How to combat feminism and AntiWhite facebook bullshit?

How to combat feminism and AntiWhite facebook bullshit?

By ignoring them.
They only want attention.

If dubs, ask if she's on her period

You're welcome.

This. Works best if you chuckle at them and ask them to make you a sandwich on their way back to the kitchen

>but that's RACIST


I usually just chuckle and ignore them.
They're wasting their own time, not mine.
I have better stuff to do. Like a job.

Any more like this?


Don't argue with irrational people, you can never win

Pic apart her statement by leaving an elaborate, sniding comment backed up by facts and statistics that says:



> Sees an opinion that's asenine and unrealistic
> Counters with an opinion that's asenine and unrealistic

kill them with sniper


It could be argued that we run everything but those organizations.

You mean Jews do?


Jews, the rich. What's the difference?

Well it would be important for people to mane distinctions between Jews and Whites to learn who the real privileged are and stop fucking blaming WHITE MEN for everything Jews do

was agreeing with her til she said white dude's can't do it.

fucking women i swear.


Thanks user, Makes me mad everytime I see this picture.

All this gender equality stuff, In simple terms I agree with complete equality, Which means I think a man should be able to choose to be a house husband while his wife does all the work, oh wait that would probably be sexist to women.

I have challenged many of the Feminazi's in my town, questioning the illogical dribblings while they froth at the mouth screaming "sexist pig" in my face for simply challenging them to an actual factual statistical discussion on the subject of equality.

I have discovered numerous times that by me going back as far as cave man and the roles of men and women then, I am still a sexist for saying that men naturally have more pysical ability than women (statistically), They would not accept the fact that men hunted while women cared for the young, to rub more salt in the feminazi's already salty wounds i explained how evident this is in nature and pack mentality, You know what I was told? "You made that up" I left at that point simply saying "One day when the world is at war once more, I hope to hear you then screaming for total equality, and then I would be happy to fight along side you."

but girls on the walking dead do all the stuff the men do and some are even more badd ass then the men!

Simple question, why must you label the different types of americans by continents? Are they not all just simply AMERICAN? I am English but part Irish too, yet I don't get labeled Irish English, it makes zero logical sense.

because its the PC way of labeling people by race.

>I hope to hear you then screaming for total equality

I guess that's all we can hope for, because the debate will never go anywhere and always devolve into personal attacks with PLENTY of cucked numales swooping in defending feminists and all the "progressive" ideology

You aint baiting me

It's good to remind them that "white" has variety

We whites actually vary more in ideology than women or any other race

I think it's about time we moved past this whole our 'gender, sexuality and race' is holding us back bullshit. Are women and minorities disproportionately discriminated against in comparison to white men? Sure. It is as common as people would have you believe? No. The real social issue that needs urgent attention is class discrimination. Regardedless of your sex, race or sexuality; poor people have it much worse than you and this will continue.

Aaaaand what exactly do Jews do that white people don't do.

Have an over-representation in Banking, law, Politics, education, universities, Hollywood, propaganda

They spread bullshit anti White propaganda everywhere to maintain a divisive nation and world that doesn't look at their banks and leaders causing all the world's problems?

Never stop saying this shit my guy.

ALL the world's problems? Like every single one?

OJ Simpson is the perfect example of how wealth and influence trumps all that oppression nonsense, and any white hobo can show you how his white privilege means fuck-all when he's begging for spare change to eat his first decent meal in a week.

It's the double standards that infuriates me, they scream equality yet often they cannot even see they themselves are being prejudice.

As to you picture it proves the point I was trying to make to said feminazi. I go mountaineering here in the UK, I run a local group for this. Woman are welcome in this group, they are given the exact same gear as the men have to carry, and these woman have my utmost respect for actually empowering themselves to the point they can be pysically equal to the men. They don't bitch about priviliged white males blaiming the current genation of white males for the actions of previous generations of males, no they get on with life and make what they can out of it.

do want

That's religion in general my boy.

Some artfag needs to draw a picture of a Handsome White Straight Cisgendered Neurotypical Healthy Male standing on top of a peak, with a bunch of trans, queer, female, black, etc. people yelling up at him from far down below...

...only for the next panel to zoom WAAAAYYYY the fuck out to show all of them at the top of a huge fucking mountain called "The First World", with tiny specks at the base labeled "The Third World"

Speck 1: "Do you hear something?"
Speck 2: "Other than my empty stomach?"

And then there's a sign pointing down at the ground that reads: "AFRICA: 1000 kilometers"

Well God damn checked

and kek'd this would be good

It never seems to be the strong females that are either great mothers or strong independent women. It's the sluts with a solar system of orbiters and fellow feminists all with degrees in sociology or art