Im senior, how do i respond to this?

Im senior, how do i respond to this?

shit in your hands and rub it on your chest

By being better than you're being

tits or gtfo


Fuck you mom its not just a phase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You cant :/

Grow up and listen to your mom.

fuck you mom suck muh dick lmao xDDDDDD

Really, nothing. im kinda scared right now

join the army

never talk to her again

actions better than words op

you need to start making decisions for yourself asap. that doesn't mean asking Sup Forums and that doesn't mean listening to everything your parents say. the less you listen the better honestly. start thinking for yourself. also, if your mom is being a cunt over you not going to college she can go fuck herself. it's a fucking scam dog

I'm 21, which isn't much older but it's just enough time for me to realize where I fucked up when I was in high school. It's already too late for you and your mother is right. You're fucked now because I'm guessing you didn't do shit in school and you barely got by in your classes. I can't tell you how to respond to your mother's text, but if you didn't get into a university then you need to go to community college and transfer for a real degree. In case you weren't aware, your parents were kids once and they know better than you.

You can't even formulate an answer to your own fucking mother who is calling you out on your bullshit, think about how much of a fuckin' failure you really are man.

Thank you. I'll think about that
Ima dude

I have friends like you and it's a shame

Man the fuck up and do what you have to do

Don't make people who care about you worry about where you'll end up

Blast yourself

You can straighten out your life and join the Third Reich
>gives your life order
>gives your life purpose
>kills Jews
>What's stopping you OP?

his parents are most likely retards, just like you

Mom has been a eye docters assistant for 5 years. She has a masters

once you start living your life to satisfy other people's expectations, you give up being a man and start being a sack of worthless shit

that isn't shit man, like 5 years in college

College isn't a scam. Don't listen to this fucking retard. If you want a job that pays remotely well, you're gonna need that piece of paper, or get extremely lucky.

Listen to your mother. Unlike people in this thread, the bitch actually loves and cares for you, probably more than anyone ever will. Don't be a tremendous faggot.

Just because I don't want to follow the paths others have set for me, does NOT mean I don't care about my future. I'm sorry you can't see that.

Start caring faggot.

she can love you and care for you yet still be a clueless bitch that wants to mold your life. you do not need to go to college, repeat DO NOT. you need experience in the workforce and the ability to know when you aren't going anywhere further in a business. a college degree means nothing, especially if you have a liberal arts degree. all it will mean to you is a reminder of how much money you were scammed out of.

im in the dame boat man...

You and I both know that a 'liberal arts' degree would have to go further than just a degree. Let's not play the fucking retard, alright? Some of those require doctorates.

Most degrees are beyond useful for the amount of money you will bring in, and the jobs available to you. Sorry, bro, but you're not with it at all.

Let's be honest here, if you can't respond without the help of these fags on b, your mom is probably right about you.

Stop settling for mediocrity and do something with your life. No matter who you are, you are not smart enough to skate through school/life and still land in a good spot. It's time start trying like everyone else.

Senior? Senior what? Underaged faggot, senior?

basically all liberal arts degrees require a doctorate for you to begin to make money ($80k per year range) . that's another $200-300k for tuition if you don't have the university paying for you. money better spent in real estate. on top of that, do you think you're the only idiot applying for grad school? do you know how impacted the college system is right now?

You use a useful field at degree level to form your argument, and I just took a big steamy shit all over it. If you're a smart boy, you do a degree that's useful at degree level.

You're not going to convince me that college is a fucking scam, when education is nothing but good for you and your future if done correctly.

you use a useless**

Just woke up.

list of degrees useful at degree level:
computer science

Yeah, no.

also, education =/= college

whatever you say man, have fun when you get out of college

That's the first good point you've made. Yeah. You should be educated all round, not just through university. That's why arguing is important.

You're a senior? wouldn't that mean your life is already coming to an end?


that "they were kids once too" is a pretty vague argument, considering when they were kids (unless they birthed you at a very young age) their life, economy, society in general would've been different.

Isn't a masters degree like very low down?

In most academic fields like the Humanities and Sciences, yes a master's is not enough.

I mean I'm not trying to bash the guy or his mother, also not really a competition on how much someone earns but if you want to have a job that pays the same amount as the average anual one person income you're going to want a degree, or like someone said, get lucky.

Yeah that someone was me. I agree bro.

I think one of the best things you can truly realise while going through education and growing up is that it will in almost all cases stick with you what you do, You can opt to do a shitty college course and by that it will stick with you, or you can study and work hard at a harder college course (albeit still one that interests you) and end with a good degree.

> About to start a Biomedical Sciences PhD where tuition is waived and they'll pay me to get the PhD, so I know a bit about college.

I feel conflicted here. I generally view liberal arts degrees as pretty useless, though some will go on to make more money than I will. Definitely not on average though. The difficulty of liberal arts majors is laughable so at least you won't have to try hard. The downside is they're a dime a dozen and it's hard to find any decent jobs with those degrees, especially now with the government downsizing.

I think a better alternative to a liberal arts degrees (and even some STEM majors) is trade schools. For some reason no one ever talks about the trade schools anymore. Go to school to be a welder, electrician, plumber, or any number of trades.

> Costs less money
> You will never stay unemployed ever, and can get a job no matter where you move.
> You will make damn good money
> You will contribute in a meaningful way to society and your work will be fulfilling

High schools really need to start talking about trade schools too instead of only colleges. I didn't find out about the trade schools until I was in my third year of college. College isn't for everyone, it's nice that there's an alternative.