How does he get away with it?

How does he get away with it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Trump actually making sense

wtf, I like Trump now

Wtf I hate germany now

He's all talk and no business.


I sometimes wish another European war happens and everyone suffers and hundreds of million die.
We don't deserve peace or anything good.

He's already introduced thousands of Bills in the last month and a half and introduced more executive orders than most presidents. He's the first president in my life to actually act one what he said he would during an election for better or for worse.

He's right tho.

he's oppressed minority(white male)

>says something incredibly obvious
>this is controversial
The state of the world we live in is depressing.

the reaction face was about trump's wiretapping joke. he literally cites fox news as evidence obama wiretapped him.

meanwhile irish PM bants the shit outta trump and praises "illegal irish immigrants".

>repealing everything Obama did

>He's the first president in my life to actually act one what he said he would during an election for better or for worse.
This is a funny meme. There's no wall being build, there's no replacement for the healthcare act, no new deal with Iran, no new deal for NATFA, no lower taxes, said he's not gonna "lock her up", no "defeating ISIS".

He's been in office for less than 2 months and has already introduced bills or executive orders addressing most of that.

he's actually fixing healthcare with a shittier, more expensive version of obamacare. he also gave banks more power and let more mining companies fuck up the environment without having to clean their shit up.

trump supporters are immune to evidence and logic, don't debate just accept.


shut it leaf

>already introduced bills or executive orders addressing most of that

lol ok

He's all business and silly talk.

>He's been in office for less than 2 months and has already introduced bills or executive orders addressing most of that.

>this alternative news


Really gets your noggin' joggin'

>trump supporters are immune to evidence and logic

How can someone be this based?

What evidence did you put forth?

b-but Trump isn't a warmonger, he care about the pepo, Shillary Killton is

he is looking at plans for the wall now after getting bids on price
healthcare is still being negotiated
fuck iran, at least he isn't giving them money like obama did
mexico has already agreed to renegotiate nafta
tax pan comes after healthcare reform
ISIS will be defeated

you're post is shit

>introduced more executive orders than most presidents
Yeah, because he knows his luke-warm ideas wouldn't pass any actual political system of checks and balances.

I can't produce evidence on the lack of bills and executive orders you claim exist.

No alliance with Russia still :((

Then why quote a post implying that you put forth facts or logic?

are you pretending to be retarded?

>he is looking at plans for the wall now after getting bids on price
There's no money for that wall in the budget.
>healthcare is still being negotiated
His party had years to prepare and has control of both chambers.
>fuck iran, at least he isn't giving them money like obama did
So nothing.
>mexico has already agreed to renegotiate nafta
So nothing.
>tax pan comes after healthcare reform
So nothing.
>ISIS will be defeated
So nothing.

What about the special prosecutor to lock Hillary up? What about ""

Ironic or not, this type of cringe posting is why Canadians get bullied

Answer the question, european.

actually his post was good and yours is bad

But he just stated a fact. Nobody have *rights* to come to your country, you just *allow* them in.

you know he has only been president 2 months now?

found a thread where all of your stupid posts will be shown to be shit, here you go boards.Sup

>There's no money for that wall in the budget.
[citation needed]

>His party had years to prepare and has control of both chambers.
Trump is not a republican, he just ran as one.

>>mexico has already agreed to renegotiate nafta
>>So nothing.

The exact opposite of nothing.

>What about the special prosecutor to lock Hillary up? What about ""
He said he wouldn't do that though.

You can't proof a lack of something. It's not a hard concept to grasp.

you can't prove nonexistence burger
the one who makes the claim of existence has to prove it

>you know he has only been president 2 months now?
Then stop claiming he has done SO MUCH.

>A leaf
>elected a substitute drama teacher because he promised to legalize weed
>never legalized weed but immediately sold all of their countries gold reserves and crashed the canadian dollar

Yeah I'll be sure to take political advice from a LEAF

The question was why you quoted a post that implied you were using facts or logic.

So why did you?

I'm not the one that posted that in this thread, but he has done a lot so far, the guy is a workaholic, he wakes up at 0400 to work, he works more than anybody in this thread

He's done about as much as he could at this point.

>the guy is a workaholic
No, he's not. He watches a shiton of cable shit tv and plays golf every week.

holy fuck, you're nuts, you work for cnn?

I'm out, fuck off retard

he has to wake up early to get his tweets in

Look at the time of the posts, you idiot. It's obviously two people.

>A burger
>elected a loud mouthed billionaire because he promised to "fight the establishment"
>never fought the establishment but immediately gave all secretary positions to his multimillionaire and billionaire friends and shifted tax funding from healthcare and education that empower people to achieve more in their lives and towards the military industrial complex


Am I supposed to be upset that he gave successful people jobs working for the people?

>socialist loser trying to divert attention from his leader demonstrating the power the EU has over you drones

>you're nuts
The time and topic of his tweets corresponds with the time a certain topic or person is discussed on tv. Also it's a fact he played golf at least half a dozen times since he became president. Those are, you know, actual facts.

guy tweets at 3am american time

the trump is such a workaholic

Immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than the ""native"" population

most of the time when he golfs it's over meetings with officials and foreign leaders. It's standard practice in the corporate world.

This entirely. Crooked politicians are the only ones who should hold political positions . Working your way in to success and wealth makes you objectively evil

It's about Trump promising he's gonna make the life of regular people better and then doing exactly the opposite.

How has he done the opposite?

Can you actually name some policies or things he's actually done rather than continually spouting vague social media-friendly platitudes? We don't have a vote system for posts here, this shit is meaningless.

