Hey Sup Forums name my band

Hey Sup Forums name my band

Attack of the Clones

The flighty bitey cuck-tones.

call yourselves "How the fuck is the asian one the least autistic looking one of the group?"

The Trumpenators

The give heads

The Hanging Chads

Putins lil cuties

Look, We're So Brave

Amazing race plus one

>inb4 "The Trumpettes"


Too beta to grab-em by the pussy

The Trumpussies

Heavy Metal I assume? If so;

Autistic Screech
Retard Yell
The Econ Flunkers


Five people getting their picture taken in front of a brick wall and two doors

Hope I helped

Have a day,
-Jack Thompson

4 lesbians and a fag

"Trans" Siberian (Russian) orchestra

1337 days

The Dickletons

Save the pic, it's gonna be hilarious after the nukes go flying

Trump Dump

Super Trump

Another Brick In The Wall

Ugly Kid Hoes


Abstinence for Trump

The Five Fagketeers

white privilege and asian guy

How about "Gen Z is conservative and democrats might not win another election for decades LOL"

No Mexicans or Muslims

Don't messe with Hesse


The Fake News

>Another DICK in the wall


Make America Gay Again


The Pussy Grabbers

The Cracker Jacks

The Grabbed By Their Pussies

pussy torpedos

why would the oriental wear that shirt? he's not part of our movement.

Posing like pussies

You mean he is not gay?

Ungrabbed Pussies

trumps gonna be so tough on china, it would make your head spin!

Moody Joe and the Longfoots


The Trump Trumpeters

Anyone know what boots the guy on the left is wearing?

Grab My Pussy

5 Fingers and The Vaseline Scoops

5 trumpets 0 sax

The Brainwashed Masses

School Shooting Squad


The American Cuckold


Four puffs and a piano


Top fuckin kek user

kek. only thing that couldve made this better is if you shopped a mexican flag shirt on travis--if i got his name correct-- and a sombrero.


underrated post

We took each other's virginity.

Cucked by Corn Chowder

"Alternative Fags"

4dykes and a chink

Deportation nation

MAGA death