Invents written language

>invents written language

That'd be Sumeria

Nah they're too stupid for that

>discovered philosophy

feminize the arab male

durka durka put on your burka

Sumerians were not Arabs.

>ancient civilizations =/= modern demographics


they were semetic though
now KYS smelly arap

>they were semetic

implying that anyone here thinks only Jews and Arabs are Semites.

No they weren't you stupid b*rber.

That would be the Mayans, sir.

what you have against barbers m8?

you are telling me that it took humanity to travel all the way to central america to create a langauge? All the humans in Europe, Asia, Africa and the MIddle East were just flinging shit at rocks then?


did you mean to post the indian flag?

And haven't worked a day since.

fuck off nigger

Never knew bombs could talk

and your debt?

>invent written language
>can't read

I am unbombed at least

you sure about that?

pls no bomb islamist master