Any medfags here? storm window dropped on my finger last night it turned purple and bled for awhile...

any medfags here? storm window dropped on my finger last night it turned purple and bled for awhile. had to go to work today so i couldnt go to a doc now the finger keeps oozing pus, bleeding randomly, (dark blood) and is throbbing, also smells a bit. How fucked am i what should i do?

Did you disinfect it?

Take a shit ton of hand sanitizer and smear it all over, let it sit for a minute, rinse and repeat. Keep it up until clear. Bone will fix itself if broken

ive soaked in peroxide and rubbing alchol

Hand sanitizer or vodka I can't afford hand sanitizer

wrap it up and quit being a bitch

i use handsanitizer and see if that helps. any idea what to do abt the purple shit under the nail

Residentfag here

OP, go to an urgent care and have them give you antibiotics. The last thing you want is to lose the finger.

First, is the finger numb? Can you move it at the knuckle? When you push the tip, does color return?

i can move it its just swollen , sore, n the like fluid underneath nail moves aroundnd if i touch it

OP here,

i decided it would be best to amputate my finger, so i tried to cut it off and i am now at hospital
thanks guys


The nail might fall out on its own, but go to the urgent care. Hopefully the nail matrix isn't injured so that it can grow back fully later.

You might need someone to aspirate it with a needle.

ive got like 5 or six amox 500s from when i got my wisdom teeth out do u think those will do the trick

Your finger is infected as fuck you dumbass. Listen to the medfag, you need antibiotics. If you're too poor for a clinic you can go to a pet store and get some fish tetracycline. Tastes like shit but is effective.

Time stamp

its not to poor. ill make a doctors appointment in morning tho thank you

real op here, thats bullshit hes trolling

real op here, hes just trolling with the amputeestuff

common shit. keep it clean, try not to bust it up more. it'll take a couple weeks of it being fucked up but it'll heal up. finger nail might come off. if the swelling gets bad enough you might Lance it with a needle.

Alright, it doesn't seem too bad though. Seems like the nail will just fall off and the finger might get infected if no antibiotics are taken

Wash it apply antiseptic and bandage it idiot, that's basic First Aid. That can cause blood poisoning if you don't clean it

ive washed with peroxide and alchol multiple times bruh

Then you definitely need some antibiotics. If you'd done it when you first got the wound you might have saved some money on a doctors visit

If the "pus" you're talking about is like a clear-ish yellow liquid then you're all good, thats some juice that I dont know the term for from your lymph nodes, it's an antiseptic essentially.

Keep it clean, if not bleeding try and keep it uncovered, maybe loosely bandage it just to protect it. If you're worried about blood poisoning, keep an eye on your surrounding veins, if they take on a darker, blackish color then you're fucked and should leg it to the ER, if not you're good.

Same guy

>It does not look infected at all
>Keep it clean and apply a loose bandages