Why do some dog people have such hatred towards cats?

Why do some dog people have such hatred towards cats?

What did Cats do to them


cats are a mess, selfish, and are a pain in the ass

a dog, once you train, will live loyally for 8 years and love you and give you humanly reactions. they are better than people. a cat is for a lazy asshole that cant commit to a relationship

Former dog person here
The reason dog people hate cats is because unlike dogs, cats are more independent and will grow to like you over time whereas dogs are easily manipulated and controlled - basically, dog people fear what they can't control, so they resort to hating/harming cats to reassure themselves that they are superior. I personally find it a lot more satisfying to win the trust of a cat over a dog, kind of like making a turtle come out of it's shell.

? I own cats and dogs and that aint true.

Both are equally as affectionate. The dogs need more taking care of but they can be good companions. Cats generally take care of themselves.

Dogs exhibit more energy, cats exhibit more agility. A cat can walk across a table and no upset a thing, whereas a dog would destroy everything.

As far as communication goes, it's easier to communicate with a dog. They seem more interested in trying to understand you. Cats have their own language and once you understand it, it is just as full of emotion.

I can let my cat outside all night and she will come back in the next morning when she feels like it. If i did that with the dog, he'd go run off and get captured or be in something he shouldn't be. The dog will come back on his own too, but usually he gets captured and I have to go meet the person who thinks he's lost.

Both are great animals to have. I like them both for different reasons.

Toxoplasmosis - Filthy cats are filthy.

BECAUSE THEY ARE TERRIBLE PETS, there selfish they do shit there so fucking simple stupid and there not domesticated cats kill(mainly birds) for no reason they are killers there is no other way to put it they KILL FOR FUN they're not peaceful creatures but because there small and cut everyone overlooks them but a big dog OH SHIT THAT THINGS A MONSTER. there level of care is honestly not that different form a lizard you feed it and look at it pet it sometimes clean it's shit and that's about it. WHY PEOPLE KEEP THEM I HAVE NO IDEA there basically a house decoration at that point. Dogs have been domesticated for over hundreds of years they are good pets they belong with us cats haven't been around nearly as long. Cat's have been around for a long time but not as long coupled with the fact that cats don't have the working history that dogs have look at sheep dogs for an example.

You, sir, are and idiot.

How many times did you caps lock key pop off your dorito encrusted keyboard there inbred fucko?

nothing. I'm a dog person and I don't hate cats. but I accept that all organisms are mortal (with the exception of hydras, barring accident) and death is a part of life. I'm betting you were in the bunny thread.

news flash;

things die and it is not wrong to kill. deliberate torture is wrong; someone that abuses ddogs or cats or bugs even is bad, whereas someone that shoots them, even if they die slowly (which is borderline wrong; the ethical thing to do is put it out of its misery) is not.

things die, and things kill them.


>What did Cats do to them

2.Poo everywhere
3.Hiss at everything
4.Hide a shiton of places
5.Piss everywhere
6.Climb Everything
7.Thinks it's better than everyone
8.Eats the birds
9.Eats the squirrels
10.Makes everything mess

Cats are shit

And their shit is the worst thing in the world

They're evil non-loyal animals that do shit just to piss you off.

nice roll

this guy knows what he's talking about

you probably have a dumpster cat

a half assed version of a dog

you are a pleb """sir""" "tips hat"

Sup Forums is an 18+ site.

We all have our moments of autism this one is mine, I just hate how cat people think cats are the shit because they don't have the capabilities to train a dog, because you know that takes actual effort and time and a certain level of intelligence. And then they go on anti-dog raids. One of my buds linked me a video by those rooster teeth dudes and at one point the big faggot talks about how big dogs are great in till they kill you. How fucking backwards you gotta be to the point where if something doesn't agree with you it's becomes a killing machine by default.

i can see a pig doing good, but the size of them might be a trouble

would you be willing to cook a loving roommate? i would

I dunno but dey's beauties and I love dem.

I love doggies too but kitties are muh favorite.

I gibber like an absolute moron whenever I see them. Fuck people who can't love fellow awesome animals.

Little fur-covered shitheads. >:3

It's better if they're inside you than in the ground

I prefer cats only because I'm allergic to dogs.
I don't give a fuck... I love both.
Dogs are amazing, cats are amazing.
I want all of the world's supply of both.


>1.Scratch - yup. only the arm of the sofa and stuff outside though
>2.Poo everywhere - not at all. only in litter box and outdoors
>3.Hiss at everything - only hisses at other cats
>4.Hide a shiton of places - mine doesn't hide since becoming comfortable in this house
>5.Piss everywhere - only in litter box and outdoors
>6.Climb Everything - this is true, but she only knocks things over on purpose
>7.Thinks it's better than everyone - they probably don't do much thinking at all, let alone about other animals or people
>8.Eats the birds - occasionally, probably less than 10 a year
>9.Eats the squirrels - she's never caught a squirrel, only mice, birds, and insects
>10.Makes everything mess - no mess at all, other than shedding

My cat has never once pissed/shit indoors outside of her litter box, which I clean about twice a week and keep full of litter. She eats about $10 of food/month and has never had to go to the vet. From April through October, I leave a window open for her at all times and put away the litter box entirely.