Alright, Sup Forums

Alright, Sup Forums

Why is Meth so fucking addicting?
Smoking it seems to be the best ROA, aside from IV but I don't ever see myself going down that road.

Anyone else find themselves using meth occasionally?

Also, general drug thread

Smoked meth about 10 times total.
Loved the high but such a shitty comedown.
Wasnt addicting at all to me. Its a shitty drug man. Stop now. Literally all of my friends who have done it are in jail now.

no....we're not retards

I should say addicted to it. Not my friends who have done it a few times.

Because it's neurotoxic and wires your brain to think it needs meth

The comedown is shit, I agree.
I want to stop, but since I was 9 I've been on amphetamines for ADHD (Possibly undiagnosed Bipolar as it doesn't seem to help, but I like the high.)
Meth is just the bee's knees for me.

What does it feel like?

>aside from IV but I don't ever see myself going down that road

hah you know how many times i've heard that?
standard progress:
>i'll never IV
>how does it feel???
>ok, i'll try it once, hit me?
fear of needles is gone the moment the rush hits.
>ok, i'll just do it this weekend/once in a while
>i figured out how to hit myself and do it every time now.


Well it's not that I'm afraid of needles, I'm a T1D insulin dependent so needles are an everyday factor.
The idea of IV use just makes me cringe. The taste of smoking is what attracts me.

Euphoric rush, instant focus, stimulation, I get the urge to make music and write poetry.

Same here, maybe 10 times, maybe a few more. I didn't have a real problem with the down, the thing I absolutely hated about it is is made me harder and hornier than fuck, but was IMPOSSIBLE to cum. Fucking impossible.

Nice high unless you do too much of it. Which is easy to do. Haven't touched the shit for at least 5 years now.

You shouldve got your assed whooped as a kid if you were being to hyper or not paying attention in school. Your parents are stupid as fuck for drugging you. Oh yeah btw. Meth isn't the bee's knees. Use any other fucking drug on the weekends at least. You're just a pile of shit for others to see. You'll just be another twacked out bum that normal people make fun of. So stop doing the shit... retard

meth, not even once

Smoked meth once when I was like 22 just to see what it felt like. It was amazing. But never again. That's a road I'm not going down.

Dude i fapped for like 2 hours at least when i was on that nasty shit. But its good to see that another user can experience and have a strong enough mind to fuck with that stuff and not turn into a retarded fucking zombie. I havent messed with that stuff in 2 years. And i know im going to hate it again if i tried it the 11th time. And how the hell did you not have problems with the comedown? Every comedown i had i felt like i was going to die.

God mode; I literally felt like Mr Hyde.

snorted it though

would you fuck her for some meth OP?

Didnt you hate that fucking come down? I felt like death when i started coming down

i snorted it once, the first 5 hours were funny. after that, i hated it. flushed down the rest of the stash.

Not OP, but fuck, I'd fuck that bitch for free.


Hopefully she smokes herself out of existence. Not op




Kick that meth pipe in her asshole and hope it shatters.

Meth is awesome...but it will fuck you up eventually...I lost 12 months of my life on that stuff...wasted over 80k...ended up injecting...until friends intervened...since then I have occasionally...big night out only...going to a music festival or gig...or when horny as fuck


Holy fuck. Look how retarded that meth made you

You taste it in your throat when you shoot it. Plus smoke a bowl while you get the shot ready. It was great for the first five years, OK and crazy for 4, but there's last year was bonkers terrible. Violence and darkness only.
Also ten years of life just wasted, got clean and had to start normal lifefrom the beginning.

You would be suprised. One of my brothers buddies died from dope and he was 500 pounds sitting in a wheelchair. He died from his drug habbit before he died from his own obesity. Good riddance

When they come down they crave sugar.

Damn I'm so jealous about your life...
Glad I have other things that give me a rush.. simple things like my sportcars and other stuff in life.

