Okay Sup Forums

Okay Sup Forums,
there is this tall, hot, blonde 9/10 girl in my lecture i have a huge crush on
Once she noticed that i was looking at her during class
The semester i ending and we only have one exam left and it will be tomorrow
I don't know if we will be in the same course again next semester so tomorrow might be my last chance
I swear you if i don't ask her out or get her number i will fucking kill myself for being such a beta faggot

What can i say/do to start a conversation, guys?

Grab her by the clit


Talk to her after class. What's the worst that could happen?

Any more pics of her?

You dipshit

Walk up to her
Say hi
Introduce yourself
Ask her if she'd like to grab coffee with you to study for finals
Don't be a dipshit

How'd she react or what happened next?

>dr pepper

What he said

watch couple 80's movies
she ride home with group of male students 1 year above you

Look for in twitch:

You know what to do....

I don't know
I am one of this retards who overthink everything till it's too late and then regret not to take the chance
Spontaneously i would create a scenario where i fuck it up, she sees me as a creep and we still end up in the same course next semester

Sorry but that's not her
I don't have any pics of her nore does she have any social media accounts besides the kind where you need the phone number

I know that i'm a dipshit but i always get nervous and fuck it up

She smiled at me when she noticed
But nothing more
I tried to give her another look in her direction in the hall after class but she was with her friends

"Wow that was a great class, I'm going to miss it next semester. Hey a bunch of us are going for a celebratory drink at the student pub after the final lecture. You in?"

how to speak with her, example:
do you know Fernando?
what Fernando?
Fernando Alonso!

>nore does she have any social media accounts

Kek how ugly is she?

kek reminds me of me, same story here.
I've given up tho, 2 introverts isn't going to work

>bunch of us are going for a celebratory drink at the student pub after the final lecture

Yes, then she'll see no one turn up.

lol this is too direct for girls nowadays. you'll just come off like a needy faggot for this.

She is a super beautiful 9/10 tall, blonde german girl
I bet she don't have facebook and that stuff because she gets enough attention in real life
I always see her greeting some girl or guy before class like she's very sympathetic

Maybe a bit too straight forward
She don't even know my name

nice bait

Implying it's her, just bumping with a pic

go on mate, you don't give us alot to work with

I don't know what you mean by this

So once i looked at her before the latest exam and the guy who was sitting next to her (i kinda know him but not so well) seemed to have noticed me
Then it looked like he told her while looking in my direction
It happened so fast that i didn't realize what's happening
She turned her head in my direction with a wide smile
I was realy nervous so i looked away like i always do
I hate myself for this
This was on monday and since then i didn't see her
I bet /fa/ would adore her for her body and taste in fashion
She really knows how to dress herself

was responding to the 'nice bait' I actually do wasn't baiting

Take a selfie with a sign that says "I like you"
Insert it into a text message
Hand her your phone and ask her to type in her number so that you can send it to her

Holy fucking shit. You realise she will either really dig this if she finds OP attractive, or she'll just be rather weirded out, which will make things so awkward for OP.

Ok, sorry then
So you experienced the hedgehog'd dilemma?

Damn, that's brilliant
But this user is right She could have a boyfriend or just not like me
This ends up in an awkward situation and then she tells it her friends and i become the needy weirdo

>i become the needy weirdo

Oh but you already are user, that's why you came here of all places to ask for advice.

Don't worry, OP. I got you.

Here's what you do.


im new to the bread, but ive read all and im gonna say this
if you dont do anything, then youll never know
dont think about it, just do it
my gf does the same thing, just do it
try to say hi, if she makes you fail to talk just type on your phone and do it that way

Yeah but she doesn't need to know this

I know
It's always the same
You will regret it more if you don't do anything
I understand this and this is right but i don't even know what to do or say
Your suggestion is pretty good
Thanks user

Quite the opposite. Someone who is needy is someone who cares about the validation of others. A needy person would never be so direct, for fear of what his peers would say and think.

A confident man wouldn't give a fuck and would just ask her out directly.

More like I currently am experiencing the hedgehog's dilemma

let me know how it w3rks out, jlkkljh@gmail
she might be a fellow user, ask her to eat lunch with you at school, or just go up and say hi
dont plan a conversation, just do it

>she might be a fellow user

Heh, keep dreaming.

my gf was and i had actually talked to her a few times on Sup Forums

yall want to tell me who is winning in this 4ch argument?

This makes sense to me
I will keep that in mind
Thanks user

It really sucks tbgh
My best female friend is also an introvert like me
We have some awesome conversations but when we are around other people whe barely talk to ech other

>she might be a fellow user
I really doubt that but this would be kinda interesting
I will keep you up to date though
Thx for the advice

Holy shit some of these things are so weird. Don't try anything creative... Jesus.

