How do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem of mine Sup Forums?

how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem of mine Sup Forums?

all my friends have girlfriends and they make out in front of me, and they go out with them and i just stay home posting here and playing No Man's Sky.

i am tired of being a lonely virgin acne fag.

how do i gf Sup Forums?

Is Accutaine still a thing? look it up user, worked wonders for me.

- don't pop them
- buy Persa Gel, use it every other night
- wash your face with Cetaphil
- use a homemade activated charcoal & tea tree oil mask, 3 times a week
- work up a sweat often, then shower right afterwards, to flush those pores out

do that and you'll see a change in a few months. Good luck from a fellow acne sufferer, Sup Forumsro.

You dont. Get over it

Stop consuming milk or dairy products all together, too many exogenous hormones.

This. Can confirm

Retard just drink a gallon of water a day its that simple

> Fix that acne
> Problem solved

tbh OP, I have a acne problem as well, I can't go on meds, but special soap and cream make the shit looks clean. Way cleaner than yours, it is still a small handicap, that I overcome with social skills.

you want a girlfriend that has your acne problem? probably go find the most disgusting girl on the planet and ask her out.

Oh also, go to a doctor and get a prescription for Mynocin or benzomycin -- sometimes really bad acne can be due to an infection way down deep in your skin, or in your blood

also also, change your pillowcase and your sheets once a week

if this shit keeps going on, then ask a doctor about Accutane -- but that's a last resort, because you WILL lose hair at a young age from it

Used Accutaine too, worked pretty well. Hang in there Sup Forumsro, it'll pass

actually that's a facial infection of the HSV2 virus. you probably caught it from one of your parents, after they performed oral sex on someone with the infection, thus passing it on to you with facial contact.

it will never go away. you will have outbreaks for the rest of your life and will likely die young of herpetic encephalitis.

Get some acne cream, drink lots of water. Also if its only on your forehead you need to wash your face every night. Use warm water to clean face and then buy some acne soap

holy fuck kill it with fire

I never had acne as a kid
Some spots, yeah. but you look like somebody has taken a cheese grater to your head

even fat girls turn me down. it sucks. :(

Honest opinion: plus plus plus drinking lots of water, should fix your issue in a few months unless you've got a really serious skin issue. Keep your head up Sup Forumsro, lots of people have been where you're at now, you aren't alone.

seriously OP listen to these two, and it will improve, fuck the medication.

1. get in shower
2. turn on the water
3. wash your fucking face
4. ???????
5. profit

Go to a fucking dermatologist

If you put paint thinner on it, works really good

Salicylic acid.
Changing your pillowcase once a week.
100% tea tree oil (3 drops on your scalp and face mixed in with whatever you use to cleanse your head).
If you use different shit for scalp and face, ratio 2 scalp to 1 face if spots on scalp, 1 spot scalp 2 spots face if spots on face.
Emoliant moisturiser, Diprobase is best from my experience... applied after a bath or shower.

yes but on does not have shower

Pain thinner no joke it got that shit all off

Quit playing fucking No Man's Sky, for one thing...

No dairy
use actual medication
shower every day
Clean face twice a day.

that's fucking herpes dude

Rub coconut oil on your face.
shit works wonders yo.

>playing no mans sky

We'll there's your problem


Get off Sup Forums you fucking faggot

Change your pillowcase bruh.

change your diet: no fastfood, sugar, soda, eat more veggies, get some fucking exercise, wash your face 2x a day and don't touch it otherwise, you could benefit from diluted teatree oil even and moisturize with a tiny bit of coconut oil

Are you fucking retarded change your diet you idiot

Only isotretinoin (roacutam, accutane) can solve that mess.

Stop posting this thread every fucking day you faggot

If you can avoid greasy foods and shit that makes you sweat a lot in particular, groom yourself and get a haircut that compliments your head shape, wear sunglasses, try as hard as you can to urge yourself to talk to people and bingo ur work is done, u should also check these dubs

also no dairy and move to a area where there are no blonde guys like detroit, you'll get all the pussy

Blame your parents for giving you shit genes? Seriously though, Justin fuck fat chicks. They're so lonely you don't even have to be good at Fucking.

