Cringe thread anyone?

Cringe thread anyone?

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I knew that guy...........

As in, was friends with?

My profile makes sure faggots like this stay in line.


A long time ago, he hacked in csgo and tf2

As in?


By god it does. How often do you get self righteous liberals whining in your comments about it?



Not really friends, just knew each other. All I knew is that he was in a gay relationship and had a Canadian accent





I get supporters in my comments for the most part and if i do get hate I leave it. Idgaf, but I do get butthurt libs whining about my name across many games. I get kicked, banned, yelled at ect just for the name. And they flip the fuck out when they see the profile.


10/10 would eat again


Please be fake



Cringe every time, why did the cum turn into gravy?


A bunch of dead babies pretty much on that figure





Two streams, both dehydrated

......what is it? You shoulda said to begin with.


"Miss Gender" yeah, it is most certainly fake

>"Those who dont fit the criteria are not eligible for a free slap"
Literally only excluding non-cis and straight white male from this
>Triggering intensifies


No way this is real



Crazy woman thinks people wearing colours are in on a conspiracy against her.


God I love America


Got a cool pompadour in the profile pic though

The hell happened here?

well fuck you too


What does it look like?


She should be careful... the Japs are still whaling.




Ngl, would smash


as an antiheteronormative, trigender, slutromantic, demigirl....I find Zam's bullshit to be intolerable

He plugged something into the wall and got electrocuted to death trying to fuck it, didn't he.


what happened?

>tfw they try to steal your name as a pronoun
>its not even allowed under space law



you mean...aging?



>deal with it


That's got to be some sort of Sup Forums psyop



Half ogre maybe...







Drug OD

I love the concept, I'd slap those bitches to Oblivion.



Dear god why would you openly say this, thinking it is one thing but openly admitting you would kill a baby because it's ugly and you didn't want it. She must be a sociopath to think that is something she can say openly with no shame.

This mother fucker looks like a Persian cat managed to inherit a wish from a genie and he chose to be a human.






Autism is a hell of a drug