I hope you guy's have a nice weekend!

I hope you guy's have a nice weekend!

You too

ty my dude

Thanks :) I hope you do too

No probs my man

thanks mateorni

Oh shit a platypus thread again! Haven't seen one of these in a little while. Actually learned a lot last time I was in one of these.

u 2

2 u

Im very alone,but i appreciate it fam.

thanks bro.
also what is that? some weird kind of fish?

Nice double dubs. But you have trillions of microscopic germs etc. on you, so you're not alone.

It's a type. But it's considered an Ornithorhynchus. Like a duck

That pic wierds me out I would never hold a platypus bare handed they're venomous as shit.

same op


Same as to you

And so to you as unto them are to me.

Damn that's deep

I'm working Saturday and Sunday
So, no

What's you're job it can't be that bad.

Aw sorry man, I hope you get a break soon.

thats sucks user, hope you get some time off

y-you too!

Ya'll nice I appreciate my thread being friendly

Nothing special, I'm a grunt
Overnight stock at a Kroger
Shift is 23:00-07:30
Thanks anons, enjoy your weekends

Shit mate sorry to hear you working on the weekend be safe while you work.


Your dog is ugly

Remember to leave the pallet jackets raised when you unload them, it's corporate policy

Witty cunt

Actually the night crew manager deals with unloading the trucks
I deal with pulling apart the pallets
Thanks though

Thanks dude
May you drown in pussy for years to come

Me too waking up for work at six sucks balls

>wake up at 7pm
>make breakfast
>drink coffee and relax
>exercise and go into work
>leave work at 7:30pm
>go to gym and get home by around 9:30
>put dinner in oven while I hastily shower
>eat dinner and sleep
>wake up

Unloading the jacks, not the trucks.
> love how no one at Kroger knows shit about safety around heavy equipment

I know common sense
It doesn't take a surgeon to safely operate a pallet jack
Don't be a pretentious cunt

Thanks user

Fuck off, Krogerite. I've been in Krogers more than once during the night shift, walked around the store and seen a half dozen stockers unloading full pallets in the aisles, and every single one was raised. That's the kind of thing that should get people fired. Common sense is pretty uncommon.

This was such a pleasant thread...

Oh know my thread please calm down sir/maddam

What a nice polite-apus you are! ^_^

I liked what you did there!

Thanks platypus you too!

Then don't call people cunts. It's really pretty simple, jackass

Lmao let's generalize every single Kroger nationwide

Thanks, buddy! You, too!

I was joking, it was bee so I thought you knew
I'm sorry

I dig the duck puppy fam.

Hope your shit's tight too nigga.


You seem like a massive cunt

Learn what "generalize" means. I gave a specific example, I never said "every single Kroger nationwide". That dumbassery is yours.
> not to mention the OP provided another example of complete cluelessness

Thanks nigga higga glad you's doin crackin lackin

What? Because I responded in kind, on Sup Forums? I didn't start it. It's fucks you like you name call without any provocation that are the problem.

I'm not sure how "pretentious cunt" could ever come across as a joke

Different sense of humor, I'm sorry I wouldn't do it next time I'm truly sorry

You too mein reddit fag

>wake up 6 every day
>pale face red eyes
>two cups of toker fuel coffie
>try to start shit car
>10 minsdrive to work
>get there early browse Sup Forums on phone in cig shelter
>walk into factory
>leave 12 hours after
>feel like a corpse
>get home have a joint to numb the shittyness I call work sleep

Chow Mein?

Jackass..? Cunt..? Name this and introduce as an insult!

>thinking op is the one who called you a pretentious cunt
Holy shit you're retarded too
I would probably kill myself, what's the factory if you don't mind me asking?

Fuck off
There's always one sad fuck to try and ruin things
Also using a forklift or counterbalance is not that easy with tards walking behind you and drivers busting your ass for not loading /unloading on time

It's cool then.

Fuck you asshole I hope someone you love dies a horrible death in front of you

That's Azathoth, the dick vagina monster that burbles and squirts at the center of infinity.

Follow the chain of replies, retard

Yeah, forklifts are dangerous especially when clueless people just wander onto the warehouse floor. Jacks, too, because people underestimate them.

Well, that's very nice of you thanks.

That wouldn't be an insult I'd take that name if the gov allowed

You, too man. Go'bless ye.

You too

Also I'm going to bread. I hope all of you little platapusses slay some pussy/dick what ever you want. And have a great day/night