Why do white people eat such nasty food?

Why do white people eat such nasty food?
ITT: Gross shit white people eat.

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Hey rabbit's pretty fucking good man.

I am a white person and I can confirm I eat the unborn fetuses of rabbits everyday.

"White people"

What would you consider a dish in your land, the foot of a human or an empty plate?



j'adore le lapin à la moutarde

What's nasty about a butchered carcass?

What do you think your chicken looks like before you batter and fry it?


Yeah why cant they eat normal food like us?

He looks so content.

Casse-toi grenouille

Chicken doesn't come from poor murdered animals.

its smiling

As a pig owner, I can confirm they always look pretty content.

Niggers eat chittlerlings. Im going to stop this thread before it even starts. There is nothing more disgusting and vile and niggers love the shit like its a plate of lobster. If you wanted to catch a white person in a trap place a steak of filet mingon medium rare. If you want to catch a nigger place a bucket full of fucking chitterlings and watch them run at it from the hills.

It comes from poor murdered birds.

Where the hell do you think meat COMES from?

it is an unpopular opinion on here but eating meat in general is disgusting. I haven't had any in years and i am thriving. eating dead animals used to be necessary but it isn't any longer.

so white people dont eat bacon or pork chops?

>implying gooks are white people

Sans la moutarde svp

says someone who drinsk grapesoda and coolaid

You're quite a bit more likely to find that in an Asian market. Good try, though, I guess.

Properly prepared offal is great, you nigger.


I do agree that meat is no longer a necessity to the human diet, however, I still eat meat, but only meat I've raised myself.

why do niggers smell so bad?

les grenouilles au beurre à l'aïl c'est excellent

white men love eating black dick = FACT

sleep tight piggy

that is definitely preferable to factory farms and what not. What kind of stuff are you raising?

Most blacks don't eat chitlins, and white people use animal intestines in dishes also.

Grape Koop-aide is the shit.

At least white people discard the head and organs. Find me a latino country where they aren't compelled to eat the head meat and entrails.

Protip: you can't


you have not even seen what us slanteyes eat

Chicken is made of soy, you cow murderer

Eating any type of meat is gross if you want to be real about it.

Mostly chickens and geese. I was doing pigs, but when I realized how smart and intuitive they are I stopped. The meat texture is different than farm raised (gamier) but the flavor of home-grown food is unrivaled.


At least we have something to eat


>hurr durr i iz a clevur troll

Thanks, I had no idea what that was. I hear it is pretty good.

I really just can't get over how stupid this example is. Ask the next five people you see if they've ever tried rabbit before, and it's pretty damn likely none of them will say they have. Besides that, anyone that eats meat has eaten a dead animal. So, I guess by your logic, the only people that aren't 'gross' are Indians, but everyone knows Indian food is foul as shit. You really didn't think this through at all, did you?

Pic related, this guy almost became food until he saved my livestock from coyotes

>french are not white people

In France it is very common to buy whole animals, not selected cuts. This is a rabbit, so they just leave the head on. If you think that's gross, then you shouldn't eat meat at all.

Also, the head is pretty great in a stew.

Oui. Avec des lardons aussi

The premise of that show was so dumb

Never said it was gross, I've enjoyed menudo as well as machaca. This thread is about "gross things white people eat" when I can assure you most whites don't have that refined of a pallette.

I do, but it doesn't mean I don't think it's uncivilized or worth mentioning.


Veux tu également une omelette ? Avec du fromage ?

TBH, a nice fresh rabbit is a low fat healthy piece of meat. Your problem if you can't deal with food when it's raw.

You know what's REALLY gross? All that fast food shit people eat. Now THAT is disgusting. Pic related.

Niggs plz go

What's that?

Lol fucking white people invented fried chicken


>eating animal flesh

Well yeah, actually. It was the Scottish.

