Any niggers here want to learn about shit?

Any niggers here want to learn about shit?
I'm a drunk motherfucking educated money wasting son of a bitch.
History, physics, biology
What do you want to learn?

Other urls found in this thread:

Teach me about the Spanish Inquisition

what in your opinion was the most brutal war, doesn't matter if modern or not

Is VHDL used in real world applications?

Also, WW2. Over millions killed alone in just russia.

Martin why don't you just get married or find some friends man? I don't want to turn on the news and find out you killed yourself. It's no wonder you're a bitter piece of shit. Dude you've got stacks. Just find some goth bitch who will roll your blunts and you'll be golden my friend. Seriously, get some help, and get off the booze. I know you're kind of a pathetic twinky looking pussy boy, but you've got money.

nigger, fuck you and martin.

A long time ago, there was this Arab expansion that took over all the Mediterranean.
The only Euro country that the Arab motherfuckers took was Spain. Probably because it was fucked over by so many Germanic tribes during Roman times.
So the Arabs conquered Spain and made it Muslim. Praise Allah
Then the Catholics pushed back during the Reconquista.
The Inquisition was part of that. No one expected it.
It was the mop up after the battle.
To make sure there were no Muslim remnants


No doubt.
Not even close.

WW1 was an example of reach exceeding grasp
It was about technology exceeding tactics
You had fucking cavalry charges into machine guns.

No one knew what was happening. Eventually people stopped charging and ending up in trenches.
And we all knew how that went.


The second worse was the Second Punic War
This was Rome vs Carthage Part 2

It wasn't as bloody as future wars, but it had a major impact on Rome and therefore the world
At the time, Roman soldiers were the elite
I'd be centuries till the poor were the footsoldiers

In that time, only the rich could afford iron armour and weapons and horses
So the rich fought for the rich
Not so bad, imo

But then came Hannibal the Big Dicked.
He was a smart motherfucker who constantly outwitted Rome
Like guiding his army from Spain to Italy through Alps
Including African elephants

His biggest battle was Cannae.
There, the Romans were totally fucked. Fucked harder than they have ever had before.
And because they lose so many men, they lose their entire ruling class.
Remember, only the rich could fight. And the rich were rulers.

So then Rome had its head cut off.
But the Roman point of view was "Fight till the last man"
So the rich old men recruited poorer people to fight for them and eventually won the day
This opened up the possibility of upward mobility
It was the equivalent of the Black Death
Kill the rich. Allow for a middle class to evolve

every thing you know about the battle of kadesh

Not much, to be honest, but I can tell you about Ramses's great great something grandfather Ahkenatan.
Relatively close.
King Tuts dad.

Ahkenatan was an innovator.
He wanted to change the religion from a pantheon to a singular god. A sun god.
He moved the capital entirely to Amarna.

The art in his time was radically different. So slim and alien like. Look at this shit

Such great art.

Hittites were another example of horse people being dominate.
This trend will continue from 10,000 BC to around 1800 AD
Horses are fucking powerful

How to implant your own ideas into someone else's mind and make them think they thought of it

Cerulean Blue

Make it seem like the easy answer
Build up the opposing options as insurmountable
Then they have to follow what you want

What do u mean

X-files you bitch

Why did you accept your liberal leftist indoctrination?

I didn't
I laughed at all the leftist shit I saw
I used to entertain myself by reading the school newspaper
Like half the columnists were men. Trying to scrounge up some event how they were raped in order to match up with the women who were raped (i.e. bad dates).

Ironically, good liberal arts immunizes you to SJW shit
But good shit is rare.

you are one informative mother fucker. Too bad I have nothing to ask, but will continue to lurk

Your thoughts on the Japanese? From what I have read, the bomb was the right call.

The IP3-DAG Cascade can be activated by histamine, epinephrine (alpha-1 receptor), vasopression, angiotensin, cholecystokinin, antigens and thrombins. Which is all basically a regulation of calcium in various tissues. My question is, do you know of a way to pinpoint various cascades and their responses in a given tissue?

Who was Hannibal?

That gives me an excuse to unleash my ultimate drunken rant

We are not alone
I don't mean that there are ayys on Earth
Or even that there are shit close to us
I mean that a Von Neumann probe system is too efficient to be ignored
There HAS to be a probe in our star system
There just has to be based on probability

If that doesn't scare/excite you, nothing will

Some faghole said once that "The prospect of being alone in the universe scares me as much as not being alone"

As much as we know about chemistry, we cannot be the only life in the galaxy

>the bomb was the right call.

Horseshit. The military wanted to see what their new toy could deliver. The Japanese were eager to surrender.

I think I just came.


Japs had it coming
They were fanatical
There is a reason why the last Jap solider surrendered in the 70s.

We bombed the living SHIT out of Tokyo and yet they still fought

For the invasion of the Japanese mainland, we made so many Purple Hearts that we're still going through them.
Invading the main Jap islands would have been a decade long slog.

Nuking them was right
It stopped pointless American lives lost and it scared the Soviets

What is the history's study object ? Historiographically speaking

gender studies


Anything about Islam

Then why did they never knock on our door ?

Keep dropping knowledge on me.

radioactive labeling of calcium, while knocking out portions of the cascades to monitor where the radioactive calcium is with respect to the part of the cascade being triggered.

Ty for you view, that is exactly how I felt, your words described perfectly

scale of the universe

Hannibal was my fucking nigga

Ok, so his dad, Hamilcar was a general in the first Punic War. He was assigned to Sicily to fight against the Romans
He lost

The legends say that as they were retreating to Africa, Hamilcar told young Hannibal that "One day, son, you will avenge my loss".

