So Symmetra is literally an autist

So Symmetra is literally an autist.

I finally understand why many players are using her.

Care to elaborate?

Blizzard has confirmed it.

Lulz, I play her a lot when I'm not forced to tank. Never knew she was retarded.

Then it just be true Lucio has AIDS

Blizzard has confirmed I would fuck an autist with a robot arm.

I dont know how to feel right now.

>people believing a random piece of paper OP could have made in Word and then signed himself

>people thinking that piece of paper is the only source, and not the comic referenced in that piece of paper

Its actually in the comics. Basic google mouth breather.

Jesus fuck, there's like five websites with this news story and the only thing they have as proof is this image. IS THERE ANY ACTUALLY PROOF?

>many players are using her
Huh? As far as I can tell, a lot of players avoid her.

Robot arm, basically a never get tired hand job dispenser.
If she is at the functioning end of the spectrum, you'd almost not notice it, she might just be a bit more literal in her way of thinking or speaking.

She's the new tank buster after the McCree nerf.

Could a nigga get an edit with her holding a snowflake
Shitd be appropriate a f

I wouldn't really be surprised if this is legit.

The Overwatch staff have a hard-on for diversity and representation, so why the hell not throw some mental afflictions in there too?

>enemy picks sym in competetive
>i pick winston

let them suffer even more after the next update with winston buff

Poor McCree.

So, this frame from the new comic and a shitty piece of paper anyone could have printed out on their own. Good job, guys. Expert sleuths, all of you.

>mfw Blizzard announces the niggest hero to be hiv positive

>2016 + 1
>Not maining our glorious and adorable chubby goddess

how is winston a counter to sym? serious. filthy casual here

OP didn't post the paper either

His weapon can steamroll her turrets, and he can jump out before her gun gets too powered up


Symm can 1v1 Winston easily. Her death beam is too OP.

jump right on her and fuck her up while lucios healing you. no probs here, even without lucio you could dmg her enough so your teammates can end it

after you're done jump back, get healed to full life and repeat
you don't 1v1 ever in a match. you're there to win, not to proof anything


>Symmetra walking home
>Sees burning apartment building
>People screaming for help as smoke billows out all windows
>Symmetra can't read the situation
> "...Y-Yes hello."
>Turns and walks away, slightly faster like Michael Cera in Superbad

>All these fags with shit taste in waifus

Her death beam takes a little while to charge up and become a proper death beam.

Winston will have fried her before then.

>Symmetra can't read the situation
> "...Y-Yes hello."

A burning building isn't a social interaction though.
It's a bad situation you can apply logic to. So if you had skills that could help in that situation, the logic thing would be to help somehow.

blizzard disgusts me with their shoehorning social justice into their game that's only about actual justice in the thinnest possible sense

Her only problem is her main weapon having massive reach and being able to kill anyone on a onevone situation that isn't mei, or reaper.

This. Since the announcement of WE WUZ INVINTERS AND SHIT character I'm getting tired of their SJW agenda. At least even before Tracer was announced to be a lesbian I got those vibes from here anyway.

>pick least liked hero
>say that she's autismo despite zero characteristics of autismo
>use 1 solitary, vague line from comic book as entirety of back up
>claim to be the most diverse game ever

Can't wait until they say that Roadhog is actually anerexic.

That is incorrect. The reason Winston is considered a hard counter is because he can get out of her range fast. Winson does shit damage against sheilds

You can't make anorexic characters.

That would be bodyshaming to fat people.

>roadhog anorexic


I managed to kill Winstone a bunch of times as symetra and symetra managed to kill me a lot of times as winstone.

The only reason why he is considered a "counter" is he can easily take out the mini turrets that a roadhog or pharah can

Literally not proof you could just print out a piece of paper and type that out

>zero characteristics
>literally her only characteristic is being obsessed with geometry and shapes

I agree that it's a stretch to have an autistic character but she totally seems rain man retarded to me.

