"The overused and unearned "moment" is DC's greatest foe" BvS BTFO

Looks like that settles it. Quips wont save us from Snyder shit.


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Quips will only make Snyder's shit worse

Comedy is harder to do than Drama, and Hack Snyder can't even get that right. Of course Quips won't save it.

even the dude who usually only makes videos praising good movies trashes bvs.


>Pointing out how much better AoU is to BvS.

Smart man.

great vid, he's right.

Why the fuck is this pretentious asshat being promoted on Sup Forums...

This is by far the worst time this board has ever been through.

Something about Marvel movies has nagged me for a while, but it only clicked into place while watching this video.

I totally agree with his analysis of Snyder's DC movies, but I feel like Marvel movies swing too far to the other end of the spectrum--they may be full of good quips, pacing, and scenes that flesh out characters really well, but I still often come away feeling kind of let down from a Marvel movie. It's always a very pleasant experience, but I never come away feeling awed or amazed. There might be a lot of reasons for this, but a key one is that they never seem to take time to pour into a moment and deliver truly iconic images. A bunch of people in colorful outfits pretending to fight each other in an airport seemed fun in context, but seems bland while thinking or talking about it.

I like Marvel movies well enough but I just wish they would try to have more 'moments.' Maybe they could succeed where Snyder has failed.

That's... actually a really good point.

Really makes you think


Less than a week until SUICIDE SQUAD and still no reviews.....

Smells like trouble.

He's a smart guy, I'm conflicted by him, he says things that make a lot of sense, but the smug cadence of his speech just makes him really difficult to listen to.

The little post-video bits on the end just cement how insufferable he is.

I watch all of his videos and I love the points he makes, but you're totally right about the smug cadence.

I agree wholeheartedly. He's such a fucking prick... but I did enjoy his Mulholland Drive analysis.


That shot is such garbage. At least Snyder makes his flicks look pretty.

>Akira Kurosawa is universally praised for making innocuous scenes into momentous memorable points with precisely composed cinematography

>B-BvS is ruined by having too many moments you guys, it really is bad! it's not just that the film is hampered by ruined pacing from corporate meddling shoving Justice League teasers into it and "lets have another monster fight :DD" and retarded set-ups for the next movies!

The vid isn't saying that it's its only problem.

>scenes are hard to define since they're so malleable

he even admits the definition he gives is broad

from the beginning i always talked about the short scene length, and always said that i wish snyder would get slower, but this sort of thing while more valid than what is usually said about the movie still seems like an overreaction to the movie, although again i'll back up by saying that that is the one thing that stood in my mind as to how the movie presented itself, at times sequences of many short scenes that add up logistics before going into an important moment for all the characters

Decent video. Reckon you can aim all those same criticisms at JJ's Star Wars too.

I suppose the rule is to fill the gaps between those moments with quips and fan service.

Sup Forums wont get it, they praises moments and single shot as kino and it wont go further or deeper then that.

this is what happens when you allow Sup Forums to invade the board

BvS isnt the best movie out there, but its one of the best capeshits.

I feel thats what every might he trying to say when its kino, think of most of the new Marvel movies, they're all cookie cutter movies, the directing is unnoticable, the scripts are all safe. Its all skin deep.

At least Snyder is trying to something different, even if he kinda sucks sometimes.

>but its one of the best capeshits.

>ctrl+F "numale"
>Zero results
I'm proud of you Sup Forums

Come on, you know those rating dont equal its merit. The only other capeshit movies I would put above or equal to BvS is

>Spiderman trilogy
>Nolan Batman trilogy
>Man of Steel
>maybe Guardians of the Galaxy

I might be forgetting others

If you divorced the content of a movie from its direction, i doubt that 90% of TV could distinguish the directors.

With the exception of Snyder, Greengrass, Fincher and maybe a couple of others, there isn't really huge gaps in style. A lot is just in the kind of movies people choose.

Ironically enough I feel like Captain America does manage to get some. The end of The First Avenger with "I had a date.", the speech in Winter Soldier or when he keeps the helicopter from taking off in Civil War are very powerful scenes to me.

But the most memorable moment in any Marvel movie to me is probably the opening credits of Guardians of the Galaxy, with Chris Pratt dancing around the alien ruins while listening to his walkman, because that effectively sets the tone to the entire film.

I think the numale has a point.
>Spiderman trilogy
>Nolan Batman trilogy
Both become shit after rewatching, i'd put BvS above them.

Yeah Kurosawa movies are also full of actors performing against green screen video game GCI and Instagram filters that don't allow you to see shit.

Comedy is a fuck load easier.