I'm very certain that is NOT acne...

Holy shit it looks cauterized

Have you tried going to a fucking doctor?

Okay OP first get a bucket and pour some bleach in there. Yes, bleach, I'm serious. I'm not gonna tell you to drink it. This is a trick my dad told me years ago when I had acne problems like you did. It cleared it up in less than a week. Anyway, take the little bit of bleach and pour in some lemon juice, salt, rubbing alcohol (70%, no more), and dish soap in with it. Stir it and let it sit for 2 hours. Then rub it on your face. DO NOT WASH OFF! It needs to works its way in. Then, mix equal amounts of dish soap and table cleaners together and soak a washcloth in it. Finally, use that to rub off whatever came out off your face. Rinse with cold water and you're done! Repeat until face is clear over daily intervals.

Visit a dermatologist and seek help

Of course fat girls turn you down - being fat doesn't make you retarded, and you sure as fuck would need to be retarded to hook up with that HPV.

become vegan

This is pretty severe. Get on accutane asap. Trust me I'm a dermatologist

i dont have health insurance cause i am poor.

Do your parents have the herpes? If you find out you do have it call the herpes something fun like "boppo" for a positive attitude


Sucks to be an american

Accutane. My face was riddled with acne and it basically cleared my face completely. It's a pill, so you won't have to put too much shit on your face that'll only make your acne worse. There's a lot that you'll have to do to get a prescription and the side effects are annoying but it'll be worth it in the end.

Image reverse search says you're a fucking liar OP

Try napalm smooth skin

got kik?

What are the side effects?

Stop touching your fucking face

back in the day I tried a couple round of Accutane. Works wonders, but it's insanely hard on the liver, plus dry skin, plus it only provides temporary relief. There is a relatively new topical out there that is a wonder drug for cystic acne like that. Completely worked for me when nothing else did. Literally tried everything including laser burn treatment. The stuff that finally worked is called Aczone. Check in to it. It's great because instead of other treatments that make the already sensitive skin even more inflamed... it is has an anti-inflamatory ingredient.

You need to be 18+ to post here. Begone.


That acne is bad

That's certainly not acne. Looks herpes or something. You need to get blood samples from doctor why the fuck are you posting on Sup Forums in the first place? Good luck.

Accutane and chapstick, bitch. suck it up

Don't pick your acne or you'll get scars. Go see a dermatologist. Do this. Take accutaine. Keep skin clean. Soon, your fears and anxiety over massive skin outbreaks will be history.

>Image reverse search
you're a newfag if you haven't seen this exact thread posted with the same pictures at least once

You don't. Women avoid even if you're bald. They say otherwise but just watch what they do. What they say and what they do don't match up.

There are lots, but most of them are not going to occur so don't worry. The only real side effect is dry skin and lips, but Aquafor and moisturizer will make them seem like they're not there. Also, what one of the anons above said about losing hair from it is bullshit. Just be cautious if you go on it, if anything weird is starts happening while you're on the medication stop it immediately. But I think you'll be fine.

never heard of that, care to elaborate?

goes by another name isotretinoin im taking it right now actually

My doc gave me doses of isotretinoin increasing exponentially every month over the time of 6 months, worked wonders..

Dries you out, and joint pain for some people. After a few months of taking accutane, I could barely walk

No Russian should have its own spinoff game whereas you are one of Makarov's henchmen helping him with terroristic attacks.

Clindamycin worked for me, talk to your doctor or find someone online who sells antibiotics on the dl. I don't think it's controlled but it's still kind of hard to find. The topical gel works temporarily but the capsules will kill it for sure. I had acne for years and now I don't. Hope this helps friendo.

drys the ever living fuck out of your skin / lips you'll get split lips

Common misconceptin actually, dairy doesn't cause acne. or impact hormones.

isotretinoin is fucking magic, literally the only thing that worked for me

doesnt that stuff shrink your dick?

it's actually not a "misconceptin" you fucking retard

Melt chocolate into a bowl then smear it on your face.

