Dear Sup Forums users!

Dear Sup Forums users!

I am a tumblr user, genderfluid and otherkin (also proud vegan)
Your site generates a lot of hatred. Stop the hateful speech, the sexism and racism, islamophobia or else we will protest to remove Sup Forums.

This is a real threat, take it seriously!
You have been warned!

Ps don't bother to try and hack me because I just purchased mcafee 2017 edition with maximum protection!

Cant tell if troll or actual tumblerina, they're both this retarded.

just get milk bro


that's gay as balls

it's a spot on parody of one for sure

Copypasta is copypasta

This, but tbh I would fuck a cute feminine genderfluid person

Question: Why do all of these genderfluid images always only have the differences between the genders just clothing and hair? Is that what these people think defines gender?

It is because injecting nanobots into your bloodstream, to immediately alter the structure of your physical body is not yet a publicly available technology.

This is different from clothes, and hair products, which are both immediate, and publicly available technologies.

Now, please answer something of mine: didn't you already know this was the answer? Isn't your question more of a statement, rather than a request for information?

Yeah, honestly the entire movement is held back by the fact that it is comprised of retards who confuse "gender" with "societal gender standards".

AKA "Hurr durr I have a penis but i'm a girl because I'm a gay guy who played with dolls growing up." or "Hurr durr I'm genderfluid because sometimes I feel like wearing shorts and a t-shirt and other times I wanna wear a dress"

>not yet a publicly available technology
>publicly available technology

Are you implying the government has secret gender changing nanobots that they simply refuse to give to the public? Actually, given that genderfluid people are retarded, thats probably a smart move. Good job trumby.

You know, I'm pretty left leaning, but anytime I encounter a __kin, I cringe so hard. I will never take you seriously.

I've seen agekin, wolfkin, fuckingwizardkin. Grow up.

fuck you nigger


I like it because it highlights their retardedness.
They are against "gender roles", hence why they claim to be a different, or no gender.
They show this by wearing gendered clothing, thus reinforcing the gender roles.

No. I don't know what the government secretly has, because that's why it's a secret.

I am asserting that the lack of magic shapeshifting robots is why genderfluid people only change things like their clothes, and hair, and behavior.

What do you fucking expect? Brand new breasts to just pop out, whenever they flow to a new gender paradigm? And then deflate, when they're done with them?

Ah. The contradiction is actually in your own mind, and you are the owner of this irrationality.

You see, genderfluid people aren't against gender roles.

They're against YOU telling THEM what their gender roles are. It's a question of individuality.

And let's be honest here. You have to be pretty fucking stupid, to believe there's some kind of objective, physical measure of how masculine of feminine a clothing style is. What are you going to do, point a magic not magic sci-fi "masculaton" detector, and run some serious scientific experiments to get a "" real "" result?

Even if this wasn't a troll, you're a piece of shit either way. Only two genders, faggot. Get set on fire and die.

You suffer from a mental illness. do the world a favor. Give your parents an apology for being a disappointment and slit your wrists. remember down the street not across the road.


fake and gay
notice the time stamp...


this has happened so many times that I cannot possibly take any of this shit seriously anymore

>What is a rhetorical question

Society sees a dress as feminine.
Not only that, but there are definitively clothes that are cut for male/female bodies, specifically.

Sup Forums will outlast the human race

hmm, u must reject social science entirely

what is ur degree?

society is malleable and changes over time, ur so stubborn ooh so hawt i love people who aren't adaptable to change

woww yes they are so dumb these gender fluidy duidies aren't they?

n ur sooo smart, i never thought of that!

yeah, fucking faggots that can't admit to being a faggot. I know it's gay to want a long and girthy tranny cock in my mouth and ass.

Be a fucking adult about it, you fucking pansies.

oh what a big sexy man so set in your totally manly ways!


is the world separated then into faggots and non-faggots for you then?

explain worldview pls so I can tell you how much of a dumbass you are

>mfw OP shitposts autism comic but still using heteronormative shirt colors.

Fucking idiots.

*they're going all out

u don't know their gender don't assume


I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the carnage


have y'all read Judith Butler's Gender Trouble?

also look up performativity/ culture n language are always changing and hardset notions about things like gender race and class are arbitrary

>not listening to the opinions of faggots
>anyone who isn't me is a faggot

that's basically it. also being incredibly autistic.

not really understanding you here

are you a sociopath? do you not agree that empathy is an important human trait?

okay see, that picture right there is the problem I have with the concept of "genderfluid" and "genderqueer". As a liberal, I've been pushing for getting rid of gender roles, but for some reason most liberals are actually embracing them by promoting this ideology. I'm a biological male who doesn't fit all (or probably even half) of the expectations and gender roles pertaining to my gender. But does this mean I'm "genderqueer" or "genderfluid"? No! It just means I don't follow gender roles.

McAfee 2017 edition won't save you from getting hacked, not being a faggot might.

saged. stop posting b8


sage in all fields.

fuck me

what's the big deal?

the idea, i'm assuming, is that these genderqueer movements just want to open up the public perception on gender so everything isn't so stratified like hot wheels for boys and ponies for girls or whatever

i mean, i'm a dude but sometimes when i go buy some fresh threads im like damn why all the colors are bold and primary and grey and beige


im about to an hero



Drink my gender fluid


Gender fluid/ gender studies is bullshit


Well rather than coming up with 40 different genders and getting offended when someone can't identify which one you are, how about just getting rid of the concept of "gender" entirely, leaving only biological sex, with no gender roles for either. Biological males can enjoy the color pink and ponies and shit without being female or genderfluid or whatever, and biological females can like cars and explosions or whatever the fuck and not be male or genderqueer. I don't see the need for categorizing people who don't fit the societal norms into a different gender entirely, when it would be more effective to just completely get rid of gender roles

>my ex was actually gender fluid
>tried to look past it because she/he/it/don't fucking care was actually really nice
>they come out into only liking women


OH my god we're so sorry please don't protest against us!

poes law user.

You just might be the smartest motherfucker on Sup Forums.

Dear Sup Forums users!

I am a tumblr user, genderfluid and otherkin (also proud vegan)
Your site generates a lot of hatred. Stop the hateful speech, the sexism and racism, islamophobia or else we will protest to remove Sup Forums.

This is a real threat, take it seriously!
You have been warned!

Ps don't bother to try and hack me because I just purchased mcafee 2017 edition with maximum protection!



I cant believe anyone would take this for anything other than bait

Dear reddit users!

I am a Sup Forums user, white and nationalist (also proud racist)
Your site generates a lot of hatred. Stop the hateful speech, the sexism and racism, whitephobia or else we will protest to remove reddit.

This is a real threat, take it seriously!
You have been warned!

Ps don't bother to try and hack me because I just purchased mcafee 2017 edition with maximum protection!

/metal illness.

>I know you are but what am I?


Under rated post. This mother fucker solved the snowflakes real problem

your the reason why we need to tell children not to shoot up schools


Fucking die