How old is she again?

How old is she again?


enough old

why does it matter? not like you have a chance with her

About this old...


the right age for this DICK

What are they feeding these kids?

doesnt matter - she's been tainted by nigger dick. this mud shark is ugly to me



padded bras

that cash me outside girl? whats her snapchat

Bump for sc

isnt she at least 16? She was 13 when she was on tv, but that was a few years ago

literally have to wait another 3 years for her sex tape

she's 14

she's a fucking whore, that's what she is

>sex tape
video isn't recorded on tape any more, Grandpa

That wasn't a few years ago retard.


Cash me in jail how bout dat

what the fuck


do you wake up knowing youre going to be cancer, or do you reach the decision during the day?


there should be a Karmic law against her using the word "Real"


is that her?

no way thats real?

Because is not

cant find anything on image search

fuck dude thats convincing

Underrated post

it can't be hee u dumb ass retarded niggas

Black man cum.