Wolfman and Capt Picard both die

Wolfman and Capt Picard both die

I've seen some fucked up shit here, but this... this is too far.

fucking lold, you watched the same shitty cam i'm watching right now.

they still make those movies?

it would be like mazda not making the mx5 anymore. why stop creating what sells the best?


Good...and not soon enough, the fucking jews that held on to the movies right can't do a good X-men movie if they tried. Best to kill off the star-power that made money for them, let the franchise die, and be sold back to Disney so they can do the X-men real justice to the source material.

You sound upset

been upset since the first X-men movie.

The four divine beasts die, Zelda didn't die 100 years ago, link gets his memory back and they defeat Gannon after reuniting the end. The old man is actually King Rhoam, the last king of Hyrule, and Zelda’s father. More accurately, it’s the spirit of King Rhoam. He perished during the fight with Ganon while trying to support Zelda and Link

coming from the same dumbasses that leaked that captain america died at the end of the last civil war movie.
You are a dumb faggot.

Google confirmed he dead.

Han Solo dies.

Game sucks anyway, Zelda can't jump, He could never jump on command.

I saw the movie. I fucking know it you dumb neckbeard jigaboo.

Bruce Willis is a ghost, Gwyneth Paltrows' head is in the box.

>you mad bro?


hugh jackman was a horrible wolverine.

You're late. Shit got spoiled last week. Not like anyone didn't see it coming.

who the fuck went into the movie not knowing they were going to die?

If you didn't think that was gonna happen you're a retard.