presence didn't take away from the show in any way. Jesus you guys over think this shit.

It did it took away realism

A nigger I like, someone who acts out being a nigger. A black man. is Obama.

token black people are only a thing in shitty corporate media ventures that pretend to reinforce multiculturalism to meet a quota, which actually just reinforces white supremacy

any other time you have no reason to question artistic integrity or whatever the fuck you knuckledragging racists are on about

you probably should have learned the difference by now

Yeah I agree with this dude, honestly why is it such a big deal? Kid was decent at acting and fit the role well

Black people exist and there are white kids that have black friends as children and adults, so what realism are you referring to?

realism? yeah just like the fucking telekinetic girl

You're good

He was fine. I grew up in middle class Midwest suburbia. There's always the one nuclear black family. But they're typically the only ones as the father works a decent job.

lol what the fuck is wrong with white people

Im white and I dont even know

niggers are only friends, never family, because white people are smarter, we don't riot for white rights, we just let them live with us after we realized our sperm can make black nigger children

You know what i mean

No....I dont

"Waaaaa people on Sup Forums won't agree with me waaaaaaaaa"

Huh? What're you on about?


Just stop

It doesnt reinforce white supremacy, youre just a bugoted shitbird who gets all worked up when people try to make things better. all we have to do is execute the racists along with the islamists and criminals and we'll fix this world

Because he's a good actor. That's basically it.

Exactly. But OP is a fag so he will argue any good point will dumb shit

Dude I seriously don't event know what you're talking about. "What's wrong with white people"

I'm in this thread talking shit about the racists, you just made some tangentially related comment that I'd like some context on.

yes, tokenizing minorities to keep up appearances does reinforce white supremacy

when a corporate website features a black guy and an asian woman in every picture they can claim that they are a diverse and discrimination free workplace

meanwhile they can enjoy discriminatory hiring practices and disciplinary actions all they want, as long as they keep up a public image and adjust accordingly when anything raises suspicion

it's no different for a racist making a movie or anything else

like, hes black, and is like differen't, we like ourselves white, who the fuck would ever want to be black, unless they are retarded, because that's what being black is, unless they help in our military and believe our religions. that's about it.

I understand how you feel, however, he did not screw some kid out of the role for being white. he screwed other black kids for the role, the kid was black from the getgo fren.

Oh, geez, forget I asked.

Literally nothing about his character is written as white or black? I doubt they had decided on it from the beginning

do you retards realize that actors get picked based on the fucking shape of one of their eyebrows? the way light hits a tit? the way their cheekbones look from a certain angle? you don't care about any of that muddling up the "meritocracy" but when a person's black all of a sudden it's all bout picking out who the "best actor" was?

Or your just retarded

That doesn't answer anything. Why would it have made more sense. My best friend growing up was black suburban and we just hung out downstairs and played videogames

This may actually be the funniest thread this site has ever produced.

>multicultural group

Seriously? There has to be an agenda behind portraying society as it is? There's no plotting jew behind every lamp post. There are people in our society who have different believes, different skin colors, whatever. It's part of who we are. You could ask aswell why they cast people with dark hair instead of blonde, blue eyed people. You could ask why they would cast causasian people instead of blacks. The question wouldn't be more or less stupid.
Also, a black person doesn't make it a multicultural group. He grew up in the same culture you did, eats the same food, likes the same movies, does the same things for fun.
Pull your head out of your ass.

What are you on about? I saw the show not to long ago, and I couldn't complain about his acting. Can't say the same for Winona Ryder, though.

the point is he is black though, and not by chance.