What would the planet look like if Hitler had won the WW2?

what would the planet look like if Hitler had won the WW2?

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Did you get upset because this fell off the page user?

No sandniggers.
Therefore, good.


Yes mien nigger.

absolutely fucking perfect

everyone would have the best vehicle ever built.

Exactly the same.

Something like this.

Even the King of the Jews says Hitler didn't want to kill any jews just expel them!


Imperial Japan was one of the worst societies in human history. The millions they murdered and the ways they did it is fucking mindblowing. Australians (the whites/humans) would have all been murdered in the worst ways imaginable had Britain/The USA not won.

I don't give a shit. Most whites are traitors (defined as not wanting every nonwhite on the planet dead up through breeding with nonwhites). I realized this and no longer care.

my ancestors are white and from england so alot better

Eourope is shit isn't it?

I wouldn't be alive because my grandpa was a bomber for America

he never had a problem with muslim

*As long as they weren't in Europe

how can you tell? they not like the kike

What did your brave grandpa do to deserve a grandson that browse Sup Forums all day?

They smell

Well first of all the environment probably wouldn't be going to shit since the unified government would probably realize what was going on, formulate a long term plan and execute without bureaucratic bullshit

Plus there would be a lot more blond/red hair blue eyed people running around, which is great for me since I have a ginger fetish

and stupid jobs like sales associate or manager wouldn't exist, so people might be actually doing work instead of browsing the internet all day doing nothing

Jews wouldn't run the entire world from New York/London

No nukes would've been dropped except for on Africa which wouldn't have really changed much at this point

The world wouldn't revolve around money

No basketball americans running around making other basketball americans not trying hard in school or at anything

Finally end all religious arguments when the big special walk around box gets destroyed and all the sand niggers lose their minds

Nobody would have ever seen Rosie O-Donnells face. Ever.

there would still be two genders

science and tech would be used for useful things and not iphones so every white slut can send the world nudes

the list goes on honestly

Made Germany Great Again!

If he won we would have beer, pure aryan girls and no niggers.

Great list.

Better space program with an all Aryan Mars Colony likely up and running by the current year!

Yea i wonder that myself.


Sandniggers=wiped out
Americans=gone or cucked

Would have been a great world!


>forgetting how the us-nazi relations were
>forgetting the US nazi party
>forgetting Time's Man of the Year
and so on. The US would have been the Nazi party 2.0 in the New World.