Fag OP deleted the previous thread

fag OP deleted the previous thread

Marcel Heße

>failed to commit suicide twice
>killed a kid with 52 stabs
>killed a manbeast with 68 stabs
>turned himself in to police with a sack of onions on him

Other urls found in this thread:





vid? all links are blocked..


btw nice quads

Fags I feel scared looking at this shit
And I seen a lot of gore on liveleak and I'm only 19

clearly the people he killed deserved it.

Marcel, is that you?

okay Leute, außnahmsweise kein Kid hier, hab mich länger nicht auf solchen Foren aufgehalten, aber die Psychologie ist ez. Also, jedem sollte klar sein, dass es eine Lüge ist, dass der Kollege ihn verhaften lassen wollte, und er deshalb umgebracht wurde (vllt doch, da Autist). Er wurde im Schlaf getötet (deshalb die blutige Matratze) und somit hatte marcel genug zeit, um mit den Leuten zu komminizieren und Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen. Nur noch zu klären ist:1: wieso hatte er einen Sack voll Zwiebeln in der Hand (vllt zur Tarnung) und 2: was sind das für Zeichen auf den Blättern :thinking:


Who the fuck is that.

point 2 has been cleared up since monday, the onion thing can be that he put it in his jacket pocket to help with the smell of dead beast in the appartment

The kid is known in the hood as a Lot Dog. Vicious fuck if you ask me.

>op's friend suicidal
>he kil
>no he
>9 yo kid and ffatty granny
>he in prison

fuck him....

white trash rapper called Lot Dog, got arrested a month ago

point 2 has been cleared up since monday

what is it?


now this guy is in prison

Woher hast du das Bild?

lel, where are you getting this? looks an awful lot like him

it's simply his name in some japanese dialect

Marcel Heße, he killed his 9 y/o neighbor because he had no friends had no job and didnt want to work and didnt got accepted into bundeswehr. he then texted his friend and sent pics that got posted on /b, after that he ran to his autistic friend and hid there. his friend found out about the child murder and (maybe?) confronted him and ended up killed too. after two days of hiding with the second body he gone to a fast food place and said " pls call the police, they're searching for me"

be careful who you call ugly in middle school

meh giving much fame to pussies like this one...

>looks an awful lot like him
no shit sherloc why do you think he posted it



where is the video

back to summer newfag

real op ded?

More private pics of that poor creature

real op was his friend, i think his name is Keanu and hes black.. at least thats what i read in one thread that seemed legit. he did call the police and got questioned. b

anyone got the full name or social media accounts of second victim Christopher W?


>anyone got the full name or social media accounts of second victim Christopher W?

I think his full name was Christopher Wolf. Can't confirm though...

gee i wonder who posted this

Where's the video from the darkweb guys?

me too

nice quads and I predict this guy is a pedo


has to be, found him on facebook. looks gothic as media said. has the catpicture that some bild doofus posted

Was für ein elendigendes Stück Scheiße, hoffentlich nehmen die Leute im Knast ihn auseinander

Can't find him

FB: /christopher.wolf.1650
idk. hair looks diffrent and he looks slimmer but the cat pic and the name fits + media said its a goth dude and an autist..

zu 1: möglicherweise als deepweb-anspielung (onion-network)

What exactly did the video show?

Bei welchem Foto hat er denn nen Sack zwiebeln in der Hand

Thanks mate. yeah, hmm... but I guess it must be him

Just looked at the comments on his pics. It is him.

noice quads why a sack of onions ?
Also why did trump just gave mexico 900 thousand dollars in equipment?

also he allegedly reported a fire, but why is this not in cnn or something ?

also found his sisters profile /michaela.wolf.5876

yes it is him

because cnn got most of the shit wrong

profile says its his mother

it's his mother

oh lol, well... mother, then

he actually looks like a nice/cool person, as far as autistic memehead lets him be cool

Islam allows it




What a fucking loser. Turks and North Africans in German prison will make him their bitch.

Salami Lit Owls

was hoping someone would just type because it is fake news SAD!
didnt even seen it in fark weird.

Double double dubs checked

german media all reported about the fire

2nd victim in better days

Sandy hesse, the sister
is her facebook header a pic with marcel?

Turns out 2 victim had autism

Forget it; it doesn't exist...

Nothing. It doesn't exist...

what a faggot

Then why does every news report mention a video? Or at least pics?

are you sure? and no this isn't marcel on her fb header

the same reason they report about the "darkweb" they dont understand it at all. they thought there is a video because you guys posted and asked about it.


Wtf so this guy was posting right after he killed 2 people


Is Marcel posting tonight ?

But there are photos with time stamps...

so? doesnt prove there is a vid.

Can you prove there wasn't? Because according to every account I've read he posted a video online and bragged about it, along with photos. The person who alerted the police saw the video.


so why did every fuckin photo he took end up online but no vid? not even screenshots of a vid? you know why? trolls. trolls and idiots. there was no vid.
media got trolled they even searched for the dog.

What dog?

lurk moar..
some Sup Forumstard trolled the media by posting his dog and a timestamp with the caption "what should i do?" media swalloed the bait, thought it was hesse. a few houres later the dude came back and posted that everyone got trolled. media reported and asked for hints about the dog


maybe hes still on the run,what do you think?

The Goose is on the Loose.

Sup Forums is ok with this but loses its shit when some OP asked for non nude pics of faces of little girls

brutally slaughtering children = fine
undressing them = the worst thing in the world


Its how these Americucks are programmed. Don't judge them its hard for them to think for themselves


Soo, marcel himself has no facebook?


Well, he did state he wanted to enjoy "jail-life". I guess he wanted to become a meme before Janusz, Onur, Achmed, Radko and Helmut take care of his scrawny ass.

You guys, enough with the 4's.

It's never enough