Hamilcar came back to Carthage disgraced.
So he was sent to Spain, the Carthaginian colony to redeem himself. Essentially exile

But Hamilcar knew what the fuck was going on so he spend the last decades of his life making the barbarian Spaniards loyal to his family

Then years later, Rome decided to fight. It was city called Saguntum. The old treaty after the first war said that that city was Punic, but the Romans said it wasn't.

So the Carthaginians went for it and Hannibal went for revenge
He took his troops the long way
From Spain to Italy on land instead of sea.
He even took his fucking African war elephants
When he landed in Italy after the Alps, he trounced them
And he kept doing it

Like at Cannae, like I said
But there was more battles
Like when the Romans had him surrounded and he had to go through a swamp. He lost an eye in that swamp

But he fucked the Romans again and again
The Carthaginian leadership wouldn't support him though
His brother was the only supply he had
The Carthaginian home council still hated his family for his father's failure.

So he lost Italy despite having an army in it

There's so much more, but that's the gist
Based Hannibal did so much but it didn't mater in the end

What does P(A or B)= if niether event is independent or mutually exclusive?

Care to discuss mathematics?

I just learned today that synthetic differential geometry constructs the de Rham complex by mapping the infinitesimal simplicial complex into the space, and then quotienting out the maps that fail to be trivial on degeneracies. It's just an infinitesimal version of simplicial homology, and the proof of de Rham's theorem is pretty simple.

Also, homotopy classes of vector fields on a space are classified by twisted cohomology of the space with coefficients in its tangent bundle, which is just a mapping space in synthetic differential geometry. It makes me want to further examine twisted cohomology on a space with coefficients in some bundle from the homotopy of the space, or dually the twisted homotopy of a space with coefficients some bundle from the cohomology of it. It's a recipe for mixing local and global properties.

Why did the 4th Crusade go so off the rails? Can you think of a dumber moment in western history? (pre 1850)


Do you think the sum of all natural numbers is actually -1/12 or is that just le reddit math is so fun XDDDD

If you're gonna generalize all history into one objective, I'd say history exists to make sure we don't make the same mistake twice

But as we're going, I'd say, history exists to make sure that we don't make the same mistake without someone saying "I told you so"
For kids who listened too hard to the 90s "Be yourself" shit

Derivative of Disney without the evolution


Do you like neet pussy?

There are two options
Berserker and Observer

Berserkers will kill any competitor
We may be passed that threshold but maybe not
Hopefully we are

The Observer will watch and hope we can help help the rest of them in time

It's like watching Indians and hoping they develop the cure for cancer in their own way

The cancer is Entropy btw

didn't they expel the jews too, along with the moors?

Venice is a Jew.
Think about that and you know how things work

Publius Cornelius Scipio was a better commander than Hannibal. Outmanouvred him and forced battle at Zama.

Romans relied much less on mercenaries.
Fought to win at all costs.

Roman navy eventuality surpassed the Carthaginians.

Romans had access to greater manpower and natural resources.

That's what the Inquisition was for

So in true romance when hopper tells walken, he was spawned from niggers, that was bullshit. This American/Italian/Sicilian thanks you

depends on how they're related to one another

Actually, my schooling was christian conservative.
Knew it was crap before adolescence.

In my 50's and am an atheist and Socialist.

I'm the one of and I can tell that even when you gave a simple answer is pretty accurate. Marc Bloch actually says it in his "The Historian's Craft"... That and of course the pursuit of the true

Boomer sjws are the fucking worst.

well played op

*tips fedora*

I wouldn't say Scipio outmanoeuvred Hannibal

He used his tools to his full advantage and those tools were greater than what Hannibal had

Scipio Africanus vs Hannibal is a great battle that is worth an epic movie/TV

There's a story I forget the details of that had Hannibal and Scipio meeting after the war
Scipio asks for who Hannibal thinks are the best generals

There's some witty action there, but I forget the rest.
Hannibal is shamed though at the end.
Scipio is the hero
As is the expected result in Roman stories

The "True" does not exist

Boomers in general are shit.

Especially the ones who bought up all of the vintage guitars and made them expensive as balls

Indeed. That's why it remains on a pursuit, an individual pursuit.
Anyway Marc Bloch wrote it before the postmodern view, so...

What's the best cock sucking technique? And why is black cock so amazing and irresistible?

Yes, but that can be generalized as their tendency to ruin the world for others for the sake of a few extra shekels.


Tell me about both the Mexican revolutions

tldr: fuck spain

They lost. Twice.

The contributions from niggers to society.


Here is such a set

{ }

What ?

How does speciation work at a microlevel

What should I major in


Why tho

Something practical
Like plumbing or electrical work

this right here, mathematics are always relevant.

Ok op I have a question how do cells reproduce if they ain't got no disk to sex

The Arabs never conquered the Kingdom of Asturias, which where the reconquest originated.

So... 1) Spain wasn't entirely invaded. Muslims never defeated Asturias. and 2) Thanks to Asturias, Europe exists. Asturias distracted Muslims.

I guess I should add a disclaimer:

You need to also be motivated to learn other things. By itself, while a good indicator to an employer you're intelligent and work hard, a pure math degree may be a bit too theoretical. That said, it teaches you how to think differently: not just analytically, but in the abstract, and logically. It allows you to quickly pick up and swiftly work in pretty much any formal system, as well as find exploits and potentially further improve them. Maybe a math major and cs, statistics, finance, or science minor would be good.

this, op youre full of it