No it was African look it up

rabbit is pretty normal food, the only odd thing about that example is that for some reason whoever prepared that left the head on and on top of that the eyes intact? i've never encountered something like that before.

I did, it was the Scots.

"The first dish known to have been deep fried was fritters, which were popular in the Middle Ages. However, it was the Scottish who were the first Europeans to deep fry their chicken in fat (though without seasoning). Meanwhile, a number of West African peoples had traditions of seasoned fried chicken (though battering and cooking the chicken in palm oil). Scottish frying techniques and West African seasoning techniques were combined by enslaved Africans and African-Americans in the American South." - Wikipedia

filename, oh the retardation.

Black people it fried pig intestines so shut up nigger

I guess you missed the west African part.


So blind people can hate them too.

I've done more research, and can find no specific dates for either area. So as far as I can tell, the development of the cuisine (if you call it that) was parallel.

So ok, West Africa had it and so did the Scots. So both white AND black. At the same time.

At least the West Africans figured out that seasoning it was tastier.

We eat this in minnesota

as a french i allways learned that if we let the head of a rabbit is to make sure it's not cat...

eat your cat in your country

had a friend from nebraska introduce us to chili on cinnamon rolls.
sounded weird, but was actually good.

I suck black cock. Is that nasty?

looks like grilled tofu


Chili and cinnamon are a very good combination if the chili isn't too dominant.



like nigs would tip anyway

Goddamn you fuckers are salty as hell. There's always threads about making fun of nigs, gooks, jews, and literally everyone else, and everyone joins in on the fun.

But the moment someone makes fun of white culture thread ends up being nothing but "NO U!"

Geez, you fuckers need to calm down, get off your high horse, and learn to laugh at yourselves. Shit.
And this is coming from a white dude in Texas.

>that german heritage

What would that look like?

You forgot to call us all virgin cucks or something.

Says the nigger who eats fish heads and garlic

White people are racist as fuck. Every day a new white on black police brutality video

Clearly OP hasn't been Africa or Asia to see the really weird shit...

I'm not alt-right. Not in the least. Although most would consider me racist I guess but whatever.
All I'm saying is you need to learn to laugh at yourself else you'll have a very sad life indeed. Trust me.

...what are you talking about? What would I look like? If so: a normal white guy.

I more object to the idea that raw rabbit is "gross food".

Every culture has gross food. Ludafisk, Blood Pudding, Haggis, Casu Marzu, Balut, Khash, Jing Leed, Spam.

I find heavily processed food WAY grosser than fresh food made from fresh ingredients. No matter WHAT culture.

I agree. white people are gross as fuck! pic related

>nigger detected

Why do faggots keep reposting shitty threads
I know you're a pussy, user, but hamburgers don't grow on trees. Someone skins the animal :^)


What would laughing at yourself look like? What you're seeing here is turnabout. Does laughing at yourself preclude a shot back?

Food industry insider here, the only gross stuff is the processed stuff.

If it looks like a scary dismembered animal it's good to eat.

Am I missing something?

That is a pig; it's 30,000 yen, which is equivalent to $300.

>300 dollars
Good thing I'm vegetarian.

I completely agree the processed food is gross. That said, I eat it because I'm poor and here in America a soda is legit cheaper than water (tap water tastes awful and in certain areas is so hard/alkalized that it ruins coffee pots, toilets, and stuff that uses tap water).
Also, I understand why we use processed food full of preservatives: A) Capitalism (obviously), B) with such a large population companies have to make sure that food will keep long enough for it to be sold. We already waste too much.

I also agree with you that things like rabbit (and foods like it) aren't gross. What makes it different than pig or cow, or guinea pig.

You are a ignorant, mister


That food chain is a little inaccurate my guy, where'd you get it? CNN?

Uhm we don't eat that.

Why do non-white people make such assumptions like these?

What it looks like is admitting that some things you do are ridiculous and not being a whiny butthurt middleschool faggot about jokes at your expense.