Is a Argentine an white?

is a Argentine an white?



> 4:19

> 4:20


Some are, some aren't. Argentina is like all other South American country
>have small white euro minority
>predominantly mestizo/other type of mixed
>be a complete shithole

The 97% Caucasian graphic is over exaggerated. As someone that has stayed in Argentina, it certainly isn't 97% white.



Son, do you really believe that Argentina is 97% white? Light skinned mixed people think they're white for some reason even though they aren't, spics do the same thing in America. Argentina is a mixed country, you got white ones, brown ones, black ones, etc.

who said anything about 97%?
you are obsessed

white graphic in argentina do, they lie about statistics

nobody ever said 97%, that's an old as fuck statistic used by CIA World Factbook.

Not a single Western European country is 97% white anyway.

well with that image argentina is 90% lol

97% of any ethnicity/race is probably only possible in cunts like North Korea.

It's the same thing here in South Brazil, it claims to be 90% white and then you take a stroll around the city and 90% of the people are brown.

more like 80%

It was possible in Europe just a couple decades ago before some demented social engineers took hold of the political stage and opened the flood gates of third world immigration.

I read an article by some Brazilian author and he basically says that in Brazil the definition of white is different. A lot of pardos consider themselves white. He claims that he once asked a pardo's opinion about racism in brazil from the point of you of a non white. But the guy answered, what do you mean "non white", I am white.

only retardeds pardos say that

>white & arab

what's your point?

Maybe the commie bloc and scandivians. But definitely not Germany or France or Netherlands or Spain. Not sure about Italy.

Argentina is probably 3% truly white (the elite that doesn't mix with anyone and lives in country-houses far from the urban centres)

97% are mestizo mongrels larping as wannabe yuropeans with a serious and deep inferiority complex often mistaken for superiority complex.

You think that self-deprecation is going to make us believe the contrary?

Just informing about my country.
How you want to interpret it is entirely up to you.