Same fag here.
Sometimes I miss all the puddle sluts, and crazy times. I have to remember it wasn't worth it and life is good now. I just push those thoughts out of my head.
Would like to do it with the my chick for an all night fuck yeah, but it wouldn't turn out good. Probably would just jump back in had first and lose everything I have worked for.

The only high worth having in this life is having sex with hot women and making bank. Everything else is just poverty and peasant mode.

hopefully the meth helps her lose weight


Because it hotwires your dopamine (reward/pleasure pathway) for ~8-12 hrs. All drugs of abuse work on the dopamine receptors in one way or another

Also this. Got 8 months clean, you?

> 2017
> doing meth that isn't blue


This is my 4th or 5th time smoking it, and I can tell I could easily get addicted. However clean gear isn't easy to come by around these parts. Chances are I'll end up going through a DNM source for quality stuff eventually.

Since January 2 2013.

Thank you cpt. Common Knowledge, once again you strike with speed and fortitude

Congrats brother, stay strong. We can get through. The needle is tough, takes it to a whole new level. I do miss that taste some days. Never made sense to me how you could taste something in your bloodstream

on a side note, conventional anti psychotic drugs stifle the dopamine pathway. That's why many people feel like joyless zombies when they take them. That's why antipsychotic medication regimens have a lower patient compliance rate than other medical treatments, sometimes requiring a "depot" injection that slowly releases the drug over time so they can be sure they're taking their medicine regularly


Do you even hedonic threshold?
Fucking pleb.

I personally enjoy not shitty drugs like pharms. I went on an oxy binge for 6 months straight, titrating up to 150mg twice a day. Best part is that it is 100% safe and has 0 adverse effects over time unless the respiratory deprivation causes you to go braindead. I have around 100 oxy, a few hundred benzos, some hydro, and a little codeine. If you guys want pics of what I got ill show

You asked a question and I answered it. how the fuck was I supposed to know you already knew it? Read your fucking mind or something?


For me, it was to enhance my libido. Jerking off, watching porn, writing erotic BDSM literature, ect. amplified the pleasure by X 10.

First time with that taste and cough..... Damn.
I also said for years I would never slam.
Stay strong too man, you got to push the euphoric recollections away or you might convince yourself is worth it to go back

Implying any of these are good drugs. Go try heroin. You might as well. Pharms are overpriced.

That's why people go from Oxy to h, the price.

post pics, thats a lot of fucking pills mayne

I'll check out some pics, show a recovering junkie some drug porn you good samaritan

Best drug to have epic fuck sessions

Yea same here bro but goddam it was moth to flame for me. I was drawn to it. I miss slamming speedballs the moat, god the coke hit in like 1 sec flat and the taste and numbness was like no other. Still not worth it, that life is over

Never tried heroine, and never will. I'd need to get a reagent tester to see what its cut with. Fent has been running rampant lately.

I got you 1 sec


Haha thanx brother. Don't wanna use but drug porn is fun

Hell yeah it is, I've been clean for about a month now after binging this shit for 6 months straight. I just want to prove I'm not a full blown addict that just can't resist. Withdrawals fucking sucked but we all get over them.

I see oxy 5s, Tylenol 3, vike 5 and what's in the blisters?

>like my sportcars and other stuff
Sure buddy

Wow such a baller, I'm sure. I'm so jelly I should probably just kill myself.

List of drugs

100-150mg oxy, 5mg pills, v 48 10
30mg hydro/ acetaminophen , 5mg/ 325, m365
60mg codeine/ acetaminophen, 60mg/ 300mg, m 4
150-250 Assorted lorazepam and alprazolam
4mg nicorette gum things, wanted to test if one with no tolerance could get a stim effect, like a type of amphetamine. It doesn't :/

Started using it on my 20th birthday, next week with be my 22nd.
When I'm not on it, I don't really think about doing it; it's when I AM on it that I want the euphoria and intense focus to last, so I'll end up scoring a bit more.

Regardless, never felt like it was the one in control. The people around me, however, their lives started going to shit real quick.