If anything she'd be high functioning. And geometry obsession could simply be that her technology projects itself into geometric shapes based on logic patterns in the coding


pick one, also I think the retarded here are you, nigger.

could be, but could also be an indication of A Beautiful Mind.

Sorry but i want to fuck Sombra

>people care about the personal lives of fictional video game characters

That's actually normal here


Overwatch is already cheesy as fuck without its massive diversity.

Putting in a fuckton of totally different characters doesn't feel so wrong in this setting. It's obvious the game was made to be as "nice" as possible, despite all the fighting and violence.

You dumb fags know she isn't real, right? You can make her be whatever the fuck you want her to be.

Jesus, it's like people losing their shit because Tracer is a dyke. IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER. THEY ARENT REAL. Use your own imagination if you don't like what blizzard does.

Yup. People want characters with the same characteristics they have. If anything Sup Forums should rejoice at the new representation what with the autism.

>massive diversity.

Is Winstona reference to niggers or is him too smart to?

I'm autistic and autism is a form of retardation

her turrets have crap health, she only has 200 herself, and he can just shield himself from her beams while he fries her. even if she gets the jump on him, he can literally jump away from her beam before it gets warmed up.

Or not. She's not real, so anything you make up about her is just as true as anything Blizzard does.

Nice feet

That's a very convincing signature

>low function autist detected

I dunno, I used to think Samus was a badass, she didn't become less of a badass when I found out she was a chick.
But then she was embodying characteristics I wanted in myself, not characteristics I actually had.

>tired of their SJW agenda

Nigga what? There's a difference between making a diverse cast of characters and forcing diversity. Overwatch is actually doing the formal.

Anyone who had played Symmetry would know she was autistic as fuck.

Nah, he's...

I don't know what the fuck he is, actually.

A walking reference to Planet of the Apes, maybe? It being the far future and all.

>massive reach

why do people say this, she is a close quarters fighter. if she engages you, then yeah you have a long way to go to get away, but if you keep your distance from her, she can't do anything. People act like her gun is like widowmaker's or some shit

pharah is a hard counter for this exact reason.


muh nigga you have supreme tastes

Anything that doesnt push his Sup Forums agenda is automatically part of the sjw agenda

I couldn't give two shits about the race or ethnicity or gender of any characters either, but yeah it's probably because there are already so many white male superheroes out there and have been for like 70 years.

It probably is pretty lonely having very little or no representation in pop culture media. Never been in that position before.

So is anyone that plays a game with literally no point whatsoever.

he can get away pretty quickly before she can warm up her gun, and he can just plop down a shield that protects him from all angles.

she has to lure him out of his bubble and have turrets set up elsewhere or she's dead

Just from a practical approach you'd think a tesla gun would tear through shields, but instead they seem to do the opposite in this game.

honestly it's for balance purposes, she'd be way too strong otherwise

There are plenty of female heroes out there as well and they evened out in numbers with the male ones around the 70's. By the early 90's some hero teams were majority women, like for x-men for example.
Just because someone has an ideology and claims they are not represented, doesn't actually mean that that is so.
If the people complaining about this were actually into the things they were criticizing, they would know that things are pretty even in comics, games, DnD and other such under fire hobbies.

like x-men for example*

Pal no one is really that bothered by it. You seem unreasonably angry

>People want characters with the same characteristics they have
I've never understood how this logic came into being.

It's like when feminists say women want to be independent and to live without men.

What research lead to this conclusion? People never say.

When I play as a character, I just want to play as a badass who wrecks shit left and right. Because that's fun gameplay.
Doesn't matter if it's a nigger or a chick or whatever else you might think of. That's completely secondary.

not so sure about that.

outside of the prince of persia games, i don't really know of any AAA titles that feature a middle eastern lead.

Nigger will you stfu no one cares were well aware she's not real. God damn are you sure you don't have autism too

Women are getting way more representation today than men. Stfu ya dumb

she has more reach than winston and that's too much

This, so much this.

No brain no aim, you must be symmetra main

I agree there have been plenty of women around in comics and stuff for a long time, but like almost none of them acted like anything better than a cardboard cutout until fairly recently. X-men did a really great job making everyone seem like people with their own thoughts and feelings, but characters like wonder woman just felt like filler until the early 2000s.

