Hey Sup Forums I need help. In month i will turn 18 and I can't stand my family

Hey Sup Forums I need help. In month i will turn 18 and I can't stand my family.
My question is, can I runaway and leave my parents house a day before I turn 18?

2 edgy 4 me



You can run away now if you have money.

Thats one helluva selfish thing to do without good reason.

Nno I can't

Why the fuck not?

I was sexually and physically abused by them. Is that reason enough?

murder all family become an hero

Because I live in a state where I can not

Anddddd yourrrrr outta hereeeeeeee!!!!!

Do you have a job?

No, but I am I am getting shipped off to the army a week after I turn 18


so you dont wanna be in army? thats the real reason

Your parents are forcing you or something?

I do want to be in the army, but I also want to cut off all ties with my family


Is it full time?


So? What's the point in running away 1 day before then? Sign up for the army at 18 and then don't talk to them again.

Its complicated. Long story short, their faces makes me sick and I am tired of seeing them. If I leave early I can sneak in some of paper work that I need to avoid trouble (from other stuff)

Murder family be an hero


Enjoy your vacation faggot. I hope you get raped and beaten by your parents.

What's your income? can you save it? can you get a government handout? can you SAVE that? What are your talents? What are your interests/hobbies? Could you make money off of any of them? could you try to make it without having that soul crushing defeatist return?
I'm in the same boat. My family abused me in so many ways. They stole like $500k off of my compensation payout from when I was hit by a car as a kid. They destroyed me emotionally, physically, sexually and financially. On top of which I think they are serial killers.

I'm a musician. I write lyrics. Currently trying to write myself out of this hole once and for all.

I was once your age in your situation. I can tell you the urge to run is phenomenal.

Hear me out.

Have a shower, get a pencil and paper. Write down how you think you can make a living from what you can do. If it makes sense do it. Ignore their invites to anything from parties to celebrations. Grind your nose to the grindstone and set yourself free.