You might be right, but Snyder has a pretty distinct direction style as opposed to other directors

From the intro alone I think many could peg it was Snyder. The slow-mo, the focusing on the gun, it has Snyder stamped all over it.


Just as I predicted

Unintelligent and brainless blogs now begin to repost this video, passing it on as some revelation.

Never mind that these people parroting the video literally have no idea what the guy really even means, or that its true or not. But its an easy opinion to parrot.

protip: if you believe this trash, you are literally the cancer of cinema

>the nerdwriter

What kind of jackass calls himself that?

And why is his definition of a moment based on vague, ephemeral bullshit?

Id say you have a point about spiderman 3 and tdkr, but the other are all pretty great. I just said the trilogy to save time on typing, and both have some redeeming qualities.

Agreed, Nolan's are surprisingly bad on Rewatch. They aren't aging well.

>they say that his characters lack motivation, well of course they do, because all character motivations are subservient to the films own motivation; to reach the next moment

how is this not a priori reasoning?

>bitching about the lack of time spent at x scenes

this is the same "pacing and editing" complaint that everyone else has made about it

This guy actually has a video called "Reddit is improving my life".

I'm just going to leave that there for you all to think about.

Mate this sums up how I think about the guy completely

comics dont tranlate well in movies, just enjoy the fun and dont pretend to add some 2deep4u bullshit like Snyder does

The problem with marvel movies are they are exactly how you would imagine them. They don't wow you in any way, or take you by surprise at all.

Every time I've come out of a marvel movie I've realized I didn't need to see it. I could have read the wiki plot and got the same experience, because everything in it is so standard and safe. Nothing resonates with you afterwards. It was the exact same problem with TFA

Say what you will about Man or Steal and BvS, but there's no way you predict those movies. Sure they have bits that don't quite work but they also have stuff that feels inspired. I feel like I would be missing the true experience of watching the film if I just read a plot summary.

Let's make one about how "Reddit is ruining my board".

Fuck me.
Why was BvS so good bros?


Because it's the best pleb filter we have

Nah man, all you need to do with Snyder movies is watch the trailers.
Because Snyder only really cares about the big bombastic spectacle but not the connective tissue that makes a movie a movie.

So yeah, Superman learning to fly seems like a great, uplifting and invigorating scene in the trailer, but when you watch Man of Steel it actually doesn't have that much of an impact, because it just kinda happens without much of a prelude or sense of accomplishment.

That's probably the first time I noticed the thing that jagoff in the video is talking about. A resounding feeling of: Wait, that's it?

I disagree

The fact of the matter is, no real intellectual would waste time doing an in depth critical analysis of something like fucking BvS. Probably wouldn't even fuck around with movies in general. Any time I see a video like this, it comes off as so disgustingly fake and self serving.

Who cares?

"My son really likes his little movies."

This meme YouTube criticism trend is getting out of hand

>I made a shitty student film and want to take my anger our on something successful so let me make up bullshit criticisms but articulate it semi-well so online autists can then take it as gospel

This is the shit that RLM has inspired.

Literally the death of film criticism and analysis.

And you're all fucking complicit for posting this shit.

there's some legit master degree people who have weighed in on it, don't have links at hand

This is the first video I have seen him bring up his student film (which he admits wasn't good). He has made many videos.

I think the difference between RLM and these newer reviewers is, aside from the prequel reviews, they are just some guys fucking around discussing films they watch. They often don't agree and argue which shows they aren't trying to "preach their intelligent analysis onto the stupid masses", but just have a passion for film and making funny shit to put on youtube.

By contrast these other reviewers are just announcing their shit out into the net. They never discuss it with another person, and if they have someone else on the show they always have the exact same opinion.

If there's that many people arguing about it, then it's worth an in depth critical analysis.

>Pacing and editing in quotes.
>As if they're unimportant

DCucks everyone.

>meme criticism.
>doesn't even look at the channel.

Don't watch his stuff often, but a brief browse shows that he does videos on everything. No one subject. Seems pretty short and to the point.

And no, BvS wasn't successful, if it even made a profit it wasn't much. Not to mention it was almost universally panned by critics and comic-fans. It was supposed to be one of the biggest movies of the summer and a huge tent pole for the franchise. It failed.

Pacing and editing were issues in the theatrical cut.

they are still issues in the dc as well.

along with every other issue.

All the dc did was connect the dots to it's dumb, terribly written story in the first half a little better. Which somehow made the 2nd half even dumber.

>Comedy is harder to do than Drama
Tyler Perry must seem like Shakespeare to you

>Tyler Perry

His plays were solid but his films couldn't capture that magic. Proving that user point retard.

>they are still issues in the dc as well

not really

anyone, he didn't add anything new