Best military field to go into?

Best military field to go into?
PsyOps/Civil affairs
Motor t
Aircraft maintenance

Infantry here, its boring as FUCK during peace time buddy.

With Trump having his finger on the missile launch button and the Russians having him on a short leash do you REALLY think this s a good time to join?

Choose a trade that you can transfer to civilian life

Worked Intel/comm. Go that route, best skill for transferring to the civilian life and you'll have the best living conditions.

What branch? Better be Air Force or Navy or you are getting screwed.

This is a great time to be in. Everyone and their dog that's in the military loves Trump. Actually the first time we've had a Commander in Chief that we believe in.

AC130 gunner

I was thinking psyops. They get to ride around with speakers.

What do you guys do during peacetime? More training I suppose?

The one where you're less likely to die for corrupt ways

Field ops, pt, classes, and fuck fuck games.


You gone through MEPS yet?

If you want to keep working Gov psyops ain't bad.

To be honest, go intel/comms bro. Both have huge markets right now and it's easy to get jobs with a military background in those fields.

I was super motto when I first joined, most people are. It burns you out quick though. Just find something that is marketable outside of it so once you finish your first term you can go join a job in the civilian world for more money and less hours. I've been working Network Security for a few diff small businesses since I've gotten out and it's been a great ride.

Military was the best thing that ever happened to me and they gave me a strong work ethic. Glad to be out though.

Dem a bunch of alcoholic retards

Anyone that recommends being an ac130 gunner has only seen it on Call of Duty.

Also everyones an alcoholic in the military. It's how we get by. Unless you actually have self-control. But good luck finding that!

Military service is for faggots that are just dying to take a big bite out of the propaganda shit sandwich.

op is always a massive fucking faggot

Ehh I joined because I was from a small town and wasn't a smart kid in high school. It was a way for me to get my GI Bill and pay for my own schooling so I didn't have to take money from my parents.

It helped me grow up a lot and taught me valuable skills.

Keep on keeping on though. Military wouldn't be as fun without the grovelers.

I mean am I the only one that sees PsyOps is theonly one you should go for. You learn to control shit with your mind dog. No Brainer.

At least during peacetime you get to fuck a bunch of crazy exotic hookers while on MEUs

If I could stay 21 forever I would never have left the infantry

>hate life all week doing stupid games or field ops, but bond over going through the suck with everyone
>workout everyday with the bros
>get fucked up all weekend (and some work nights)
>play Xbox all day when not doing shit
>barracks brawls
>shit on pogs because you hate your life more
>go home and everyone thinks you are saving the world even though all you have done is shitty MEUs

Most of it sucks, but some of the funniest shit you will ever see goes down when you are bored or pissed off.

I don't miss the corps, I miss the brothers

If you are west coast you know who this fuckhead barber is

How many moles do you think he's tried to chop off the heads of recruits?

All of them, he keeps the good ones in a jar under his pillow at night

If your trying to figure out what you want to do consider commo. One nice thing is that if you are in a job specialty that gets you in a signal unit chances are your going to get attached out to a bunch of different units. So while I work military telecoms for example I got to play with SF, arty, engineers, medical, aviation, infantry, mechanized, etc... because I got attached out to them at one point.

The only pog mos's grunts ever got jealous of were tank crewmen and enlisted flight crews (fucking door gunners)