What's your opinion on Xavier?

What's your opinion on Xavier?

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>trash, but the right kind of trash

I didn't know this show existed until a few months ago when a friend showed it to me, was drunk as an Australian on St. Patrick's Day in the Czech Republic.

I adored it though. The quips, the malapropisms. The sheer douchebaggery of the main character.
Superjail tier awesome.

I think it's really funny and well written even tho I understand it isn't for everybody.

One of my favorite gags is when a virus glitches a town out and you can see a guy stuck whipping some birds repeatedly.

Also, whoever does the voice for Xavier deserves a fucking award.

The single greatest stream-of-consciousness and wordplay ever broadcast over the telewaves.

Sports sports sports sports!

Do you believe in God?

It reminds me a lot of Silent Hill. I wonder if they were inspired by the cheesy uneasy cutscenes


oh yeah, provide him with a fresh rectum

Maybe shitty CGI is easy to fast produce

definitely not for everyone, i have it on dvd and put it on in the back garage when im workin out. my favorite episode is actually the one with all the fan videos, Damnesia Vu


I watched the season 1 finale while tripping balls on 3 tabs of acid. was one of the most incredible things I've ever seen.

Its some of the best shit I've ever seen.

The sheer crafted (well-crafted) stupidity.

I just want to know what doth life

it's a direct reference to 90s videogame cutscene melodrama, especially RE/SH and Final Fantasy stuff

We don't cotton to freaks 'round these parts.

that shit took time, effort, and artistry though

simply epic :D

This series does more for me sober than inebriated, but that's true for literally everything so. It really doesn't lend itself to repeated viewing, either.

>You may have scored checkmate, but this is a game of Chinese Checkers

The first time I ever saw this show was in high school at 3am the first time I ever did LSD on my own. I was convinced I was just tripping balls and the show was a lot more normal and then it turns out I wasn't that high

simply epic :D

this. and it also works as a good pleb filter

but some of its conventions in time became funny

>face zooming
>the soulless look of it
>the whole dreamy aspect of early 3d
>weird, disconnected voice acting
>stilted animation, mannequin look

it was amazing at the time, but it looks so unfinished today that it becomes funny