>In Political Science class

>>In Political Science class
>>About to drop it
>>dubz Tell me what questions to ask

get your dick out and start smacking your table with it

is it true that the other half of hitler's mustache was glued onto his single testicle?

Not a question faggot

why is men better then woman?

Do you like nigger monster cock?

Nothing else?
Sup Forums you disappoint me

Is me homosexual bad?

why do I get such an hard feeling in my pant at the morning?

If American ask what the teacher think is the reason behind the wage gap lie.

Close to trips, reroll

close one

Why are niggers allowed to live

You ever realize how you can't spell "class" without "ass?"
Then moon your professor

is it good?

Why do the jews hate us?


when is it okay to grab a pussy?

Sweet jess do this

Ask prof. what his kinks are

I third this



What are your thoughts on Operation Condor?

If we annex Canada and mexico can we rename our country to the united continent of kek

were you not smart enough to get a degree in a real science?






He told me he's not familiar with it and is it related to the current topic. You suck user


ding ding ding we have a winrar

Are you gonna say this now? You better

Why did Hitler do nothing wrong?

Why are the Jews the cause of the every world event

Influence of pharmaceutical enterprises in the latest elections since 2003, including Briston Myers Squibb, Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline and other.

He acted like he didn't fully hear me and said "Yes, Political Science is considered a real science. Don't worry about."

Influence of pharmaceutical enterprises in the latest elections since 2003, including Briston Myers Squibb, Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline and others..

Influence of pharmaceutical enterprises in the latest elections since 2003, including Briston Myers Squibb, Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline and others. ..

If a woodchuck could chuck wood, how far would a woodchuck chuck wood?

Influence of pharmaceutical enterprises in the latest elections since 2003, including Briston Myers Squibb, Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline and others :D


That's not a question fag

Yay! Finally dubs!

Another EXTREMELY FUNNY QUESTION. What does your professor think about the film 'Inside Job' and what is his point of view about the role of universities in the legitimation of desregulatory finances. :D

Please OP ask your professor about this

no its fuckin stupid

What was the influence of pharmaceutical enterprises (like Briston Myers Squibb, Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, etc) in the latest elections since 2003?

Reroll for frikkin dubs


No, honor my demands, OP.

Two dubs, OP. Do it.

Start dropping science on them bout those Jews

two WIN-RARs in a row

Stand up and say:

"Do you want me to shoot down the campus, or what?"

And then storm out from class.


which party more sympathizes with the Nazis: Republicans or Democrats?

follow up with "thanks, now I know who to vote for."

perfectly ambiguous.


Rolling for




The European Parliament, whose members are democratically elected, is completely cucked by the European Comission, which is appointed by members of the governments of the member states - is this way of governance not completely built on illegitimacy, as the Commission is not democratically elected? And if so, what does this tell us about technocracy as a system of governance and are there any parallels between the EU system and that of China - such as the possibility of authoritarian state capitalism rising in democratic countries, in the hopes of emulating their successes?

How do I find the circumference of a circle when provided a triangle with only one angle and one side?

why is your teacher of politics a shitkid? How don't they know of operation condor?

// C'mon OP, I did it twice

rolling for all 3




OP - first tell me what the lecture is currently about. Would like to at least make the roll sort of relevant.


Pedantic, but effective

rolling for "At least tell me what this lecture is about then. All I hear is incoherent nonsense right now sir."

and follow up with "just kidding, I'm have an aneurysm"

pledge alliance to ISIS




Most do it feggit

so now you have to ask followed by shouting "DUBS"

What is Obama's last name?

dubs squared


do you have to phrase them as questions?
"I'm having an aneurysm?"

Does it take 18 months for twins to be made?

Do it


We have a winner, and it is good!

well, that is what op asked for.

op likely wont be able to deliver as the authorities will have him taken out of class if he tries to deliver

Why don't my Galaxy get an iOS update?

God Damnit

Thred is dedding becuase professor won't answer any more of OP's questions