This comes down to if you are attractive or not. If you are, just introduce yourself to her, say that you think she is beautiful and ask if she would be interested getting coffee sometime.

If you aren't attractive, then tough shit. She's a fucking 10.

bullshit, i am not attractive but i have the girl of my dreams, and shes an 11

i can link her fb if yall like

As a piece of general advice for everything on women, read Models by Mark Manson. It goes through everything on how to be a confident attractive man, talking to, attracting and dating women. Everything from your sense of self-worth to sleeping with her.

Sure, go ahead.

Don't tell me what to do. I don't listen to others like you do, cuck.

The problem is not starting a conversation. The problem is in keeping it going.

Off by one

Nice trips

Newfag can't get quads.

Yes please

I will give it a look
Thanks user

Yeah, but i have the problem of not ruining it in the first seconds
If i find a thing we have in common or something she likes to talk about i'm good in keeping conversations going
I am a good listener

For me it's shut down when chicks are added to the equation. Been in classes for 2 years with her for fuck's sake. Too late now

facebook com/maria.hageman
as i have yet to move in with her she isnt atually mine yet, but ill get there soon

forgot the hot classmate

Focus on your best female friend
You two are perfect together

You don't have a chance.

Hang outside after class for a min. If she stops and talks at all or even looks at you, go with it.

are a guy/gal yourself?

>Sorry but that's not her
>I don't have any pics of her

You haven't creep-shot her?

We need to see what she looks like.

Give me her name... I'll get the thread a pic. Full name. And if it's something like Ashley Smith... I'm going to need more because that name is too damn common. City, School etc

I'm not trolling... but I'd be very surprised if she doesn't have a FB.

ALSO... if you DON'T ask her out, then you'll never see a pic of her again because you never creep-shot her. Let me help you at least get a pic of her in case you fail.

Otherwise, you'll have nothing but memory to remember her by.

I never realized until now how often I just luck into pussy. I don't do anything special. I also don't get a crush on a girl I've never spoken too. I do sometimes look at girls and think damn I want to fuck her and if I think I can I might try. I did have a crush on my current girlfriend but it turns out she had an even bigger crush on me and had for a long time. She actually told me she left a party and cried after she saw me leave with another girl. I kinda felt bad for her. I also wish she never told me that.

Things don't happen over night you faggot. You should've been working on this all semester by chatting her up etc. instead now all you can do is struggle to say some shit and then beg that you two hangout next semester

Let's be real here

Your not going to talk to her so stop wasting everyone's time asking for advice like your going to make a move

I know that feel

Thanks, user

>Focus on your best female friend
>You two are perfect together
Sadly she has a bf since i know her
Also i'm not interested in getting in a relationship with her
Our friendship is very strong and in a romantic relationship the chance to have an argument is much higher
I just want to be her friend

I was afraid of this
She could just ignore me because i'm not playing in her league

No, i have some respect towards women and don't do such things
Also i already looked if she has fb or something like that but found nothing

Aww, good for you two that you end up in a relationship

I hope so
Also you understimate my faggotnes

if you wanna just talk thats cool too btw, same email as above

>No, i have some respect towards women and don't do such things
>Also i already looked if she has fb or something like that but found nothing

Maybe you don't have the experience/skill like I DO to find her.

Also... what's up with this " i have some respect towards women and don't do such things" crap

You're sounding like a cuck. Living with a white knight mentality is NEVER going to get you laid.

Women want a man, not a protector that doesn't have the guts to ask them out. That's how you get friend-zoned...

let's be honest tho you're not going to do anything

Mate, you wouldn't be this beta if you didn't have confidence issues which makes this difficult to begin with. That's ok- that comes with time.

You need to look at this as a lose-lose situation if you do nothing. Do nothing, no girl, just regret. This can be potentially a lose-learn or lose-win situation if you do say fuck it, sit your ass next to her and just open your mouth. As stupid as it sounds, I do know a few girls that go for nerdier guys because they like how "Cute" they are.

Get out there mate, because you have the opportunity to start taking life by the balls and making decisions. Let me tell you, the bloke who grabs life by the balls is the only one that gets noticed.

Best of luck buddy.

Sure, that would be nice
But it's half past 1am here so i will do it tomorrow

I can't help it
I feel bad for doing such things
It's my nature
If this means i will be a virgin forever i'm fucked

Thanks user
I will consider your advice
It's true that i have nearly 0 confidence

words of a a true saint
words that i wish i wouldve been of the better side of

>I can't help it
>I feel bad for doing such things
>It's my nature
>If this means i will be a virgin forever i'm fucked

Women don't feel bad turning down nice guys, nor do many of them feel bad cheating on their boyfriends unless they get caught.

