Why are sushi enthusiasts the most obnoxious, anal, and all around unpleasent people to eat with?

Why are sushi enthusiasts the most obnoxious, anal, and all around unpleasent people to eat with?

What is it about sushi that inspires so much elitism in people

>oh thats not real sushi
>your suposed to eat it like this
>you eat this kind with your hands not with chopsticks

I have never been so annoyed at dinner then with one of you weebs at a sushi bar

Are you making this shit up? I've never once experienced or heard that bs. It's just food. Eat it. CUCK

Probably because you losers eat that low grade Chinese restaraunt sushi and can't appreciate real Japanese made sushi.

Its not just sushi. Japanese culture as a whole is this way. They come up with the "right" way to do everything. Cooking, eating, drawing cartoons etc...

Therea always a class of people who do things the way they should be done and you eather conform or be ridiculed.

Ita no wonder why the japanese commit suicide so much more thab other people.

They are cruel and xenophobic at their core

This & sushi are bait.

This is exactly qhat in taking about

So, are you Korean or Chinese?

I was eveb critized because my damn chopsticks were perpendicular to the table and not parrellel.


I can't stand fucking hipsters who only eat sushi because they think it's cool. I went to this sushi joint once because everybody kept saying how great it was. It was called "Tha Joint" so I should have known right away what I was getting into. The sushi was shit, it was way overpriced, and the service sucked. The only fucking reason people like it is because of the hipster decorations and the way it tries to be "hip"

It's a mixture of these. "Proper" sushi is definitely better than the shit you get in supermarkets, but the price usually reflects this. The Japanese are autistic about stuff, resulting in perfectionism towards a lot of their pursuits, including sushi (check out the documentary film Jiro Dreams of Sushi if you wanna see the pinnacle of Japanese sushi autism).

To be fair though, the Japanese recognize that with the popularity of sushi in basically every country in the world, there will be a decline in quality; they don't typically care that some Brazilian corner store making sushi as a side business doesn't adhere to the centuries-old technique and that these chefs didn't complete a decade-long apprenticeship, they're just thrilled foreigners like their food. Plus there's autistic gourmand cunts for any style of food. I work in a liquor store and the amount of wine snobs who come in and act like hot shit makes me want to kill myself.

Also true weebs know that sushi was a street food, made to be eaten quickly using the hands. If anyone gives you shit just remind them of this and watch their pretentious ego melt.

tbh the only times i've ever seen this happen is from white people and its not just with sushi, its with other shit too like pho and kbbq

Haha, this man concluded you watch your lovers fuck other men because of sushi etiquette.

This man watched so much anime he completely understands the standards of Chinese and Japanese sushi. Stand up guy, I would know.

did you ever think that you just are friends with assholes? Maybe its you.

Japanophiles are some of the most annoying people out there. That being said, people who mix their wasabi into their soy sauce are idiots.

This man also knows his high end wines.

I eat sushi, I like most kinds...don't give a fuck how other ppl eat it

I think you just hang around dick people...not saying I don't believe what you're saying because I've witnessed it too...those people are dicks

>>oh thats not real sushi

Only "neta" over "shari-dama" (rice) is real sushi. Hand rolls and California rolls are not real sushi. Still pretty damn good, but not real.

>>your suposed to eat it like this
>>you eat this kind with your hands not with chopsticks

You can eat with hands or chopsticks for most kinds - as long as you are eating "real" sushi.

Most people do not know that it is perfectly acceptable to eat with the hands. Oh, and you dip the sushi neta-side-first in the shoyu, not rice-side-first.

Honestly man you must live in San Diego or something we don't deal with that hipster bullshit in Baltimore. We love sushi as any port city would, its just we don't sit around like a bunch of faggots bitching about how one another eats we talk about which ones of our friends died this week

Sucks this is a thing, because sushi is almost universally amazing when made right. Who gives a shit how its eaten? If its good eat it how ya want.

If you're dipping in anything, you're not eating real sushi

wow, wtf is going on on Baltimore?

Agreed, but most people do it. Making a wasabi-shoyu slurry and dipping is insulting to the chef.

culture and food have always been closely connected. That's like asking why wine inspires snobbery, or Italian food for that matter. When people use food to identify themselves culturally, it always devolves into snobbery. The more you know, the more cultured you are, the more bragging rights you have in that culture. What's ironic about sushi is that it originated has street food.

s/sushi enthusiasts/weebs/g


This is why I just get it to go and eat it at home. No rules, no judgement, just the food and my mouth. I love sushi, but I'm a dumb white guy.

Arigatou, I do what I can.

Nobody should ever tell any cunt how to eat food.
Even if it's food from their own country.
Just fucking eat you wank.

Nah, some idiots need to be called out. Like someone that eats a steak well done, or with ketchup. People that salt their food before they even taste it. People that chew with their mouths open or make loud noises in cultures where that's considered gross. People that won't eat the crusts on their pizza. The last goes on and on.