Just started a job at an it company. Literally today. I lied on my resume. I don't know what I'm doing...

Just started a job at an it company. Literally today. I lied on my resume. I don't know what I'm doing. My boss asked me to write a script to fetch data from some database. idk what do. help me b.

He means fetch either logs or files dumbshit

Who cares. If you lied on your resume and they were too stupid to catch you you're golden. Just enjoy a few months of free money.

what language and what technology for the database

Suck the dick that was soft and is hard as fuck now

This can't be real. Are you serious? OMG I'm definely doing that shit!

I'm so weird, let me creep in your backyard to show you I need to fuck you, but you wont understand

It isn't, if he really was worried, he would've given us more details.

Google is the other way. If you're not sure what to search, ask your boss to clarify what he wants. "I just want to be thorough, sir." Git gud, faggot. Just be confident.

but its the fact of you know. THE ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY AT WAR

If you lied on your resume, that's fraud. You could be sued.

I'd duck out the back door and pretend this never happened.

lemme ask cathy - CAT. e ***** I fuck CATS jk , that's Sup Forums

Must be nice. I'm qualified but no one will hire me as I was born with too much melanin.

right buck tell you about it because they care so much

dunno, the database is in linux and the only db language i sort of know is sql

illiterate samefag

but being different, that's what everyone wants to be, so try being so different, yall end up being the same. umm what should I call you.... #dumbfag

I'm gonna need a translation, friendo

everyone is trying to be different, so trying to be different you will end up being the same

kek welcome to Sup Forums. if you're gonna be different, it's gotta be entertaining. to figure that out you need to lurk more

lol, stupid faggot...sql works on linux as well...learn to use the command line.

OP, I know what they want...lolz. Pay me monies and I'll do your work.


You need to have him go into more detail about what he wants fetched from the DB, because an entire DB could be huge, and if it's on a remote system, that could take for ever. Also you need to give use more detail. What OS you are using, and what kind of DB this is if it's local or remote. If it's linux it'll be simple to write a shell script to do this. But like I said you need to ask your boss if he meant the entire DB or specific tables in said DB. Because honestly if it was the full DB that makes no sense as you could just back up The DB daily with a cron job

That's why you don't lie.

Easiest way is to create a .bat files with some simple commands, and export it to Microsoft Excel. Your job sounds pretty easy OP.

Seriously user learn to computer plus no that wouldn't work at all even if it was m$ cause the DB is most likely on a remote system

It's sql, buy sql for dummies, enjoy ur cash.

You can fetch data from one file to another using VBA script loser

open up alt F11 and start writing those macros

lolz, hit me up [email protected]

bump for the faggot...lol