Now, not all women are cheaters, but many of them are and have the attitude I said above.

My point is that there is NO reason to feel bad for shit. THEY don't care that much, why should YOU??

Lets level/even the playing field here...

Hot girls get hit on MANY times everyday buy witty hot dudes. They can chose whatever they want. Do you think their going to go out of their way after a guy who has no backbone and can't even talk to them?

My point is, Don't Care So Much! They don't give a fuck about YOU on a white knight level. Don't give a fuck about Them on a white knight level.

I'll tell you this... You will miss 100% of the home runs you don't swing at. If you swing and miss... then at least you swung. And not only that, you'll learn how to swing that bat better each time you do it. But, if you NEVER swing the bat, you'll NEVER learn.

You'll spend your entire life in the dugout watching everyone else play the game but you.

OP, I'm like you. I'm a complete pussy when it comes to getting girls and I have fucked one crazy bitch when I was 17 and haven't had shit going since then. I have zero confidence, the girls who I knew I could fuck were crazy and I stayed away, I wanted the girls I couldn't get, and I never made a moves on the ones that were right for me.

I'm 27 now. Somehow this 8/10 Latina girl who seems super nice starts comin onto me a couple weeks ago. Been making small talk quite a bit, chilled around by her a little last Friday since she was workin late and it was slow over there.

Anyway we're supposed to hang out tomorrow after both of us get done with work. I'm so fucking jaded and skeptical that I have no idea what this girl who is too pretty and too nice for me wants. I'm going to fuck it up somehow.

When this inevitably goes downhill, I think I'm just going to become a complete dick and fuck all the 4/10s I can find and break their hearts.

Good luck OP.

Sorry you can't convince me with this
I have accepted that i have a pathetic mindset and this white knight shit is bringing me anywhere but it just feels right for me

Godspeed user
I wish you best luck

>this girl who is too pretty and too nice for me

That's your problem. You're walking into this already thinking you're going to loose. No bitch is too "pretty" or too "nice" for you. OKAY??

Get some confidence about yourself. At least you are trying though. Think of it this way... she's one fish in the ocean, and your life is going JUST FINE without catching that fish... although it would be nice if you snagged her.

What I'm saying is that when people aren't desperate, turndowns aren't a loss, because you're already happy with your life to begin with. Now, if a woman sences that about you, she many times will WANT to be with you. Why? Because she knows that you don't NEED her to be happy. You're already happy on your own.

NOW you are intriguing to her.

This may or may not happen with her, but it's healthy practice to be secure in your own life and not fear rejection. The more you play, the more you learn. It's like piano... I've played it for 10 years. When I first started I sucked... but I kept playing it... and... I got better. Practice makes perfect.... RIGHT?? Love and dating are no different.

Love yourself first, acquire bitches second.

Don't you know that you can make people care through emotional manipulation and other stuff.

Thx mang. Not sure if I have a shot but only hope I have is that she's 33 and was married and it ended in a bad way so maybe she does actually want a nice guy.

Probably not. She just doesn't know me well enough. But if that is the case, maybe there is hope for you as well before you turn 30.

Otherwise you really just need to lower your standards. If I just wanted pussy, I could've done that. Or maybe even found a girl I actually liked but wasn't attracted to (that actually happened when I was like 21. I wish that girl was better looking). Or you could fuck some crazy bitches with tats and piercings but I'm not playing those games no matter how dry my dick is. Did it once and almost a second time and fuck that.

Hell, I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm just trying to think about how not to fuck this current thing up. She seems like she doesn't want to move too fast but at the same time I would wife this girl tomorrow if she proves she isn't batshit insane so it's taking everything I got not to blow up her phone with smalltalk texts and try not to seem needy. And then it gets me second guessing myself. I feel way more comfortable talking to her IRL but don't want to get all attached like a white knight all early.

Fuck, why can't it be like the movies?

Then you will always be alone because YOU aren't willing to try.

>She's an 11


Fucking beta bitch

isnt she?

Hello Brandon :^)

Lel, I know man I'm tryin.

I'm really fuckin anxious for tomorrow to actually chill with her a bit when neither of us are working. Saw her today while we were both working and I been doubting myself a bunch since I saw her last on Friday but then when I see her and the smile, I gain alpha confidence so I really just need to not think about this shit.

And I really should have more confidence with it too because I thought at first she was just really nice and wasn't trying to hit on her at all until she initiated it a bit. I'm younger too so idk how that all plays into it.

my name isnt brandon lol
this is me
facebook com/onlyjfk

ill prove it by posting of said account
try me
name something sfw to post
ill start by posing "hello 4ch"

Nigger, you only been in a relationship for 2 days!

nigger that isnt me lol
ive been with someone since 7/6/2016


Drug her and fuck her like nobody would do