Maybe they reject you because you play no mans sky you fag

Honest answer that I would have called gross and bullshit before last summer.

I stopped washing my face with product, except for right before shaving.
I haven't had a single noticeable blemish ever since two weeks after I started.

I had painful as fuck volcanoes on my face, that looked similar to yours, before I stopped washing with product. It wont work for everyone, but it turned out great for me.

You don't. You can't and you won't. You NEED accutane. Your acne is hideous to look at and unhygienic. I'd be afraid to sit too close to, if one of those were to burst and spray all over me. Do yourself and everyone else that's forced to look at you and be around you a favor and see a dermatologist. Just being brutally honest.

Proactive, and stop playing no mans sky

fuckin cancer of this board

Get a little tool for blackheads, use steam to open your pores and have of it. Scrape everything out and close your pores with witch hazel and cold water. Be sure to dab the witch hazel on and not smear it all over like an ape. Don't buy acne creams and instead use scentless lotion and lemon. Be sure to cut greasy foods out of your diet and shower once a day. I hope this helps -user

You look like the fucked up side of Harvey Dent.

Rub your forehead on her. That should give her some of your grease, and hopefully share the problem with her.

The real problem is that you're still play no mans sky, like wtf is wrong with you?

HAHAHAHA, almost none of that is backed with any study done ever.

Acne is caused by bacteria and keratin hyperplasia that clogs pores. What you need is a topical antibiotic (OTC benzoyl peroxide is OK), but since you're acne is getting cystic and scarring you will probably benefit from oral doxycycline.

Also, a topical retinoid will help decrease keratin production. If you go to a dermatologist they might jump straight to oral retinoids though to prevent scaring.

Either way go to a dermatologist if you're serious about getting it under control.

Taking this rn. Fucking sucks but it works just remember: no babies no babies no babies

was going to say antibiotics too, it seems weird taking a pill for acne but it does work because acne is effectively a bunch of small infections under your skin, a dermatologist or even a regular doctor should be able to help you with this and even basic insurance usually makes antibiotics very cheap

No timestamp, so this is fake. But answering the very real question on how to get a gf, you fucking just need to man up.

It's mostly personality. Go to a bar alone, and get numbers.

Accutane bruh, saved my life

Look into antibacterial/anti parasite supplements, and thoroughly use a nice bar soap when you shower daily.

Worked for me, don't waste your time/money with pharma in this area.

eat beer yeast, faggot
Do not eat chocolate or fat.

Try MMS. For real. Dude, that is harsh. I wish you well.

Go outside more. Vit D does wonders for your skin. Sleep on a healthy schedule. Take cold showers, or at least wash your face with cold water a couple of times daily. Use cetaphil when washing your face to remove dirt. Only pop pimples if they are at the point of having huge heads (wash hands before and use cetaphil after). Don't play No Man's Sky. Kys beta faggot. Find a 6/10 with huge ass and craves dick like no other and get jiggy. >pic related (she chugs my cum)

more vegetables, less greasy food, more exercise and sunshine helps too, wash your pillowcase every time you do laundry (and do your laundry more often), obviously wash your face every day but don't go crazy with creams and special soaps because those things will irritate you and may make it worse

but you've got it bad and personal habits can only go so far, you just got unlucky genes and will have to manage it until you grow out of it, talk to your doctor for sure

Get some fucking Accutane already

>no man's sky
More like no girl's guy kek

Uuuh, Have you been popping them or are they naturally scabbed over like that.
That doesn't look like acne at all.

this and also put a fresh towel over your pillow at night every night when you sleep, other than that you just gotta wait until your hormones calm down. remember males dont stop growing until nearly 25 years old, so it could be a while.