It's pretty fucking obvious that he picked the secretaries for their relation and loyalty to him and not for their expertise in the field. The secretary of education is someone who donated money to fight public shools. The director of the EPA is someone who spent a lot of his lawyer career fighting the EPA. It's a fucking joke. It's almost like he's trying to destroy positions and agencies so that corporates have less resistance in their way. Good job at making America great again for the average American, you gullible fucking faggots.

Trump wasted more money on travel in his first month than Obama did in his first year, and he's still been going on vacations every weekend since then so he's done nothing to cut the rate at which he's throwing away taxpayer money.

>including niggers and spics in the native population

also immigrants in the past came in lower numbers and made a better effort to assimilate. It doesn't even make sense to pretend that they're an indicator of the behaviour of the modern waves of towelheads

one time, what is he doing on the course the rest of time?

1. By proposing a healthcare that will leave millions without healthcare and increasing the price for the rest
2. By cutting billions from the budgets of the departments of education, housing, labor, etc.

Yeah better vote for somebody that is actively financially controlled by them instead like you do. What a retarded fucking argument.

Less regulation is a good thing. Also you are kind of supporting my view, he took the best people that support what he wants to do from each field and employed them. I'll take that in contrast to what politicians do any day.


>Trump wasted more money on travel in his first month than Obama did in his first year
Is Melania still in Trump tower? Are you still paying half a million each day for her protection there?

Proposing an unfinished healthcare plan doesn't make anybody's life worse.

A lot of departments are over funded and over employed, or in the case of education need a complete overhaul.

I've come to the conclusion that anyone trying to make sense of Trump is more full of shit they he is himself.
Just let it play out. No one can guess what this dudes next move is. And that's what has so much of the establishment so butthurt. Because they can't play mind chess and get the upper hand like they usually do. He's too reactionary. The guy can go from signing an awesome trade deal with Oil barons to crunching the paper up and putting it in his mouth going "Nuuuh uuuuh" the next.
Trumps mind is hundred factors to take into account on it's own. Just let this shit play out.

I don't think you really understand his plans for healthcare or what it means for the average american. To be perfectly honest it sounds like you're just parroting a CNN headline or some tumblr post


good post desu

The nigga Obama loved golfing, it really shows he is a white man at heart


And what he wants to do is dismantle public services and hand out the ruins and voids that remain to private endeavors that provide less quality at a higher cost for someone's profit.

>that provide less quality
[citation desperately needed]

These posts never come with the context of the time. Obama wasn't doing a thing in office but was still taking vacations and playing golf. If Trump wasn't hauling ass to get things done I'd agree that it'd be hypocritical

And what are his plans for healthcare, and why exactly wouldn't you expect lesser coverage and higher prices from reverting Obamacare when that's exactly what it battled?

Name 1 golf outing that Trump has had since going into office that wasn't business related. Every single time he is golfing with another politician or representative to get to know them better. This is the only time he takes off and he is still working during it.

Hey, I mean its your country, but aren't you even slightly worried about the disasterous healthcare plan? Doesnt it trigger any red flag?

>8 years of liberals bitching about Bush golfing
>8 years of conservatives bitching about Obama golfing
>now this
Can we please fucking erase any mention of golf from the national political discourse, this irritates me to no fucking end as a moderate. I don't give a single flying fuck if the President golfs sometimes. Not a single one. SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT GOLF YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS. OVER A DECADE OF THIS SHIT NOW, FUCKING HELL.

Trump is so anti-establishment that he took his budget straight from those rebels at the Heritage Foundation

our healthcare was shit before the ACA and it's just as shit with the ACA, there were very very few things the ACA did to help people, it had more to do with coverage than cost, so the reality is the American making minimum wage got GARBAGE healthcare...shit that covered nothing but copays and doctor visits, no hospital or anything serious, all with high deducs

They can easily add in the coverage and VA benefits it had in a new bill that doesn't force businesses to sell people healthcare that is an absolute ripoff

Quality always declines when something operates for-profit with little to no competition. Public services don't have to pay shareholders, they can invest all their funds.

We already have a disastrous healthcare plan. I'm worried about the current plan eating up social security before my mother even retires.

He's probably 16 and doesn't pay taxes or need healthcare or anything now.

who fucking care though?
are you actually triggered about the President taking policy inspiration from think tanks or are you just trolling?
Would you rather go back to having Presidents who were actually part of them?

Quality always declines when the government takes control and regulates it. Especially anything to do with public service because the employees are bullet proof. That's why TSA members steal from citizens regularly and molest people and get off with no charges.

Because that's what Obamacare did in name, it didn't do anything. The type of healthcare plans it made companies offer are things that cost a fair amount of money and covered no hospital, for instance I went to the hospital while on healthcare with a retail company that had it before and will have it after ACA. It covered 0 dollars of hospital expenses, just copays and limited visits to a doctor

The hospital charged me over 4k dollars, my plan(the highest with the company) covered something like 3k, leaving me almost 2k that was luckily covered by the vastly superior option medicaid

Obamacare did very, very little besides make us buy the plans we didn't want before

Golfing becomes an issue when the president and his supporters claim he's working 24/7 but in fact he's spending a day every week on the course.

>turning Americans into full jar heads

>spends 1 day on the course
>being diplomatic with other countries representatives

But that is working for the president.

t. doesn't know what a jar head is


Irish, Italians, Greeks etc. all committed huge amounts of crime when they first migrated to the USA yet today they're no different from other white Americans in that regard. the Muslims North America gets seem to be on average decent immigrants as well, nothing like Europe's considering there's an ocean separating them and strict immigration procedures

and yes, blacks are more native in the USA than plenty of whites


>that is working for the president
He has been golfing 11 times in the last 8 weeks.
One time was with the Japanese PM, can you tell me who was he with the other 10 times?