This is a legitimate film getting wide-release

>So das it? Wha we sum kina Sewside Skad?

Other urls found in this thread:

You guys are getting desperate trying to find problems with this film and you're not even trying to hide it anymore

You gonna tell me this is good acting?

>I swear its b-b-b-bad Sup Forums, PLEASE VALIDATE MY OPINION!

You trying to tell me there's sitting wrong with that?

Yes yes we all seen the thread yesterday where you guys tried to make every clip out to be awful, we done here?

i don't want it to suck, but it's gonna fucking suck

I thought all the trailers so far looked great and was looking forward to watching it.
These clips they have been showing are the worst shit.

>Finally we have become the Suicide Squad...
What did he mean by this?

I honestly don't know if we're having genuine disagreements here but I can't bring myself to see these previews as anything but trash. You can see the unskillfully cloaked lack of faith in the film by the actors in all of these

How come DC jabronis can't let any criticism of their pets stand?

Harley Quinn is literally "teh penguin of d00m" copypasta personified

And the public will eat it up and give it a pass by saying that's her character



Shouldn't it be: "This is a katana?"

*smacks lips*
*spits out watermelon seeds*
*chugs a 40*
*sags pants*

How come you guys are trying desperately to redo the 80s was of DC vs Marvel?

lol I imagined him shooting the watermelon seeds out like a machine gun like in those old looney tunes episodes

Do you guys just going to ignore that she's basically a sexier version of BTAS Harley?



They think they might win this time, because their films are getting better reviews.

Even though DC has the better comics, animations, toys, VAs, stories, etc

>"For those of us who don't speak good guy..."
>"We some kinda suicide squad?"

who wrote this garbage?


A comic book tier writer?

Ever read a comic in your life?

BTAS isn't relevant, true Harley is comics Harley and she's nothing like her

Comic Harley is awful and she's never consistent between different comics

How can such a shit movie have such a great soundtrack though?

The issue is she was fucking created for BTAS retards

>fat nigger

I can only read this acronym one way after years of fapping. Upvote if you know this feel.

Relevant to what?
To modern comics? Modern comics are shit. Nobody reads them and nobody cares.


>skintight full bodysuit isn't sexy

fucking normies ruining my clown fetish

can someone remind me

did the "we sum finna sui cide squa?" come before or after this clip

Katana is cute. CUTE!

Looks dope as hell only jealous marvelfags disagree

Historically, maybe.

Yeah it did

Apparently someone from Sup Forums seeing how many people defend it



>Market the movie like a Harley Quinn, joker movie with batman as a side character
>the actual movie is dead shot focused, with s brief 90 second scene with batman and 5 minutes of the joker.

Warner Bros does it again with their shit marketing.

Since when did you all become so racist?

What 65 year old wrote this

What the fuck lmao

They are making a movie Meant to bomb

Dunno, kinda looking forward to it

Why arent you part of the Sewside Skad?

Why did they show them some fucking black woman inside tablet instead of just letting the drill sargeant yo give the orders


T-This KTANA! She c......ut you in half in one swordstroke...

Me too and I like Marvel movies too can't also wait for Dr Strange.
All this faggots shilling for free and fighting for companies, band of retards, there is always those who get paid but they aren't many, but enough for the fire to rise.

>what are we some kinda........ suicide squad

All their lines sound fucking weird

No amount of shitposting is EVER going to make the MCU less reddit

Does that mean DC is Sup Forums?


Sure, why not.

I just wanna see this for Jared Leto and Affleck's cameo.

I wish Smith played a more serious toned character in this but what can you do.

I still think he should have done Independence day 2

>WW CIA in symbol form in BvS
>It Ain't Me in Suicide Squad's soundtrack
of course DC is Sup Forums

wow that was uh


whoever put that line in there should kill themselves

She was literally created for the show, and was exclusive to the show for years until being put into the comics due to her popularity

how has noone pointed this out yet

.. .

>For those of us who don't speak good guy
Unbearable cringe

>far less popular
Yea that sounds right

End your life asap

>>It Ain't Me in Suicide Squad's soundtrack
Link lad

the acting is fine, it's the writing that sucks. this entire film looks like a fucking teenage-authored fan fiction brought to life

Worst thing about it are the rick lines, and especially the delivery at the end of the last one.

>DC's quips are better
>in the middle of a kino no less


Whats exactly wrong with this scene?

>introduce a favorite established character
>lets put will smith on it. He will probably be close enough to the original

>introduce a new character with a backstory and personality that we can customize to fit an A-list actor
>lets not put will smith on it instead lets put some unknown on there instead.


Because who else in the movie has star power? I mean REAL star power, not waifus Sup Forums jacks off to.

this is kaTANA.

I think he's speaking like he's in a loud airplane, but no one else is.


BvS = awkward manchildren
SS = True Gangsters

then why not put will smith on the new character, AKA kinnamans character.

and give the deadshot role to someone who is remotely similar to deadshot?


how safe do you think your cock is right now?

you can really tell that jai courtney did not want to be in that photo, he looks really embarassed to be there.

>then why not put will smith on the new character, AKA kinnamans character.

Rick Flag is not a new character either.

Because it works better for marketing purposes when an established character is associated with a famous actor. Now, you could argue how famous Will Smith IS at this point, but casting him as a cool character like Deadshot will get black people in those seats.

That's something you don't see anymore these days.

hollywood ruins everything along with Ayer again.

Look it's Roland Deschain!

reminder that David Ayers last good movie was end of watch.

Beyond saying the title of the flick in the dialog and will Smith acting as will smith? I'm not sure.

God I'm cringing so hard . I can't handle all this cringe!

>this is katana

Sign this petition so only Disney is allowed to make superheroes films:

>but casting him as a cool character like Deadshot will get black people in those seats.
Not gonna happen. He is an uncle Tom for the niggers.
Now if this was Tyler Perry...

The trailers had some hope that this was going to be a decent flick but these 30 second shorts they're releasing are simply awful.

Paveru-sensei, I'm Shogun's Kunobi?

can you stop hating on so many roles just for being black or at least admit that that's the reason?

I learned 2 things today.

1: I thought Lamborghini's spelling is like Lam-bor-jin-e. Clearly it is not.

Secondly this music is shit.


The sad thing is that this will probably be the best movie in all of the DCEU.

He looks so fucking stupid.

Nah, MoS will keep its spot for a long time. Probably until they give up.

oh wait, i didnt know acting suddenly mattered in capeshit movies?
Do i have to bring up Daisey Ridley in TFA?
Have you seen literally any capeshit movie?
Your desperation is showing child, go eat yoir breakfast and get ready for school.
