See that blet? It took me 3 years of blood and sweat to get it. What have you done with your lifes, fаggots...

see that blet? It took me 3 years of blood and sweat to get it. What have you done with your lifes, fаggots? It took me 3 years of blood and sweat to get, this was the proudest day in my life yo get something that i EARNED? got one?

what have u NERDS ever done, except level up to level 7 on WOW..

fuсking nerds, do SOMETHING with yourlife

shut the fuck up bitch noone cares kill yourself

It took you 3 years to get down to the store and buy a belt?

At least I can spell.

u dont lookmlike a fighter

nigga again with this thread i thought we established that you're a beta piece of shit

What's a blet?

I keep a .22 in my pocket. Flip and kick all you want, one twitch of my finger trumps all your (alleged) years of training.

should have used amazon prime

you are and asshole

Well done OP. Black belt in three years? Amazing. Too bad you traded basic English for it though. Good luck finding a job wearing it.

Style? Tell me about your test for 1st dan.


Better yet - time stamp it.

Wouldnt stop a bullet to your head tho would it ya cheeky cunt?

I'll have you know I can lift a fully-grown horse above my head, and I can hold my breath for ten minutes.
To settle a wager, I once ate a pound of P.B Fouke's strongest badger poison and then ran a mile in the nude.
I cannot feel pain, and I can see for two miles unaided by a lens. No man can kill me.
I have beaten a man of every race in formal combat, including a Turk, a Pygmy Negro Man, and a rare Deepwater Jew.
A medical doctor and two priests have written and signed a document confirming I have no soul.


Musta been good bait, cause it got you m8

Why the hell are niggers and these kinds of people always invading the Sup Forums board, saying were bad or inferior when their obviously inferior.

know its bait but will still fuck this kid up

You wasted 3 fucking years to get a blet? Dude!! Should've used those 3years learning proper english!

Dude! I want a deepwater jew ! Those are hard to find !

>be OP
>spend three years getting a black belt
>wear it on forehead like ultimateninjawarrior.exe
>all of my blood, sweat, and tears are now gone
>just posted on Sup Forums to remind those pussies I'm their boss
>A wild gang of niggers appears
>mistake my black belt as a rival tribe
>"I wouldn't mess with me, I have a black belt as you can clearly see"
>Get shot and stabbed
>Bleed out on way to hospital