Simple question looking for a simple answer

Simple question looking for a simple answer.

What is so bad about fentanyl and why do you not want in your opiates?

it is very easy to overdose and die on

k thanks.

It's not that people don't want it, it's just stupid strong and when it's mixed with other things you don't know proper dosage so you can OD extremely easily.


Lethal dose or something?

yea overdose amount

I was lucky to survive sucking down fentanyl lollipops not knowing what they were.

Damn bruv. Hospital time?

People like opiates and they want them. But fentanyl seems to be way too strong for most people

No I think it's showing amounts for equal effect

Fentanyl is retarded strong.

Nigga, you will die.

The thing about opiates is that you can only get SO high off of them before you just fucking pass out and your lungs shut down. Fentanyl is way too easy to hit that stage with.

Stick to Hydro/Oxy. If you want to get fucking wrecked more than that, chase those bitches with muscle relaxers like Soma, but don't go too hard on that combo, becuase the same shit will happen.

>Source: that's what I did to wind up in the fucking hospital on a respirator for a week. Shit is not cash bro... medical bills fucking suck.

>Stick to Hydro/Oxy. If you want to get fucking wrecked more than that, chase those bitches with muscle relaxers like Soma.

And then smoke a bowl. I've never combined these all at the same time, but I heard it is better than sex.

I could do without the weed.

Oxy and Soma is about as far as I go on that shit. I don't want to be unconscious, because that fucking wastes the high.

What dose of oxy and soma did you normally take?

it has a low dose range (easy to overdose)

people also overdose easily mainly because they're taking it out from patches and smoking/injecting it, plus it's not distributed over the gel/stuff inside evenly or something so hard to actually know the amount
and people say the high isn't that great compared to other opiates. like it doesn't last long if shooting/smoking

There's two answers to that question.

To actually enjoy it, I'd usually burn like 15mg oxy and half the average Soma, 125mg cardisoprol I think it is?

When I almost fucking died, I had 60mg oxy and 2 somas in me (500mg I think on the soma).

Side Note: I purposely used to do a dry week every 2 weeks and force withdrawal to keep my tolerance low so I didn't have to mortgage the house to get pills. Them bitches get expensive if you get a habit going.


I never had the balls to pull that shit from the patches.

What those patches ARE good for is keeping a good roll going. I used to pound way less pills if I had a patch on.

... was hard to get a hold of patches though, and then they changed them so they weren't jelly anymore because people were doing that fuck shit with them and dying.

No one told you that, you pretentious faggot.

Most opioid users don't want to muddy their high with weed.

No I was just stupid

The thought of hitting a strong indicia while peaking on 25mg hydro sounds orgasmic in itself.

I personally don't care about the hella finicky dosage of it, but its a lot shorter lasting than actual heroin so the only time I've ran into it in a cut I was more pissed that I was high for only 20 minutes baseline to baseline

what i would give for your low low tolerance

You know what I think? I think you've just learned some new words, you're on your mother's laptop, and thought getting on Sup Forums and talking about drugs is "cool".

Fuck off dude.

triple dubs don't lie

go to bed faggotAlso, never done opiates, just crack, cocaine and psychedelics, what should I expect?

Why does the idea of mixing weed and opioids bother you so much?


It's just the "better than sex" and "orgasmic" preteen shit combined with his ignorance and pretentiousness that's bothering me.

Philip Seymour Hoffman and Prince both Od'd because their heroin had fentanyl in it.

Yeah cuz most preteens say "better than sex" or even have a general knowledge of what sex feels like, let alone drugs.

Also, don't understand how I am being pretentious and ignorant. Care to explain?

It was clearly an exaggeration, buddy. I'll explain this cus I think you actually want to know and can appreciate that.

You sound ignorant because mixing opioids with weed is infamous with real users. And you sound pretentious because of your verbiage and obvious lack of knowledge on the subject.

Serious question, how old are you? Answer honestly I'm not gonna berate you for your age I'm legitimately curious

no, that's the amount it takes to overdose on both.

you know you got a piss weak argument right? taking focus off the original argument to his age?

piss weak.

Homie I was clearly making a secession there, I wasn't even arguing. Take your fuckin sperglord crap out of here.

Also, I'm 97% sure you're him. What I was doing was constructive criticism, there's no reason for you to be offended by me criticizing someone else.. especially when it's constructive

You're acting young again :/