Can we please talk about this movie?

Can we please talk about this movie?

What did you think about it?

I personally really loved the premise; angelic/alien type powers granted to a fallible group of teens.

It's inspiring, at least for me. Call me a fucking crackhead if you want, but can you even really begin to imagine the magnificence of what we'd be capable of in thousands of years from now?
Doesn't that excited anyone?Things we would only to be able to call divine or alien or inexplicable at this point in time, but an eventuality of our progression nonetheless.

>what if all "over-the-top" movies are real
>the effects videos are the worlds greatest illusion and we're actually watching different realities combine

A thing that got to me was when Matt talked about Platos' mention of strict realities finding it near impossible to conceptualize the idea of "better" when they aren't exposed at all to anything beyond their strict view. Which was essentially the purpose of the movie, I would say.

Also, notice the eye in the clouds.

The 3 friends act as a trinity.

The ending leaves so much room for interpretation of what could be and it just fuels my imagination and if this isn't the divine purpose for film then idk what is

Is this true, pure cape-kino disguising as pseudo-cape-kino?

Your movies suck Max, kill yourself.

Your dad's a murderer.

Sorry if the typos annoy anyone or if this movie and general movie concept annoys as well

Such as Push, Looper, Carrie, Jumper, I love em so much, they're really putting the idea of the "impossible" out there and anything is truly a possibility

I really like this movie and want to talk to people that may have liked it too

It's just a movie dude calm down

I enjoyed seeing a live adaptation of the last 20 minutes of Akira though

It was the worst movie I've ever seen.

But wouldn't you say that there are catalysts to certain scientific concepts in all forms of art?
Not really just a movie then...

Yes but this movie isn't nearly important or influential enough for it to have any effect on anything

Kind of a rip off of Akira.

But why then doesn't this line of fiction evoke more passion for the "impossible"?
Why do we only talk about what's directly in front of us or near us, but what possibly comes after it most assume to be complete nonsense and rubbish?

What would it take for a sci-fi movie to evoke a more ardent passion from people for what's beyond just what's in front of them in a way that revolutionizes our way of thinking into a much more open one?

Dr. Stranges approach?

Go to bed Max.

I don't even hate you like a lot of the other guys here do, but come on man.

Your movie bombed, and you just gotta live with it.

I really liked it

I liked it but its already pretty dated. I don't like home video style movies but I liked the idea. The end was cool but I think it would have been better if he went ham for the whole second half instead of 10 minutes at the end

>I personally really loved the premise; angelic/alien type powers granted to a fallible group of teens.
What's it like to be 12?

That would have been interesting.

>1000% profit

What's it like to have no imagination towards or fun with concepts that will eventually exist?

You're the same type of person who would try to ridicule people when talking about the possibility of War of the Worlds or ideas transferred from book or script to movie.
You have nothing to offer to society, just your inflated self-worth and need to cling to your "b-but m-muh reality".

Science, technology, and math are rabbit holes that we haven't even scraped the surface of.

Your type don't advance or revolutionize anything in the world and that's an obvious fact. No revolutionary dismisses possibility.

Jeezus Christ Max maybe you should have been a scientist, engineer or mathematician instead of riding on your dads coattails then.

This meme doesn't really work for Max.

>Your type don't advance or revolutionize anything in the world and that's an obvious fact. No revolutionary dismisses possibility.
I'd like to see you point out one thing capeshit fans brought to the world.

Are you seriously trying to say nepotism doesn't exist in the film industry or...?

The premise was kind of hackneyed to be honest and the guy screaming "I'm an apex predator!" at the end was a really corny way to end it.

The direction was good though, probably one of the 3 found footage films in history that is actually tolerable

Since this is a "max shills to save his reputation" episode, let's look at his meltdown on reddit a few days ago

The ideas behind them.

That's not what I was saying. Don't misinterpret to try and start shit.

But even then, nepotism exists for a reason. Of course those who have been considered quality will want to help friends and the people close to them since they'd be more open to emulating and learning more aspects of their own quality and the general idea of it and further their respective craft with a deeper passion given the deeper intimacy.
Add to that, you really think they just give away these jobs and the publicity to close people with NO actual talent? Shit don't fly. Talent is subjective, of course, but to a degree.