My #1 reason for not stopping is because it helps me ascend to another level when practicing for competitive SSBM. Can't tell if this is simply my justification for continuing to use or not... but I may have planted in my own head the idea of needing it to reach that point. I really do want to quit, but it's so enticing to just have that extra edge over the competition. Maybe I should just find a supply of Adderall for performance enhancement, even if it is really fucking grimy.

>I use meth, but adderall is grimy.

No, motherfucker, YOU are grimy. You want to keep using one of the worst life-ruining drugs for a fucking video game. Sort out your life, dumbass.

Hey man, I know my shit's fucked up. At least I'm not homeless or in jail.

And I guess I didn't word it how I wanted. Even if I were to replace it with Adderall, it wouldn't change the fact that I'm using a PED. That's the grimy thing.

God damn you ain't lying. Shit is so good. Been clean for a year tho.

Lmfao I can't wait to see this girl's before and after pics

Damn didn't realize so many ex meth heads on 4 chan. 7 months clean and thinking about starting up again but fuck, it was bad

I observed friends of mine that used it, and realized that that was one drug I wanted to stay away from. It turned everyone of them into assholes.

meth is for sister-fucking hillbillys

900mg codeine****

smoke some more, fattie

Just like Sup Forums

you are not wrong

Listen to fear factory timelessness." I've had the poison leak into my skin and it corroded my heart away."
Really changed you too, and not for the better. Did some of the worst things to other people during that period.

13 year old detected

do you live by yourself or with your parents?

is your relationship with them good?
i hope it is bc while your smoking meth and playing video games they're paying for everything and they'll be dead soon.

enjoy the time with them while you can, so you're not wanting to kill yourself for smoking meth instead of being with them, you fucking dumb drug addicted loser

The billboards and commercials were enough for me not to use meth...NOT EVEN ONCE as the slogan goes.. Didnt any of you fags get that memo in the early 2000s?

I've only done crystal meth maybe 10 times total.
It's fucking great but you get hooked so fast and like other anons said the comedown is awful.

I prefer adderall. Was hooked on adderall for like 3 years when I was with my ex cause she has a giant prescription for it. I would get so much work done on adderall it was insane. but i've been off it for a year now and i find it hard to get creative work done as im a musician. kinda sucks. i'm so used to popping like 40-60 mgs of adderall and just being a monster and banging out music so fast and now I struggle to get shit done. sucks

Man, I get guilty from smoking too many cigarettes. I don't know how people can be doing that shit and not literally kill yourself from shame.

I've snorted crystal a few times, how is the high compared to smoking/vaporizing it?

The trick is to hate yourself and everything around you.

Amphetamines kill my creativity. You become productive, but you're like a machine. You're probably better off writing music sober, just don't be an unmotivated faggot.

Naw, I am an active person, I work from 9-5, then the gym and jiu jitsu class, 5 times a week, I did meth acouple of times, that shit got me sick! I was not able to function well at work, I went to jiusitsu class and I was dying on the mats..

Fuck meth! that shit does not make you productive..

and I was driving high too, that 's even more fucked up..

Nas stay away from that shit guys..

Exactly, i went thru the same thing too, I would watch porn and jack off all day in bed, only got up to clean my dick and drink water and take a hit..

Fuck that drug..

same here. i would spend all day jerking off to porn. it's weird to look back at how i used to look forward to getting high and just locking myself in my room and having marathon fap seesions.

I don't think are going down a road.

Enjoy your meth.

Fuck those chemicals man, the only good chemicals to put in your body are THC, beer, LSD, MDMA, MDA, and psilocybin.

You'd have to be fucking stupid to do that shit. I mean, I'm all for people doing what they want, but c'mon. You know what it's made of, why the fuck would you willingly put that shit into you?

I live in a place that has a pretty significant meth problem. I'm so fucking tired of hearing these damn tweekers cry about how it's a disease and they deserve compassion. They need to fuck off. You did this to yourself, knowing full well what was going to happen.

I stick to weed and the occasional mushroom. Both are natural and 100% safe, fun, and beneficial.

Looks like that shit ROCKS!!!