Hey /b

Hey /b
Tomorrow at work I will have a mandatory training on "transgender tolerance".

I have a few questions to ask like:
"Do I call he/she a he or a she?"

I was wondering if /b had any ideas on what I could ask in preparation for this ever important training I will recieve.

Thanks in advance.

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"Transgender Tolerance"

Just call her/him however he/she wants to be called - usually you are able to see what that Person identifies as :p

Ask your boss how he would feel if a trap slept with him (sex)

Important poll

>is gender a social construct?

if yes

>can you be born in the wrong gender?

Just ask what pronouns they prefer when in doubt go with how they present themselves.

I dont get why people are afraid of transgender or gay people - are you afraid that if you would accept them as normal humans you would somehow magically turn gay as well?

I dont care what tshirts people wear or what they think or say... Why would it matter who they fuck or love?

B is full of pussies who think they are cool when they hate lgbt people... As if we dont have enough other problems in the world :')

Hmm, this may raise some eyebrows.

Yeah I really don't care about what people do with their lives as long as they don't harm others. Which is why this training is a waste of my time.

tranny here, whatever you don't understand, ask. it's better to embarrass yourself or offend someone with your question than to be uninformed.

get a load of this faggot

They aren't normal human beings. They are godless, mentally fuck't retards and I don't want to be around them.
Pretending they are normal is cowardly; people ought to act with truth and conviction.

I found the cancer on this board.

I just call then all faggots to keep it simple.

I just don't see the importance. "You do you." And all that. Cool beans and move on.

I think it's more of an attention thing. "I have to be different so people will notice me."

When I really just don't care.

Holly shit Sup Forums turned into tumblr fast, hang yourselves faggots its statistically what your most likely to do before coming out

Which, in reality, is the truth.

But these sick people can't seem to break out of la la land and realize there are way more serious "actual" problems out there.

Thank the jeezus these weren't quads or it would be true.
Nice try user.

Same, now that gays are accepted people have to find other ways to get attention, when trannys are accepted then we will have to accept pedi files and when that's done with people will get desperate and start sewing on extra arms and legs, we are DE evolving as a species

This. What the fuck

Ask "why must I call a guy/girl the opposite gender just cause they want to be the other gender?" Then when they reply say "my grandpa had schizophrenia and he thought his toaster was talking to him. Should I of told him that it was really talking to him? No, we ended up putting him in a home." Then if they try to say how is that relevant tell them that transgenders do have a mental problem wrong with them. The suicide rate of a transgender is 40% higher. This cannot just be from "bullying" in society since the only other time in history any group of peoples suicide rate was this high was Jews in Nazi Germany. What else would make a group want to commit suicide.

Want to learn how to argue against liberals? Watch this.

Ask someone what they were born as.
Use that pronoun when talking to them.
Fuck their make-believe stuff.
Science/chromosome/biology is the basis.

Where the fuck do you work OP?

Is liking traps gay?

Let me guess, you're one of those people who think "homophobia" is a legitimate term for people who don't agree with homosexuals?

Transgender people and homosexuals are suffering from mental illness, but they're encouraged by leftist idiots to attempt forcing everyone else to believe they're "normal".

I don't condone harming gays or trannies, but forcing everyone else to pretend they're perfectly "normal" people is utter stupidity. Should we also tell schizophrenics and depressed people that they don't need medication and that everyone else should just ignore their mental health issues? Sure, transsexuals and homosexuals are *less* likely to harm themselves and others, but that doesn't mean the symptoms and problems resulting from their illnesses are insignificant.

Isn't tranny sort of like the equivalent of saying nigger to yous guys? Or is it shemale?

Fuckin brilliant.

I work at your local U.S. Navy.


Think of it exactly like that. Black people can call themselves niggers, but if someone else calls them one, it's hateful. Goes the same for tranny/faggot/dyke/whatever else I can't remember off the top of my head.

You don't have a job, you're 14 years old.
Real jobs focus on productivity and ways to increase it, not focusing on facebook memes.