Sounds like more people in the middle east needs to make video games then. People make games the games that they want, with characters they find cool. Expecting them to cater to what other people find cool is stifling their creativity.

>what I want should be the same as what everyone wants

It's not a new concept that people like fictional characters with similar traits as them. It allows people to see part of them self within the character and care more about the character. This is why comic book superheroes arent very diverse. They're designed to allow your common autist to see something of them self within the heroes personality, and therefore connect with the character more closely.

people make the games*
That's more of a difference in good writing and bad writing in my opinion. Depending on the writer, superman is either a boring superjesus or an interesting man with extraordinary powers.

i think people really want an immersive experience, and being able to relate to your character through other means than just the story the game tells you means alot for people. Especially those who feel like they are misrepresented or underrepresented in most other forms of media.

that also may be true, but this game was built to cater to many nationalities and creeds. i mean the summer games, and the Chinese New Year were events in the game

she also has less health, and no movement abilities

>blue ink signature

No yeah I agree they are. The last 10 years have been pretty good at producing female characters in stuff who are appealing as characters. I kinda meant before that.

Like I said, it doesn't matter to me what the diversity is. I just like a cool character. The alternative is just more 6-foot-something dudes with different abilities so why not roll the random generator to make it more visually interesting?

I don't even know what you're complaining about anymore. Are you saying overwatch is at fault because they didn't make their middle eastern characters the central protagonists

i wasn't complaining about anything. i was just explaining why someone might care that there is a middle eastern character in a game more than someone else. that's all

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against this game catering to many nationalities and creeds, if that is what the game makers want, cool.
I'm just saying that it shouldn't be something people are forced to do when making a game.
Duke Nukem wouldn't be the game it was if the main character wasn't a ultra macho womanizer, who solves everything with weapons. His character is funny because he wouldn't fit into the real world.

>That's more of a difference in good writing and bad writing in my opinion

Definitely. I'm just saying if we can tell that they're shitty characters just thrown in to appease a demographic, that demographic can sure as shit probably tell too.

I don't think anyone forced blizz to make Liberalwatch. Me thinks they made it so "diverse" because they recognized it to be the raising trend and knew they'd be able to milk the cow the same way the milk any cows they can

It's not a new concept because people keep bringing it up like a mantra.

What made creators realize this in the first place? A study?

At this point people just praise diverse games and other media just for being diverse. Nobody ever says "Hey, I can relate to this character! He's just like me!" People just say "Hey, now there's someone who resembles X group! How nice."

If you remember before hero limits the best team was lucio lucio winston winston tracer tracer, so basically blizzard stopped the game from being a cuckfest.

Props to blizzard.

that's fair, but i wasn't arguing for the people wanting to shoehorn diversity in every game, i was just pointing out why someone would want it.

this is pretty much it. now, if someone were to claim Duke Nukem should have been black, then that's where i have a problem.

lol jesus christ step back and imagine how boring the game would be without a difference in the characters. You're complaining because a character in something is slightly off from the norm and that makes it a liberal thing?

But that demographic was "people who are into comics and who care about writing and art" or at least it should have been, because those are the people who consistently buys comics.
If they are pandering to some other group with sexy titties lol, fans would recognize it and criticize it.
Well there we agree, as long as they keep up on their quality gameplay, it isn't a big issue for me though.
I didn't think you were, I was just bringing up a point of why it can be good to be wary about it.

I feel like you'd make a stronger argument if all of your points weren't just anecdotes.

I'm asking a question that isn't getting answered.

No lmao are you actually retarded? I'm just saying that blizz made the characters so wildly different because they knew diversity was the big thing and that alot of people would buy into it because of that.

And you're saying the game would be boring without a diverse roster? Because Counter Strike and Call of Duty clearly invalidate that argument.

The only forced diversity in the game is them changing Lucio from Canadian to Brazilian.

Of course, that could just be because game studios all hate Canada.