OP is a fucking crackhead.

Didn't even finish reading OPs useless post but isn't this essentially Misfits? Which was abysmal in itself. Can't imagine what a pardner interpretation of the premise woul be like.

>lol teenagers get superpowers lol shaky cam found footage lmoa
Its shit and that is a fact. Let guest your other favourite films. Maze runner, hunger games, divergent, am I close?

it's just a movie about an abused child acting out, but with superpowers. i don't know where you're getting all this new age/singularity shit from but it's not in the movie. the movie just uses a handful of generic genre elements to exaggerate\literalize basic drama. you could throw all the s-f stuff out and have it end in a school shooting and it would be basically the same movie.

No. I listed my favorites already.

All those are normal people, extraordinary technology; pretty lame.

It wouldn't be the same movie because the idea, the concept that we are potentially capable of much more than what a gun alone can do wouldn't be there.

>the concept that we are potentially capable of much more than what a gun alone can do

But where was that in the film? They did the generic "ah man, we could use our powers for good" spiel, but none of it was ever acted on.

The only real person who actually talked and then acted on how powers could change people was the guy mumbling about apex predators, and he did exactly what a gun could do.

I don't know where you're pulling this subtext from, but none of this was in the film

It's lame considering how all the resources funding the "super cool advanced robot technology" could be more suited to transhumanism and beyond. Never watched Divergent, though, but it just seems like ordinary people in an civilization which is simply just more advanced technologically.

I can see how being told your dad is so adroit at taking out VC dinks that he makes LRRP look amateur might be annoying

but you can't act like there weren't massive safety breaches on that film set

People notice different things, haven't you noticed?

I'm talking about the idea that sparks in some peoples heads who see a movie and go like "oh shit, how do I make this a reality".
Seemingly nobody here, though.
Most of you just talk about movies over and over and over again without caring for the concepts or interest in the fields that most relate to it.

I'm positive not everybody here is that way, though and that's why I made the thread.

what? the movie explicitly shows you they got the powers from touching an alien artifact or whatever. the empowerment comes from the outside. it's basically an abused child growing up and realizing his own capacity for violence and the intoxication of having control over other people's lives. it's all exactly like being handed a gun, just exaggerated via sci-fi. look at what he does when he needs money: he tries awkwardly to hold up a store. like a kid with a gun.

Yo, attacking him is pretty fucked all things considered - he has my sympathy
There is light at the end of the tunnel for those who endure it and don't give in to darkness

... Not everybody attributes one thing so simplistically to another thing. Most.
The idea that we can do more is beyond just a rock, it's behind the machinations of the rock, not the rock itself. Machinations which are all a possibility and can be reached more than one way.

It went downhill once the sperg went evil just because he threw up on some girl he was trying to have sex with.

This, what the fuck was that about, it was so dumb, especially, since the black jock bro told him not to worry about it, since she was just some random slut. The fucking autist went full REEE

Yeah, but the kid had other stressors on top of him, too. Abusive father, dying mother, bullied at school, essentially friendless before the rock - not really adept at social situations as a result.

I suppose it is like a high-school shootermovie in a sense, but the premise that's given is much more imaginative and thought-provoking.

If you don't see how "superhumans" are thought-provoking in movies then what do you think the main goal of science is to make us? Does none of you see how these movies inspire kids to want to delve into all the rabbit holes to help this transpire? All I see most act like is "hurrrr durrr muh capeshit", but do you not consider the idea that Terminator solidified into our culture?
They're more than just movies for entertainment.

what's happening here is that you've failed to comprehend a fairly simple movie on its own terms and instead delved head first into fantasy. you have no understanding of the straightforward plot and themes, but you fixate on the incidental sci-fi content "becoming real". it's like you were being told a fairy tale but, failing to grasp the moral lesson, you instead started fantasizing about future technology turning you into the big bad wolf. it's all pretty embarrassing to be honest.

