You have 48 hours alone with her in a large hotel room, you have any sex toy, lube and drugs at your disposal

You have 48 hours alone with her in a large hotel room, you have any sex toy, lube and drugs at your disposal.

She wants to get fucked silly and is willing to try anything, what do you do to her?

I would piss in her face and tell her to get the fuck out because I want to masturbate

Nothing, let her do whatever she wants, I'm gay.
Does she have a feminine penis? If yes then the the situation changes at 180.

these threads are cringe af you lonely teenage spergs

i wasnt the one who created it you dumb cuck. i just commented in a way that should tell op to do something worthwhile with his time.

and now I amwasting time here omg

>look mom i posted a le meme on that deep site I told you about hehe xD

like browsing b?

are her lips real?

Fuck her really hard from behind and right when she starts to cum, I slit her throat

Have sex with her and then play video games for the rest of the 47h 50m.

my heart would stop beating before i could touch her cuz i replayed the scarface cocaine scene

I'd give her something to eat.

cervix insertions

Whats her name?

First kill
Then rape

Not the other way around.


I'd do the same
Slit her troath, start fucking and when I cum she left her body. I pumped the life out of it.

Could I include the girl from in the mix?

Ignore its enough of what these disgusting bitches want. I ain't giving anyone shit

put it in her bum


Make her check these dubs.

pull each of her teeth out because they were too bright and it gives me a headache, then I fuck the apparatus in the toilet that makes it flush

>asking other people what they'd do
How do you get any arousal out of that?

teach her the ways of Jesus Christ