>They're more than just movies for entertainment.

i agree! they deserve a certain level of respect, for example they deserve to be interpreted based on their actual form and content, as opposed to projecting random singularity fantasies onto them like what you've been doing in this thread.

I actually believe max is posting here.

here as in Sup Forums or here as in this thread. i'd buy the former but not the latter

I'm starting to think you actually are max

>Not Everybody... Most.
Lol can't even follow your own sentence.

>do you really think they just give away those jobs and publicity to people with NO talent?

Have you seen movies lately? I think this post confirms that you are Max, you're displaying some truly Landissian mental gymnastics to justify nepotism.

i'm not a huge fan of him or anything but he's nowhere as stupid as that user

Just because you're stuck in "reality" doesn't mean believing in the possibility of fantasy becoming reality is stupid.

I'll continue posting, you people really don't get it, all you're doing is watching Sup Forums and not getting inspired to do jack-shit, but watch more Sup Forums.

There's nothing wrong with that sentence and even if there were, what damage does it do?
Most of this particular board is quite ignorant, jeez, I can now rest assured that most of you are rejects with no concept of theory or imagination in your little heads so you resort to only watch Sup Forums, never make it, never be a part of making it, never anything even close. Just repost memes made by a select few.

>if it can be filmed, it can be made a reality

Righteousness laughs while all you idiot wicked circle-jerkers are going to be more than late to the party.

Some of you are cool tho

Akira rip off

>Just because you're stuck in "reality" doesn't mean believing in the possibility of fantasy becoming reality is stupid.

i'm not saying you're stupid because you believe in the singularity, lots of relatively intelligent people buy into dumb belief systems. i'm saying you're stupid because you're unable to coherently argue the meaning of a straightforward movie. that plus your vague sense of superiority makes you a grade-a moron.

What the fuck yo, I'm not the one directly insulting people. You're acting like everyone who came into this thread deserved to be treated as a saint.
I reacted accordingly to how they reacted towards me.
The same way people have different interpretations of a painting and its meaning, the same goes for a movie and music lyrics and video games. Just because an artist defines his own painting doesn't mean that others have to define it in the same manner.
You're the one who feels he's superior by ironically touting "you can't see the basic meaning".
Meaning isn't that basic when it comes to all forms of art.

I really liked the movie. Would watch again

For you

"it's just my opinion!" is what stupid people say when they feel threatened. let me recap the conversation for you.

my interpretation of the movie chronicle is that it's about an abused child acting out when given a gun. i have provided examples from the movie to back this up.

your interpretation, as far as i can piece it together from your incoherent posting, is that the movie serves as john the baptist for the coming glory of the singularity. you have provided no evidence of this from the film and seem to be offended by the very notion of having to present arguments.

no real discussion can occur unless you start making coherent statements about the actual movie instead of waving your arms around and complaining that people just don't understand poor old you. it's your own responsibility to communicate.

And I even agreed further on that it is that, but it's more as well.
People don't always conceptualize the same things and ideas when they see movies or any form of art as I said and when they do, they certainly don't see it at the exact same level without proper discussion. I don't understand what you don't get.

You really make it seem like all you're really looking for is for some senseless banter to boost your ego by this boards standard of discussion by insult and trying to demean even when I've explained myself time and time again on the concept and the great underlying questions that arise from more extravagant films, which in turn, inspire due to their nature.
I understand why your reading comprehension is at an all time low when you spend most of your time on a board with very little actual discussion and mostly mainly trying to overpower or devalue anothers view or perspective.
Especially more so when it becomes clear that you really only watch Sup Forums and hardly read at all.

I'm beyond done with you, not even going to bother trying to put some sense into your head or bother reading what you consider putting-forth quality.
Your posts are garbage, your attitude is garbage, your idea of "meaning" is exactly what the movie is trying to show when certain people aren't able to let their perspective broaden because they remain in a strict framework and so the magnificence of the world becomes unattainable to them.

10/10 idiot. I'll read whatever you call a proper response if you come up with one, but don't expect an answer.

>not going to bother reading
>I'll read

Needed more Neo-Tokyo and motorcycle gangs desu familia